Tag Archive for just the links

Lots of hot bike links for your pre-holiday, penultimate apocalyptic reading pleasure

Personally, I’m planning to be around to open gifts under the tree next week.

But you might want to settle in to read all these links today, just in case the Mayan calendar really does strike twelve at midnight.


LA/2B, a joint effort of the L.A. Departments of City Planning and Transportation, takes a look at the city’s approach to complete streets. Bike scores are announced for 25 cities; L.A. checks in at number 19. The L.A. Weekly examines Don Ward’s — aka Roadblock’s — DIY hit-and-run investigation in an article that somehow went under the radar for the past week. Streetsblog looks at the LACBC’s plans for the coming year. UCLA Transportation offers advice on how to ride in the rain; fenders are a good start. A DTLA man gets his bike back two days after he left it unlocked. Orlando Bloom gets his bike fixed in Beverly Hills, while Anne Hathaway falls of hers and breaks her arm, then keeps it quiet for months.

Looks like Newport Beach may use the funds raised through the city’s Memorial Bike Ride fund to fix a pair of killer and near-killer intersections; you can still contribute through the end of the year. Fontana kids get 50 new bikes for Christmas. Just days after being the victim of a hit-and-run, pro cyclist Andy Jacques-Maynes is dropped by his team — and learns about it via Twitter; USA Cycling announces 15 pro teams for next year, none of which include him. A lucky white or hispanic, male thirty-something cyclist could get $1500 to star in a Bay Area Verizon commercial; seriously, they can’t conceive of a black, asian or female bike rider representing their company? A Marin County man manages to wedge his car onto a bike/pedestrian bridge after reportedly mistaking it for an onramp — and was allowed to drive himself home afterwards. Sebastopol becomes the latest city to adopt an L.A.-style cyclist anti-harassment ordinance. Two drivers plead not guilty to killing cyclists in separate Napa Valley cases.

How to get more women to ride. A Colorado university fires its cycling coach after he’s accused of helping a third athlete dope; I guess the first and second ones didn’t count. The USA Pro Challenge unveils their route for next year’s race; the penultimate stage ends in my hometown. San Antonio police plan a sting to enforce the city’s three-foot passing law; we can’t even get our governor to sign one, let alone get police to go undercover to enforce it. A Michigan driver hits and kills a walking mother of five, dragging her body the equivalent of two football fields, then gets out to move it out from beneath her car before driving off; then again, the killer probably didn’t know — or care — it was a mom he or she had just murdered. A Pennsylvania driver gets 32 months to six years for hit-and-run; the victim’s family says that’s not enough. A doored DC cyclist sues for $70,000. Dave Moulton compares gun and vehicle ownership, and finds the rules governing cars lacking. Seven more tips on how beginning riders can avoid collisions; actually, it’s good advice for anyone, and so was the first set. The media is shocked — shocked! — to discover that the Miami Heat’s LeBron James actually rides a bike to his games.

The BBC gets in line to strip Lance Armstrong of an award. A UK game show host is highly offended when riders respond to his unfair criticisms. An angry UK driver gets out and punches a cyclist, while a Brit rider suffers possible permanent facial nerve damage after he’s mugged for his Brompton. A full 17 years to build a 1.1 mile Aussie bikeway, because some argued it would be bad for the environment. Australian authorities inexplicably pick road raging cricket player Shane Warne to front a road safety campaign; maybe the theme of the campaign is “do as I say, not as I do.” Remarkably, a Kiwi rider no longer holds any anger seven months after she was severely injured by an 18-year old driver.

Maybe it was a burglary in reverse, as a man cleans out his garage and finds someone else’s bike.  A New York cyclist uses his GPS to wish everyone a happy holiday.

And take a few minutes to go for a musical ride with Luka Bloom, trust me, you won’t regret it, especially if it’s the last bike song any of us ever hears; thanks to Martyn Jones for the link.

Miraculous ending to near-fatal collision, Spanish pro killed and Riverside takes burgers over bikes

This is the kind of story I love.

Last January, I mentioned a San Diego-area collision that looked about as bad as they get, as a confused 75-year old driver rear-ended a cyclist, running him over and leaving him pinned beneath the car.

While paramedics were able to get him out alive, the news was not good, as I wrote at the time:

According to the paper, doctors say he will be a paraplegic if he survives.

Eleven months later, Grant Fisher not only survived, he walked — yes, walked — into his office to go back to work.


It wasn’t a good weekend for pro cyclists as Spanish Olympian and professional mountain biker Iñaki Lejarreta was killed in a collision with a car while training in Spain. And American pro rider Andy Jacques-Maynes suffers a fractured scapula and possible fractured collarbone when he becomes the victim of a hit-and-run.

On the other hand, Tour de France champion Bradley Wiggins says getting knocked off his bike was a blessing in disguise.


Evidently, bike shops are dropping like flies, despite the boom in biking.

