Tag Archive for Specialized

LA’s repeated Winter Bike to Work fail, Specialized donates to fire relief, and Handlebar Happy Hour in Culver City

Day 48 of LA’s Vision Zero failure to end traffic deaths by 2025. 


Happy President’s Day!

Or as most non-government workers call it, Monday. 


Colorado marked Winter Bike to Work Day on Friday, including in my frosty, bike-friendly hometown.

Yet for some unexplained reason, we can’t manage to encourage people to commute by bicycle here in Southern California in any month with more than three letters. Even though our weather is a helluva lot more conducive to it.

Then again, we barely manage to mark May’s Bike to Work Day any more. Or Bike Anywhere Day, or whatever the hell you want to call it.

Maybe because getting more non-regular riders out on bikes only calls attention to our appalling lack of safe, connected bikeways, aside from a handful of cities like Long Beach and Santa Monica.

Which, by coincidence, just happen to be among the few cities that still make more than a token effort at marking the May Bike to Work Day.

So maybe I should stop complaining about not doing it twice a year, and just hope someone will get back to putting a little effort into just doing it once.


Buy a new bike directly from California-based Specialized this week, and they’ll donate $100 to fire relief efforts in the LA area.


Bike Culver City hosts a Handlebar Happy Hour this Thursday. Which isn’t exactly a Winter Bike to Work Day, but it’s a start.


The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.

Velo considers why cities are ripping out bike lanes, and what you can do about. Besides moving to another city with leadership that doesn’t have its collective head up its collective…well, you get it. Read it on MSN if the magazine blocks you. 

No surprise here. A new survey shows most British drivers falsely believe bicyclists are required to ride single file, next to the curb — and a third think they shouldn’t have equal rights on the road.

But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.

A blind London man complains, justifiably, about bicyclists and ebike riders who zoom past on the streets and sidewalks with no warning. Seriously, if you see a cane or service dog, slow the eff down already. 

A 22-year old Irish man walked without a day behind bars for an “appalling” road rage attack on a motorist, after he picked up his bicycle and threw it at the other man as they argued over who had the right-of-way; the judge gave him a three-month suspended sentence. And no, he’s no relation, as far as I know. Although that Irish temper sounds familiar. 



UCLA campus cops busted a man riding a bicycle in an early morning traffic stop several blocks off campus, arresting him as a felon in possession of pepper spray, as well as meth, Xanax and drug paraphernalia.

A Valencia letter writer who apparently has an exceptionally low car says the city’s new bike lane “paddles” — an apparent reference to plastic bollards — impairs sightlines at the intersection, making it difficult to see other cars. Even though most cars are big and kinda hard to miss, and bollards are usually small and far below eye level from the driver’s seat.



Sunnyvale’s plan to build protected bike lanes has stalled because the city can’t figure out how to keep them clean or pay for a street cleaner to do the job.

A new safety feature on Tesla’s Model Y and 3 vehicles — which are still built in Palo Alto, despite the HQ’s move to Texas — prevents anyone from opening a door if something is too close, like someone on a bicycle, for instance. Thanks to Bernard Bogard for the heads-up. 

Megan Lynch forwards news that a mudslide has shut down the Solano Bikeway above eastbound Interstate 80 outside of Vallejo.



Singletracks wants to know if you’ve ever bought counterfeit bicycle components.

An Oregon man got his “one-of-a-kind” bicycle back because he had installed an AirTag on it, after police traced it to a home where they could see it and another bike through the front window, arresting two men illegally squatting inside.

In a bizarre case, a Washington state man died from sepsis in jail on New Years Eve, after suffering an abdominal injury in a bicycle crash two days before his arrest.

The husband of a bike-riding Washington woman killed by a DEA agent who ran a stop sign, with no emergency or exigent circumstances, says that’s like playing Russian roulette with the public’s safety.

New Mexico lawmakers are working to improve safety for bike riders by advancing a bill allowing them to treat stop signs as yields; Nevada is considering a similar bill, too. Something our current governor has vetoed twice. 

Speaking of New Mexico, a reformed road cyclist considers the local state of bicycling, and suggests that everyone should get an ebike.

That’s more like it. An Illinois man was sentenced to 17 years behind bars for killing a man riding a bicycle while stoned on drugs. All of which could have been avoided by just not getting behind the wheel after taking controlled substances. 

Bicycling relates a bikepacking trip along America’s longest multiuse trail network, New York’s Empire State Trail. But you’ll have to subscribe to read this one if you don’t have any freebies left.



Bike Radar says if you really want the best bike for your money, build it yourself.

Fun. The same high-vis you wear to make yourself more visible to human drivers can make you invisible to their car’s automatic braking systems.