A forty year old Riverside bike shop — one of just two in the city — is evicted to make way for a McDonald’s; so much for fighting the obesity epidemic. And the Newhall Bicycle Company is shutting its doors at the end of this month after 8-1/2 years.

But the news isn’t all bad, as Oceanside’s Pacific Coast Cycles wins the Adventure Cycling Association’s award for bike shop of the year.


Maybe USC isn’t so bike-unfriendly after all, as they offer a free shower for bike commuters. Good piece from KCET on why L.A. suffers from city and soul destroying sprawl. The first phase of the Glendale Narrows Riverwalk opens. A Burbank councilman clearly doesn’t get it, saying you don’t want to put bike lanes in where they will conflict with traffic. The Pasadena Star-Tribune looks at Monrovia’s Stan’s Bike Shop and new owner Carlos Morales.

California had more traffic fatalities than any state other than Texas in 2011. Turns out that Newport Beach mall shooter was taken down by bike cops, who can usually beat motorized units to the scene if they’re nearby. A San Diego cyclist suffers a fractured spine and — thankfully — non-life-threatening head injuries after reportedly running a red light and getting hit by a car. A La Quinta cyclist is badly injured in a hit-and-run. One hundred Imperial Valley kids will be getting new bikes this Christmas; so will 250 Simi Valley children. New bike lanes aren’t really why traffic is backing up in San Jose. San Francisco plans to boost bike parking requirements. San Anselmo improves safety for cyclists and pedestrians at a key intersection.

What to do when you see another rider crash. The latest Bikeyface cartoon illustrates bike laws nationwide. Introducing a new combo bike light and horn; I had something like that decades ago on my brother’s hand-me-down Schwinn. Turns out an Idaho Congressman never attended USC — and he was never a pro cyclist, either. Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel dedicates a new protected bike lane, while a political writer says separating the city’s cyclists and drivers is an admirable goal, but he’s not sure it’s possible. A Massachusetts doctor makes house calls by bike; I know what you’re thinking — what’s a house call? Lance Armstrong’s co-writer says she’s not mad at him, despite the lies, while former world-beater Alexi Grewal says don’t just Lance too harshly because everybody doped in those days, he just did it better. South Carolina is getting the nation’s first bicycle city; no really, when can we move?

Turns out that cardboard bike helmet is actually stronger than standard bike helmets; thanks to George Wolfberg for the heads-up. No charges for a Canadian driver who right hooked a ninja cyclist. It doesn’t happen often, but yes, it does happen, as an 80-year old British man is killed in a collision with a bike rider; no word on how the collision occurred. More must be done to keep London cyclists safe. A UK rider says regardless of comments to the contrary, cyclists remain at great risk. The fatal dooring of a cyclist reveals a gap in British law. Bicycling tops government-funded sports in the UK. A Dubai driver faces charges after running down a South African triathlete; the victim is still just semi-conscious over two months later. A new Saudi movie says riding a bike can be an act of rebellion.

Finally, the nastiest car versus bike videos of the year. This dog rides better than some people I’ve seen — including me some days. And ex-framebuilder Dave Moulton wisely observes that giving the finger to a fellow traveler can cause a ripple effect, but so can a smile.

I think we all need to remember that one right now.

Tonight’s post, which is not about bicycling at first, though I try to make up for it later

Some days, life just doesn’t make sense.

And this was one, in spades, as the unfolding joy of the holiday season was shattered once again by yet another madman with a gun.

I won’t make the comparison, as some have done, to the carnage on our streets. Yes, both needlessly waste precious human life, snatching innocent victims from their loved ones breasts.

But this is different.

This was an intentional choice to kill and kill again. It was not the result of distraction or drunkenness; it did not stem from carelessness or flaunting the laws that govern the roads we all share.

This was an act of gut-wrenching insanity. A heinous crime against God and man.

No rational person could point a gun at a child and pull the trigger. Let alone do it 20 times, then take the life of another eight adults.

Yes, there is madness on our streets.

But it doesn’t begin to compare to the madness that allows this to happen over and over, all over the country.

There will be other nights to address the long list of problems on our streets. But not this night.

This is a night for prayers for people we don’t know. And now never will.

And for those who loved and nurtured them, and now face an eternally aching hole in their lives and hearts that can never be filled.

We are all devastated.

And yes, I’ve said it before.

But let’s not let another day pass without telling those we love that we do. Hug those you can; call those you can’t.

Share the simple joy of having one another in our lives in this season of miracles.

Do it now, before it’s too late. Because one day it will be.

Tomorrow we can all commit to doing all we can to ensure that this will never happen again.

Because it’s happened too many times already.

And it will again.

If we don’t.



Burbank Bike Angels hard at work

Nothing warms my heart more than people who go out of their way to share a little joy with kids who might not otherwise find anything under the tree on Christmas morning.

That’s why I’m a big fan of things like the 7th Annual All City Toy Ride that — hopefully — took place on Friday if the rain held off long enough.

And even more when bikes are involved as more than just a form of transportation.

Like the work of volunteers with the Burbank Bike Angels, who spent the last three months refurbishing bikes and restoring them to like new condition. And resulting in the delivery of 150 bikes to the Salvation Army to distribute to kids in need, along with another 50 bikes for other organizations.

Their work is just about done for this year.

But there’s always next year. They’re asking you for any used bikes — especially children’s bikes — and monetary donations so they can give away even more bikes next year. As well as volunteers to turn those unloved bikes into sparkling new gifts to inspire better health and a love of bicycling in a new generation.

If you can offer any help, whether bikes, money or time — or all of the above — call the Burbank Recycle Center at 818/238-3900.

Love the bike riding bear in the lower right

Love the bike riding bear in the lower right


Fifty-eight candidates qualified for next March’s L.A. city elections; all but eight are running for city council seats. The LACBC’s Operation Firefly brings bike lights to South L.A. Flying Pigeon says North Fig doesn’t have to be a killer neighborhood. Getting back on a bike isn’t always like riding a bike. Orange County motorists discover ghost bikes, far too many of which have taken root in the county this year. San Diego counts bikes countywide, while the San Diego Bicycle Coalition says this was the year bikes boosted local business. Thousand Oaks gets a new semi-green bike lane. Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor train line may be looking into a bike share program.

If you’re wondering what to buy your bike riding — or bike curious — friends, consider this review of Elly Blue’s Everyday Bicycling. Nevada begins work on an off-road bike path on their side of Lake Tahoe. Bicyclists, pedestrians and transit users all outspend Portland drivers at area small businesses; NBC picks up the story, as well. A high Seattle driver is charged with attempting to run over a bicycling off-duty cop after he tells her to stop smoking heroin. A 62-year cyclist from my hometown is recovering from a hit-and-run he can’t even remember. A man gets a whopping 30 days for threatening a Montana cyclist with a switchblade. Chicago cyclists get a new two-way cycletrack. Road riding can bring up all kinds of emotions, most of them good. A writer for the New York Times Magazine offers an insightful and very funny sequel to the year-old piece we linked to yesterday, in response to the anti-bike screed from the New York Post’s Steve Cuozzo. New York’s upcoming bike share program is just the latest sign of the city’s revived bicycle culture. If you’re a convicted felon carrying a concealed weapon, don’t ride your bike while drunk.

A Canadian driver right hooks a cyclist, so naturally police ticket the cyclist for riding in a crosswalk — even though the driver had a suspended license. The GranFondo Banff has to develop a new wildlife plan after grizzly bears forced a 40 kilometer reduction in last year’s route. A London driver is acquitted of fatally dooring a cyclist, despite having tinted windows that only allowed 17% visibility. The bike riding journalist whose near-fatal collision inspired the London Times CycleSafe campaign remains hospitalized 13 months later, while the distracted truck driver who put her there gets off with a £2,700 fine and eight months suspended license. An open letter urges the British Judiciary to give a damn about the lives of cyclists in response, while a London blogger struggles to understand. Cambridge police crack down on anti-social cycling; apparently, anti-social driving is still okay. YouTube offers a new bike channel in conjunction with a British bicycling communications channel. A UK writer says cyclists need to give respect in order to get respect; odd that no one ever says that about motorists. The 100th edition of the Tour de France will start in Corsica, while the 101st begins in Yorkshire, England; after most of the recent titles have been vacated, does anyone still care? Your next mountain bike could come from Andorra; no, not the tv witch. In honor of the holidays, the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer tandem bike, of a sort. Bike commuting in Rio. Celebrate the birthday of the man who invented the modern bicycle 158 years ago.

Finally, Red Kite Prayer sums up the day’s tragic events nicely, as always.

Your Monday morning after the second night of Chanukah Festival of Links

Funny how the less time I spend in malls, the more I love this time of year.

So whether you’re gearing up for Christmas, or preparing to light the third candle on your menorah — or just enjoying a nonspecific holiday season — take some time to get away from the hustle and bustle, and spend a little quality time out on your bike.

You can both thank me later.


I had a very pleasant conversation last week with Denise Guerra, a student journalist with USC’s highly respected Annenberg School of Journalism.

She’s working on a story about bicycling collisions and hit-and-runs, and would like to speak with anyone who’s been through either — or preferably, both. So if you’ve been hit by a car, shoot her an email at deniseimrad@gmail.com.

Especially if the heartless S.O.B. who did it drove off and left you lying in the street.

Maybe Dottie can drop her a line, as one of America’s most popular bike bloggers is the victim of a hit-and-run driver, yet not surprisingly, still manages to look on the bright side.


Portland’s bicycling mom appears on Ricki Lake, and Ricki Lake appears in Flying Pigeon’s bakfiets. The Long Beach Post names local cyclists their person of the year. World bike travelers Russ and Laura offer their suggestions for holiday gifts; can we still call them Long Beach’s biking expats after they’ve been gone so long and taken up semi-permanent residence in Portland?