Momentum marked Valentines Day by highlighting the five most romantic bicycling cities. None of which is Los Angeles, needless to say.

Tragic news from Mexico, where a 27-year old bicycling influencer fell to his death while trying to mountain bike down a volcano, after hitting his head and losing consciousness at over 16,000 feet.

A British Columbia police watchdog concluded that a Canadian Mountie did nothing wrong when a man riding a bicycle was killed when he fled from a traffic stop and was struck by a semi-driver moments later.

That’s more like it. A bikeshare firm in Waterloo, Ontario will be adding on-demand handcycles and adult tricycles to their offerings this year. Thanks again to Megan Lynch. 

India’s sports minister urges everyone, but especially young people, to commute by bicycle by listing six ways it improves health.

A new Chinese study examines “the spatial heterogeneity effects of street environmental factors on the preference for sports and leisure cycling paths across different street types,” as the abstract offers a similar word salad to conclude that the factors that influence where bicyclists ride are exactly what you would have guessed. `

Legislators in Australia’s New South Wales are considering allowing ebikes and e-scooters on sidewalks, but limiting speeds to 18 mph.


Competitive Cycling

Evidently, birds of a feather really do stick together, as fellow former dopers Lance Armstrong and Jan Ullrich will ride together in Germany at Ullrich’s May bicycling festival.


That feeling when you’re mistaken for being homeless while riding your $5,000 bicycle not far from your multi-million dollar home. Or when a real Hollywood star inspires an iconic fictional bike ride.

And no, you shouldn’t just wrap your broken carbon frame in duct tape and ride it anyway.


Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.

Oh, and fuck Putin. 

Rule change could ban bikes from streets, Garcetti distracted by shiny flying object, and $25k reward in Specialized bike thefts

Just six days left in the 6th Annual BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive!

Thanks to everyone who’s given so far for their generous donations to help keep all the best bike news and advocacy coming your way every day. 

For everyone else, what are you waiting for?

Time’s running out! Give to the BikinginLA Holiday Fund Drive today!

And come back after 10:30 this morning for a guest post by Phillip Young that could improve your chances of being seen on the road.



If a proposed Federal Highway Administration rule change goes into effect, you could be banned from riding on any street without bike lanes or signage.

Jonathan Maus of Bike Portland writes that a phrase explicitly stating that the absence of bike infrastructure doesn’t mean bikes aren’t allowed is in danger of being changed to say just the opposite.

Image from FHWA website via bikeportland.org

He writes that the change is buried in a major update to the massive Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the Federal Highway Administration on Friday and posted to the Federal Register on Monday.

This change, which has proposed under the Trump administration but will be finalized in the Biden administration — has set off shockwaves in the bicycle advocacy world. It was first pointed out on Twitter this afternoon by League of American Bicyclists Policy Director Ken McLeod.

Reached on the phone from his office in Washington D.C. a few minutes ago, McLeod said the change is so surprising it “seems like a mistake”. “But at same time,” he added, “Why we you trust that it’s a typo? I think we need to treat this seriously and as real.”

Even if it were a mistake, if it wasn’t caught by McLeod it would have likely ended up as binding federal law. The MUTCD is supposed to be updated every 3-4 years, but it’s taken 10 years for this update to happen. That led McLeod to say, if this was done in error, “It could take a long time to fix.”

Let’s hope it really is a mistake.

And not one more last-minute rule change slipped in by the outgoing Trump administration.


It’s going to be a long two years.

That’s how much time is left in LA Mayor Eric Garcetti’s final term, after the mayor was apparently snubbed by the Biden administration, despite rumors he was a prime candidate for a cabinet-level position.

Because instead refocusing on the city’s long forgotten Mobility Plan, the failed Vision Zero program or the mayor’s own Green New Deal that promised to change how Angelenos get around, he’s shifted his attention to this shiny object — a proposed flying taxi service, which will benefit only those rich enough to use it.

And allow the wealthy to zoom over LA’s clogged and deadly streets, while the rest of us are forced to slog it out down here on the ground.


Mike Wilkinson forward news that Lakewood is taking comments on a new master plan that would impact Rynerson Park, an important access point for the San Gabriel River Trail.


Specialized is offering a $25,000 reward to recover the bicycles, many of them one of a kind, that were stolen from their Morgan Hill CA headquarters over the weekend.

The thieves made off with $160,000 dollars worth of prototypes, race-winning bikes and personal bicycles belonging to employees that were on display in the building.

Anyone with information can call Morgan Hill Police Department Cpl. Mindy Zen at 669/253-4917 or the department’s anonymous tip line at 408/947-7867.