Orange County residents are fighting the missing link in the Santiago Creek bike trail because they fear it will increase crime; no, really, that’s what they say. Costa Mesa takes steps to slow traffic on a dangerous street, including adding bike lanes, much to the chagrin of some drivers. A lack of bike racks makes Thousand Oaks less than bike friendly. A convicted bike doper asks the courts to end her probation so she can practice law. A Santa Cruz-area cyclist is killed, despite wearing what the Mercury News calls protective gear; unfortunately, the paper doesn’t specify whether that meant a helmet, chain mail or full body bubble wrap. A big rig truck driver is under arrest for the hit-and-run death of a Fresno County cyclist. A Vacaville couple are looking for the woman cyclist who helped save the bike riding husband’s life. In Davis, the new old road means the old old road could soon be a new old road for bikes and pedestrians. Tragically, an East Bay cyclist is killed after hitting gravel when he pulled onto the shoulder of a roadway to let traffic pass.

A list of the country’s most bike-friendly baseball stadiums shows maybe Dodger Stadium isn’t that bad for bikes after all. Perhaps you’d like a bike horn that sounds like a car; I suspect I’d just instinctively flip myself off anytime I used it. A committed vehicular cyclist says he’s not interested in ruining the streets just so you can have a damn bike lane; yes, that’s what he really said. A Michigan man is sentenced to prison for assaulting a group of teenage cyclists while under the influence. Michigan installs a highway bike lane with a seven-foot buffer lane. A New York cyclist thinks it was an unmarked police vehicle that dragged him across an intersection before fleeing the scene. Jersey City is about to get nearly 55 miles of new bikeways. A Florida driver says it’s up to you to avoid obstacles blocking the bike lane, without getting the hell in his way — and it wasn’t his fault he hit that kid, either.

A UK cyclist who dedicated his life to working for safer streets is killed while riding on the streets he fought to improve. British TV viewers volunteer to kill a helmet cam wearing bike rider in the wake of a BBC look at the conflict between drivers and cyclists, while a professional driver says maybe he was wrong to Jerry Brown a bicyclist. Even world champions get run off the road by angry, aggressive drivers. A Brit motorist is charged with deliberately running into a 15-year old bike rider six months after threatening to do just that. We have a new contender for the world’s shortest and most useless bike lane.

Finally, as much as I dislike drunk drivers, shooting them to death seems like a rather extreme response. And if you won’t stop for Santa Claus, you belong on the naughty list.

For all who observe it, please accept my best and warmest wishes for a very happy Chanukah.

A heaping mound of hot bike links for your Monday edification

Lots of news piled up in my inbox over the weekend, resulting in a massive link backup that took the entire morning to clear up.

So lean back, put your feet up and click away.

It’s Monday, it’s December, it’s raining. And no one really wants to work anyway.


I received an email recently from Brian Work, an Ojai cyclist and beginning screenwriter working on new a bicycling comedy. According to Brian, he’s got some interest from a major producer, and is looking for sponsors as well as a more experienced writer to partner with on the script.

If you’re interested on either count, email him at info@banzaiinojai.com.


Just in time for holiday shopping, Forbes offers a gift guide for bike riders. Or how about a balance bike made from reclaimed beetle-killed Colorado pine trees for the pre-pedaling set?

Meanwhile, bicycling appears to be reaching lower case critical mass as H&M discovers men’s bikewear — sorry ladies, but your money just isn’t good enough for them, evidently — and Target once again offers a designer bike. And staid Cole Haan introduces a line of high fashion hi-viz women’s footwear.

Although personally, this is what I call hi-viz biking attire. And I double dog dare any driver to claim he doesn’t see it.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for more altruistic places for your disposable funds, here’s a somewhat dated list of bicycling charities.

And I hope to have a few suggestions on what else you can do with those excess piles of cash begging to do a little good a little later this week.


Ex — not former — Tour de France winner Alberto Contador says he’s worn out; you’d think he would have gotten lots of rest while he was all too briefly briefly banned for doping. And speaking of Contador, the man who supposedly delivered the supposedly tainted meat that allegedly got him banned is elected president of the Spanish cycling federation. Couldn’t be a payoff for taking the alleged fall, could it?

Meanwhile, a three-member panel will investigate ties between cycling’s governing body and recent doping scandals.

And not only does America’s only official Tour de France winner Greg LeMond join other pro bike leaders in calling for real racing reforms, but he’s planning to run for president of the UCI.

Funny how the fallout from l’affaire Lance has changed LeMond’s public perception from a whiner pointing the finger at everyone but himself to the one true voice speaking for much needed reform of pro cycling.


A couple of good reads from Rick Bernardi on Bob Mionske’s Bicycle Law blog.

First up is a look at red light running cyclists and the scofflaw drivers who hate them. Which is followed by an examination of whether biking under the influence should be treated the same as driving under the influence.

The two stories may not seem to have a lot in common. But both offer a similar theme focusing on the question of relative harm.

As in, a bicyclist who blows through a red light poses far less danger to others than a driver who does the same. And a drunk on a bike is a danger primarily to him or herself, while a drunk behind the wheel is a danger to everyone in the vicinity, on or off the road.