A virtual memorial ride will be held on Zwift tomorrow to honor the five Las Vegas bicyclists killed by an alleged meth-addled truck driver.

The ride is being hosted by a former Vegas police officer who was on the ride at the time of the crash.

You can read the story on Yahoo if Bicycling blocks you out.


This is why you should register your bike with Bike Index.

It’s free. It lasts a lifetime. It’s transferable. It’s used by the LAPD.

And it works.


Everyone needs a bike day every now and then.

Even him.




No news is good news, right? 



Streetsblog explains what to do if you’ve been victimized by the driver of an illegally modified pickup rolling coal.

A San Jacinto bike rider suffered major trauma to both legs when he was struck by an alleged drunk driver early Thursday morning; he was hospitalized in serious but stable condition.

San Francisco considers dropping the speed limit to 20 mph in the city’s deadly Tenderloin District. Or better yet, why not the entire city?

Bay Area advocates complain that a new $6 million bike and pedestrian access tube in Alameda would be just as useless as the one it’s supposed to replace.

A planned Ripon bike path is being threatened by habitat for a rare threatened species of beetle.



Yes, there is haircare hope for Black bike riders. Again, read it on Yahoo if Bicycling blocks you out.

The Verge tries out Harley Davidson’s new ebikes, and likes just about everything but the price. Meanwhile, New Atlas looks at ebike makers who did things differently this year.

Moving piece from Singletracks, as an Idaho man takes to his mountain bike to ride through grief over the death of his sister. I did the same thing on my roadie after my dad’s death, and again with my mother and both my in-laws; there’s something about riding that allows you to process loss in ways you can’t otherwise. Or I couldn’t, anyway.

They get it. Missoula, Montana is considering a plan to reduce speed limits on residential streets to 20 mph to prevent crashes and reduce their severity. Meanwhile, Los Angeles and other California cities continue to let drivers push speed limits ever higher thanks to the deadly 85th Percentile Law.

Texas Monthly talks with Austin bespoke bikemaker Nao Tomli.

‘Tis the season. A Texas investigative reporter helps out a family in need with nearly $2,000 in gifts, including bikes for all the kids.

‘Tis the season too. An Ohio group donates 24 bicycles to boys victimized by domestic violence, despite being shut down most of this year.

New York bike advocates complain that many of the city’s bike lanes are too wide, inviting people to drive or park in them; the city’s sanitation department wants the wide widths to accommodate their garbage trucks and snow plows.

Streetsblog New York says the NYPD’s bike safety tweets would make a pretty good comedy routine. Except they’re not funny.

New York continues to experience Vision Zero in reverse, as the city’s streets keep getting deadlier, despite earlier progress.

The family of a Florida bike rider call for lights to be installed on a Jacksonville bridge after an 18-year old boy hit a wall when the sidewalk ended, flipping him over; sadly, his body wasn’t found until a week later.



This year’s bicycle shortage could just be foreshadowing even worse supply problems next year.

A writer for Treehugger says her only regret in trading the family car for a cargo bike was not doing it sooner.

The founder of British bikeshare firm Beryl writes that bikeshare can help drive gender parity in bicycling.

A UK bike nonprofit urges local councils to be brave in the face of angry opposition to active transportation projects.

A fact-checking site says not so fast about that survey showing Brits ready to dump the Conservatives in anger over bike lanes.

The British manufacturer of the illegally overpowered electric trail motorcycle Simon Cowell was riding when he broke his back says it’s not their fault he cranked the throttle too far.


Competitive Cycling

Belgium’s Woot van Aert won the Crystal Bicycle award as the country’s best cyclist.



You gotta love a new high-end aero bike inspired by The Clash. Where to catch a draft in a bike race.

And that feeling when your latest object of lust was built in the ’90s.

No, the 1890s.


Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a damn mask, already. 

Morning Links: Rough week for LA bike riders, Streetsie Award celebration, and more sexist bike marketing

Last week was a rough one for LA area cyclists.

Santa Monica police are looking for the hit-and-run driver who rear-ended a bike rider on Ocean Avenue last Wednesday; anyone with information is urged to call Traffic Investigator Jason Olson at 310/458-8954.

An 82-year old cyclist from Marina del Rey was seriously injured when he was hit by a car in Palos Verdes Estates on Friday.

And a bike rider suffered major injuries when he was hit by a UPS truck turning into a driveway in Baldwin Park Friday evening.


Streetsblog will honor two of their 2015 Streetsie Award winners this Thursday, Santa Monica’s Cyclehop/Hulu for the Breeze bikeshare program, and CA Assemblymember Richard Bloom.


Specialized builds the bike of the future, sort of.

Yet that doesn’t seem to be the only thing they specialize in, as they somehow resort to the sexist marketing of the past to promote their new e-bike.