The law should reflect that.

And in some states — including California —it does.


A new Glendale Hyperion bridge could provide better access to the L.A. River bike path; how about designing in separated bikeways the full length of the bridge itself while they’re at it. The joy of fenders. Flying Pigeon hosts their monthly Spoke(n) Art Ride this weekend. As a apparent holiday gift to motorists, Santa Monica police are targeting bad bicyclist behavior this month. Boyonabike! celebrates the new ownership of Stan’s Bike Shop in Monrovia. Maybe it’s just me,  but it seems like bikes hardly ever crash into churches when it rains — or knock them down if they do. By the pricking of my thumbs, something muddy this way comes, courtesy of Will Campbell and his Malibu Creek State Park encrusted mountain bike. And speaking of muddy, how ‘cross is changing women’s cycling. Center Line Rule says goodbye to 40-year framebuilder Brian Bayliss.

After a Santa Ana man is mugged for his bicycle, he gives vainly gives chase on a borrowed bike. The Orange County Register looks at OC’s new women’s bike shop. A San Diego toddler is injured when a suspected drunk driver Jerry Browns his mom’s bike; a day earlier, another suspected drunk hit a cyclist but was arrested when she came back to watch the damage she caused. Bakersfield wants the public’s input on how to improve the city’s bikeways. Cyclelicious reviews Elly Blue’s Everyday Bicycling. A San Francisco newsman takes on bike lane blocking drivers.

A graphic guide to bicycling hand signals, although they leave out what seems to be the most popular one. How to move a Christmas tree by bike; I assume the directions would work just as well for a Chanukah bush. Use of specialized bicycle traffic signals spreads across the U.S. A Loveland CO city councilmember is seriously injured in a left cross collision; fortunately, it looks like he’ll be okay. A Montana man reminisces about buying a bike on the day Pearl Harbor was attacked. Wisconsin residents want free parking, not bike lanes. Chicago cyclists are about to get their first two-way protected bikeway, but is that enough to protect them from victim-blaming hit-and run cops? New bike helmet signals your stress level; do you really want passing motorists to know just how stressed out you are? Bikeshare appears to be booming in Beantown, but people ride in winter, too. A bike’s eye view of New York. Austin TX cyclists demand safer streets. LSU police crack down on campus cyclists, but not, apparently, in coordination with Santa Monica PD. Miami’s Critical Mass riding LeBron James is named Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman of the Year; you’d think the story might mention their Sportswoman of the Year, as well, but you might be wrong.

An Alberta driver was three times the legal limit for alcohol when he ran down and killed a cyclist last summer. A Winnipeg driver says he panicked after killing a cyclist, and he’s really, really sorry he ran away so he could dump a case of beer before getting caught; and yet, they still manage to blame the victim. London plans to spend nearly £1 billion — roughly $1.6 billion — on bikeways over the next 10 years. The Independent says cyclists need a code of conduct and a new mindset and license plates, while The Mail calls us arrogant, abusive and oh-so smug; the last time I encountered something like that last link, I had to scrape it off my shoes. A Very British Dude offers a far more readable and rational response. Brit bicyclists prepare to be ambushed by the BBC; brief excerpts are offered here — including “If I can touch your cab, you’re too close.” Amen, brother. Tired of bikes being stolen from their clientele, a UK pub rents bike locks to its customers. What good is a bike lane if taxis — and police vans — are allowed to park in it; then again, there’s more than one way to block a bike lane. A planned bike lane in a Scot roundabout is panned as a cyclist blender. India prepares for its first pro tour.  An Aussie cyclist is punched by a passing motorcyclist. And you thought parked cars were a problem; a Borneo cyclist is nearly decapitated by a steel cable anchoring telephone pole in the middle of a bike lane.

Finally, a Bay Area woman attempts to stop a bike thief with bear spray and a wooden Japanese training sword. Courtesy of Marvin Davis, a reminder that we ride because bicycling is beautiful, warts and all.

And in honor of the recent weather, it looks like those old dry L.A. rivers aren’t so dry anymore.

Your relatively short list of holiday links, and a brief Thanksgiving thank you

I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Not the least of which is everyone who reads this blog, and the many kind hearts who reached out to show their support over the past week. Some of whom I know; many I’ve never met.

And each of whom have touched my heart in ways I’ll never forget.

So thank you, sincerely.

And please accept my wishes for a very warm, safe and happy Thanksgiving.


A survey by the California Office of Traffic Safety shows nearly twice as many nighttime motorists drive on weekends with drugs in their system compared to alcohol. Worse, over one-in-five drivers — a combined 21.3% — have some form of intoxicant in their system.

Not that we should be concerned about that or anything.

Thanks to Megan Lynch for the heads-up.


The LAPD will employ choppers and horses and bikes, oh my, to maintain order on Black Friday; I remember when it used to be called the day after Thanksgiving. The LAFD considers options to speed up emergency response times. Santa Monica will sponsor a Family Bike Fest on December 8th. L.A. cyclists ride to promote forthcoming bike lanes on Lankershim Blvd. Bike SGV will help you burn off those Thanksgiving calories with a bike train this Sunday. C.I.C.L.E. will sponsor a tweed ride on January 19th. Temple City’s Rosemead Blvd is about to get a pedestrian and bike-friendly makeover. Alhambra begins revising their widely reviled draft bike plan. A cyclist gets the runaround from the Long Beach Police, but gets her stolen bike back anyway; evidently, the LBPD was too busy warning cyclists not to ride on the sidewalk. Long Beach Gang Enforcement detectives are investigating the shooting of a 29-year old cyclist.

A Corona del Mar writer says using sharrows to move cyclists into the traffic lane will only increase the danger to riders; hate to break it to him, but we already have the right to ride there. The proposed High Desert Corridor could include a high speed rail connector and a bike path. A Sacramento cyclist is shot and killed while delivering strawberries to his brother.

Oddly, traffic fatalities are higher in red states than blue states. The Interbike trade show will open its doors to consumers next year. They’re already making lists of the best Christmas gifts for cyclists. A Boston bike co-op is forced to shut down after a burglary. Bikeyface says all weather is fair bike weather if you have a good raincoat. A Philly writer calls for greater traffic enforcement, saying drivers and cyclists are both about as bad. A Georgia man agrees to let a stranger ride his bike, and is somehow surprised when he rides off with it.

A Canadian driver gets a whopping $1000 fine for falling asleep behind the wheel and killing a cyclist; I guess the idea of pulling over and taking a nap before you kill someone is unheard of up there. A report calls for cutting London cycling fatalities; evidently, there’s no safety in numbers in the city. The widow of a UK cycling victim calls on riders to always wear their helmets. A Welsh cyclist is considered a heroine after rescuing a drowning woman. Turns out the Netherlands isn’t a living hell for cyclists after all. Parisian drivers fight back against plans to create a more livable city by removing a major highway on the Left Bank; that hardly supports the breathless hyperbole of the headline, though.

Finally, now your bike can trot like a horse; does that mean you’ll have to clean up after it, too?


Remember that Thanksgiving drivers will overstuffed and sleepy, sober or not. And Black Friday shoppers are likely to be more concerned about getting to the next sale and finding a parking space than watching out for bikes on the road.

So enjoy the great weather they’re promising us and get out for a good ride. But ride defensively and be careful out there.

A little light bike reading to start your week

Looks like I’ve taken my last ride until my wife goes back to work, since someone will need to stay home and keep an eye on her.

And the Corgi don’t count.

So get out there and ride for me this week, and maybe next. And don’t even get me started on the one after that.

In the meantime, pour yourself a cuppa joe and limber up that link-clicking finger.


We need more of this: An East L.A. festival includes a bike safety class for kids. Two new miles of bike path along the L.A. River in the Valley are just the beginning. Alhambra proposes a new bike plan with 41 miles of bikeways, yet only 3.5 miles of actual bike lanes; almost makes Beverly Hills look good. The upcoming Pedalers Fork bike bistro is now an official Moots dealer. Michael of CLR Effect rides the San Gabriel Valley with the LACBC and the authors of Where to Bike Los Angeles. A new L.A. prototype jacket design currently seeking funding dramatically ups the hi-viz arms race.

New beer and bike riding group Brewcyclers will host a Christmas lights ride to the Bruery in Placentia on December 16th; if you haven’t sampled the Bruery’s brews, this is one after dark ride I’d definitely recommend. Authorities in the Chico area are looking for the driver of a Silverado Extended cab pickup who left a cyclist to die on the side of the road. A 12-year old boy is killed by a trailer towed by a pickup truck while riding his bike in the Sacramento area; naturally, the driver is not suspected of any wrongdoing. A Stockton cyclist is pistol whipped and shot in the ass while riding.

Cannondale and Sho-Air team up to sponsor their new mountain bike team; and no, I didn’t know what a Sho-Air is, either. A Tucson cyclist bounces back from a July hit-and-run that left him seriously injured. A 19-year old Idaho man faces 14 years in prison for stealing 13 bikes from a California-based women’s team just before this year’s Exergy Bike Tour. Will better signage and striping make a killer Colorado highway safer? A Missouri writer says neither positive nor negative messages get cyclists off the sidewalk; no, that usually takes safer streets.

Sunday was the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims; isn’t it time we stopped creating more victims to remember? A drunk ninja cyclist in Vancouver is critically injured after colliding with a vehicle while riding downhill after dark. Calgary will remove new bike lanes local residents asked for because people think they’re ugly. The BBC will use helmet and dash-cam video to look at the supposed war between cyclists and motorists next month; a UK writer aptly describes it as two pitbulls fighting over a single bone. Bristol, England elects a bike-friendly mayor. A Cambridge man invents a tandem recumbent to allow his dementia-suffering mother to ride again. In Canterbury, medieval roads weren’t built for cars. British pro Mark Cavendish gets engaged the same day he becomes the latest UK rider to be injured in a collision. An Edinburgh paper says it’s time to break our addiction to the car. Someone finally admits it, as an Aussie driver says he had to be crazy to deliberately run over and kill a bicyclist. Bike lanes don’t do a lot of good if everyone thinks they’re parking lanes.