Maybe bike companies should be required to hire women to head up their marketing departments so the industry will finally stop shooting itself in the foot.

Thanks to Megan Lynch for the heads-up.


German pro cyclist Marcel Kittel says there’s no longer a systematic doping culture in the sport. Then again, that’s what Lance said.

Of course, doping isn’t the only way to cheat; France’s Arnaud Demare is accused of getting a tow from a team car before winning Saturday’s Milan-San Remo race in a tight finish, while the peloton rode through a wall of smoke along the way.

If you have a USA Cycling license, your personal data may have been hacked.


Former pro Phil Zajicek remains in a medically induced coma after losing an arm when he apparently crossed the center line and crashed into a pickup while riding with a group in Boulder CO; he also sustained facial fractures, broken ribs, a shattered femur and an undisclosed head injury.

A gofundme account has been started to raise $300,000 for his medical care and to support his family.



Streetsblog reviews Sunday’s Beach Streets open streets/ciclovía in Long Beach; a commenter calls it more relaxed and less bike-oriented than most CicLAvias. Meanwhile, the Press-Telegram says over 50,000 people turned out to enjoy the day. Which is over twice as many as supposedly attended last year’s far more crowded Culver City to Venice CicLAvia.

Investing in Place and the LACBC call for more funding for walking, biking and safe routes to school in Metro’s proposed transportation sales tax measure.

Joel Epstein writes that density is LA’s destiny, and says a proposed anti-growth measure comes at the wrong time as Los Angeles is embracing its bike, pedestrian and transit-oriented future and putting it’s auto-centric focus in the past.

LA’s Pure Fix offers advice on how to photograph your bike.

You know the new Ovarian Psychos documentary has had an impact when their story reaches Pakistan.

Caught on video: A Long Beach cop walks away when a BMX rider schools him on the law allowing bikes on the Rainbow Harbor Esplanade.



Orange County’s Transportation Authority has $20 million to invest in boosting bikeways in the county.

The Marines finally got around to releasing some of the mountain bikes that were seized for trespassing on trails crossing the Miramar base in North San Diego, after reaching agreements with the owners.

If you’re still jonesing for open streets, head out to El Centro in the desert north of Mexicali this Saturday.

Unbelievably, Fremont uses Safe Routes to Schools funding to make the street in front of a high school less safe by removing a bike lane to make room for a left turn lane. Update: It turns out the bike lane removal is only temporary during the construction, although using SRTS funding for a turn lane is questionable; thanks to Robert Prinz for the heads-up.

Sausalito continues to struggle with how to deal with bike-riding tourists.



The AP looks at lax penalties for errant drivers who hit cyclists. About damn time the press finally noticed.

Good idea. An Austin TX company offers e-bike foodie tours of local restaurants.

A Minnesota reporter wonders why the state shouldn’t adopt the Idaho Stop law now if it improves safety for bicyclists, and police aren’t enforcing the law against riding through stop signs as it is. Apparently, a British cardiologist would concur.

Jeffrey Tanenhaus explains why he left his corporate job behind and rode one of New York’s Citi Bike bikeshare bikes across the country.

A TV station asks if DC is moving fast enough on bike lanes; local cyclists say not really.



A new kind of bike rack promises to block bike thieves; since they were installed at a London stadium and park, not a single bike has been stolen. Can we get some here? Pretty please?

After a British bike courier was injured by a distracted hit-and-run driver, he turns to a crowdfunding site to raise money to pay his rent; so far he’s raised over five times the original £300 goal.

An Irish cyclist is injured in yet another anti-bike attack, as someone strung a wire at neck height across a bike bridge. Note to press everywhere: a deliberate attempt to injure or kill someone riding a bike may be many things, but a prank isn’t one of them.

A disabled Indian cyclist tries to crowdfund the money he needs to compete in the Rio Paralympic games.

Israeli cyclists ride in honor of the legendary Gino Bartali, following the route he rode from his home in Italy to the convents of Assisi, where he passed on documents that were hidden in his bike to save Jews in WWII.

A Kiwi website asks if it’s time to reevaluate New Zealand’s and Australia’s mandatory bike helmet laws. Although they may provide some protection from dead kangaroos.

An Aussie feels guilty about the bike he used to get home from a drunken night out, and takes out an ad to find the owner he stole it from.

The next time someone calls for registering bikes and licensing cyclists, remind ‘em that’s the way North Korea does it.



If you’re going to leave an explosive device on a bike path, make sure police can’t defuse it by simply unscrewing the cap. When you’re riding after dark, try to keep your candles blowing out.

And evidently, they have some very bad swans in Florida.