Finally, a rider is told he’s giving cyclists a bad name for taking the lane — by a spandex wearing roadie who got out of his SUV at an intersection to harangue his fellow rider. So which one really makes us look bad?


My deepest sympathy, prayers and best wishes for Witch on a Bicycle on the death of his father on Sunday. Also known as Opus the Poet, the Witch is one of the good guys in the bike blogging world, dedicating his life to protecting cyclists from the same sort of near-fatal collision he suffered.

Catching up on bike news while I’ve been otherwise distracted

Oddly, the world of bicycling did not grind to a halt while I’ve been occupied with more pressing matters.

So pull up a chair, pour yourself a cuppa joe — or something stronger — and settle in for a long list of rainy day bike links.


Clearly, I’m not the only one who took offense at the gentle caress on the wrist given the killer of cyclist Alan Deane by a Pasadena judge.

The LACBC says the court system failed Deane and his family, while Streetsblog’s Damien Newton says it failed all of us.

And Boyonabike! says maybe our laws should value human life over shaving a minute off someone’s drive home.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Here’s the ultimate guide to whether you can legally ride on the sidewalk in California, compiled by former LADOT Bike Blogger and current Alta Planner and Calbike board member Chris Kidd. Link courtesy of Cyclelicious.


Yes, cyclists can legally pass on the right, at least here in California — although some police officers don’t seem to comprhend that yet. I do it on a regular basis myself, though every now and then it doesn’t work out the way I planned.

Meanwhile, an Aussie rider offers advice on undertaking on the left, as it is sometimes called; just flip sides for tips on riding here.


Turns out you may not have to wait for flat-proof bike tires after all; you can try out the new tires from FlatFree Bicycle Wheelsets in Orange right now. Thanks to William Boehmke, Jr. for the heads-up.


Clear your calendar for the 12th Annual Cranksgiving Alleycat Los Angeles Thanksgiving eve. ARTCRANK brings its unique mixture of bikes, art and beer to Orange 20 Bikes on Saturday, December 8th. Here’s a great idea — the LAPD recommends establishing permanent bike valet programs in Downtown L.A. to fight rising bike theft rates; let’s start with one at City Hall. Streetsblog reports a settlement has been reached with the NIMBYist Cheviot Hills homeowners trying to block the Expo Line bike path. Taking over Los Angeles on two wheels and one fixed gear. The city adds two miles of bike path in the Valley along the L.A. River. Show the world how you ride pretty. The Biking Black Hole of Beverly Hills timidly unanimously approves its first two pilot bikeway projects. The Santa Monica Bike Center celebrates its first anniversary this weekend. You just can’t please some people, as a Glendale pedestrian is up in arms over being warned a bike bell. The Orange County Bicycle Coalition asks for your nomination for OC’s Danger Road.

San Juan Capistrano denies a cyclist’s $70 claim for flat tires caused by broken glass on a bike path. San Diego bucks the Bike Nation trend in selecting Miami’s DecoBike for its planned bike share program. Two cyclists and a pedestrian injured in separate Riverside collisions. One hundred Murrieta kids boys get free bike helmets through Schwinn’s Helmets on Heads program; Witch on a Bicycle astutely asks why just boys — and why helmets instead of safety training? A San Francisco cyclist is injured when a DUI driver being chased by police hits a parked car, which slams into the rider; the 23-year old driver had three previous DUI convictions in the last 10 years — yes, that suggests she was convicted of DUI at 13, which I certainly hope is a mistake.

Innovative new gear for bike cops; I want the helmet with built-in sun glasses. Or maybe you’re just tired of yelling at the rest of the pace line. Using handlebars instead of antlers in bike taxidermy; I wonder if careless drivers will now mount their trophies. It’s time to get rid of the 85th Percentile Rule, which may be the single most destructive traffic law on the books, to people and communities; though not everyone agrees. People for Bikes notes three companies that support cycling. A 21-year old Perris CA cyclist is killed while riding in Las Vegas. Hurricane Sandy may have been the perfect storm for bike advocacy. Bikeyface designs a roadway for virtually every cycling situation. Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer calls for bike-partisanship in Congress. A Fort Lauderdale man won’t face charges for beating the crap out of the guy who stole his bike.

A Jamaican cyclist asks for help to attend college in the U.S. A Canadian Iditarod cyclist comes back for more after nearly dying in last year’s race. The head of the UK’s equivalent of AAA calls for an end to the two-tribe mentality on our streets, comparing the hatred some motorists have for cyclists to racial discrimination; their survey shows drivers don’t hate us as much as we’d think. Terrified British police are on the lookout for a “dangerous” cyclist who rides one-handed — and with a child on his shoulders. After being the butt of jokes for months, it turns out a Kiwi rider who fell off his bike and drowned in a river wasn’t drunk after all.  Philippine cyclists get a new off-road bikeway.

Finally, don’t forget to get your tickets for the LACBC’ 2nd Tour de Taste on December 2nd. And in light of what happened to my wife this week, make sure you know the warning signs of heart attack and stroke; link courtesy of LAFD Conversation.

Your Monday morning link roundup — all the breaking bike news that’s fit to print

Let’s start with news from my home state —

Former President Herbert Hoover’s grandson runs down a Colorado cyclist in an apparent road rage assault.

Some previous stories have misidentified the driver as J. Edgar Hoover’s grandson; however, the never married and reputedly gay founder of the FBI didn’t have any children, which to the best of my knowledge pretty much precludes the possibility of a grandchild.

Fortunately, this sort of assault should become a thing of the past as the entire state prepares to mellow out.


Speaking of dope, here’s a twist, as a former Lance teammate says he would have been a better rider if only he’d doped more. Pro cycling teams discuss forming the equivalent of soccer’s Champion’s League. Coming soon on the pro tour, a three day Tour de India.

And a certain cyclist steps down from the cancer charity he founded.

Yes, that one.


A new Kickstarter project promises a bike cam that records both forward and back simultaneously. Of course, the question is the quality of the video, but the concept is solid.

Thanks to Bobby Close for the heads-up.


The L.A. Times looks at fancy fixies and some that just look the part. The always worth reading CLR Effect casts a lens on a typical bike Sunday in Claremont and examines the safety of cycling glasses; I’m amazed at the number of riders I see without eye protection, since a single insect or pebble tossed up by a passing car could cost you an eye. Shimano is expanding their American headquarters in Irvine. The goalkeeper for the San Diego State women’s soccer team bounces back from a serious cycling collision with a speeding motorcycle. Amtrak adds bike capacity on some popular California routes. Sacramento cyclist is the latest victim of murderous hit-and-run drivers. Cyclelicious offers photos from the Pedal Savvy bike fashion show and the 2012 San Francisco Bike Expo. A San Francisco writer says bikes are good for the city.

What President Obama’s re-election may mean for U.S. bike riders. Anchorage bike commuters win support for more bike lanes. Have to respect someone who’s concerned about the woman who just ran over his bike-riding wife. Denver cyclists raise funds to benefit a local bike advocate seriously injured in a solo fall. An Arkansas driver Jerry Browns a cyclist, but somehow the rider is blamed for the collision. An Austin writer says it’s time to strip Lance Armstrong’s name from a local bikeway. It’s bad enough when a driver flees the scene of a fatal cycling hit-and-run; even more disgusting when he’s an EMT whose job it is to save victims like his. Evidently, there are worse things than hit-and-run, as a New Orleans cyclist is hit by a car, then robbed at gunpoint by its occupants.

A Cayman Islands driver calls for a crackdown on those mad cyclists. A 68-year old Canadian woman is angry about being ticketed for riding in a crosswalk after getting right hooked. The UK’s cycling death toll reaches 105, just two less than the total for all of 2011; make that 106. British pro cyclist Mark Cavendish calls for the country to adopt a version of Europe’s strict liability laws, while British adventurist James Cracknell — nearly killed in a US riding wreck — calls for mandatory helmet laws. The BBC blames cyclists using discredited data. A UK rider is hit with a bottle from a passing car, the latest in a string of similar attacks in recent years, including a bicyclist who was struck with a dead body; in fact, the country seems to be dealing with a rash of bike hate and assaults on cyclists. A full 42% of London cyclists have been knocked off their bikes in collisions with motor vehicles. A writer for the Guardian says cycling is worth the pain and riders shouldn’t let a spill or two deter them; couldn’t agree more, I’ve had four serious falls in 32 years of riding, and bounced back from everyone one. Great comment on drivers who complain cyclists are hard to see — or worse, hit them — “Why did this particular driver and none of the others have a problem seeing me?” A British driver fears he may get a speeding ticket intended for a cyclist. And the last item in our unexpectedly long report from the United Kingdom, as the Edinburgh Herald says safer streets for cyclists is an uphill struggle that needs to succeed. Demonstrating no sense of irony, the Deputy Mayor of Florence defends the choice of Pinocchio as mascot for scandal-plagued pro cycling’s 2013 World Championships. Qatar develops a bike plan, as the nation aims to become a center for cycling; can you even bike in a burka? A Singapore cyclist says road courtesy really does exist.

Finally, a Chinese news report says overcrowding has turned cycling in Amsterdam into a daily hell, which should come as a big surprise to the Dutch. A UK bike safety campaign offensively blames “cyclists riding like stupid twats” for an unnamed percentage who cause their own deaths; I suspect far more are caused by the twats who drive that way.

And as always, our friends at the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain offer a link roundup that puts this one to shame, assuming you have a few hours — or maybe days — to kill.