Archive for General

Happy Thanksgiving

I have a lot to be thankful for.

Especially for riding a bicycle. And for readers like you, who allow me to do what I do. Because without someone to read it, this site is nothing more than letters on a screen.

So please accept my best wishes for a warm and happy Thanksgiving for you and all your loved ones.

Now get out and ride your bike.


Bike rider killed in Beaumont hit-and-run; alleged DUI driver arrested on murder charge

A man has been killed in a Beaumont crash, and an alleged drunk driver is behind bars.

And probably will be for a very long time.

According to the Beaumont-Banning Patch, 60-year old Banning resident Dale Ramquist was riding on Oak Valley Parkway near Palmer Avenue around 5:50 pm Sunday when he was run down from behind.

The driver of the pickup reportedly drifted into the bike lane Ramquist was riding in due to his level of intoxication. He fled the scene, then returned an hour and a half later.

Police arrested 25-year old Beaumont resident Kyle Lee Anson on suspicion of felony murder, hit-and-run and driving under the influence.

The murder count suggests that he has a previous DUI, and had received a Watson warning stating that he could be charged with murder if he killed someone while driving under the influence.

And yes, Ramquist was wearing a helmet, and had lights on his road bike.

Anyone with information is urged to contact CHP Officer Darren Meyer at 951/769-2000.

This is at least the 47th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the fifth that I’m aware of in Riverside County.

My deepest sympathy and prayers for Dale Ramquist and his loved ones. 

Thanks to Marven Norman for the heads-up.


Move along, nothing to see here

My apologies.

There won’t be a new post today, after low blood sugar knocked me out last night.

We’ll be back on Thursday to catch up on anything we missed.

Move along, nothing to see here — aka diabetes sucks

I’ll make this quick tonight.

I’m in the middle of an extended bout with extremely low blood sugar that has knocked me on my ass all night. If you’ve never experienced this yourself, there are no words to explain just how debilitating it is, or how incredibly bad it feels.

Hopefully, I can at least keep it from dropping any further, and bounce back in the morning.

I’ll try to catch up with a rare weekend post on Saturday; if not, we’ll see you bright and early on Monday.



Move along, nothing to see here

My apologies.

Apparently, riding my bike to a doctor’s appointment this afternoon took more out of me than I expected.

After struggling to stay awake all night — and mostly failing — I’m throwing in the towel and giving up for the night.

Hopefully I’ll be okay by morning.

And we’ll catch up on anything we missed tomorrow.

Move along, nothing to see here, aka the never-ending joys of diabetes

My apologies once again.

I’ve spent the last several hours trying to work on today’s post, despite battling very low blood sugar levels.

Unfortunately, I’ve spent more time flat on my back in a semi-conscious state than I have committing words to paper. Or cyberspace.

Or something.

And still haven’t been able to get my blood sugar up to a normal level.

So I’m throwing in the towel tonight, and going to bed to sleep it off. With a little luck, I’ll be better in the morning.

As always, we’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on anything we’ve missed.

Move along, nothing to see here

My apologies once again.

My diabetes kicked my ass last night. I’m just coming back to life after low blood sugar knocked me out for several hours.

And yes, the Corgi tried to warn me once again, but I didn’t get the message until it was too late.

As usual, we’ll be back on Friday with anything you missed.

Move along, nothing to see here. Again.

My sincere apologies for the lack of a new post today.

One of the joys of diabetes is dealing with the unexpected spikes in blood sugar, followed by a sudden crash. Which often leads to another spike trying to recover from the crash.

That’s the roller coaster I’ve been on since about 9 pm last night. And trust me, it’s not a fun one.

Hopefully, I should have things back under control by morning. As usual, we’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on anything we missed.

And let this serve as a warning. If you’re at risk for diabetes, do everything you can to avoid it. Work out, ride your bike, eat right, lose weight, and follow your doctor’s advice.

Because you don’t want this crap.



Today’s Morning Links called on account of sick corgi

My apologies once again.

I’ve spent this week caring for a very sick dog, who’s felt an urgent need to rush outside every few hours since Sunday night. And too often hasn’t made it in time.

As a result, neither of us has gotten much sleep.

The good news is, she’s doing better after getting an IV from the vet yesterday. And we’ve both been passed out ever since we got back home.

So I’m taking today off to get some desperately needed rest. As always, we’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on everything we missed.

She should be back to her usual rambunctious self in a few day.

And with a little luck, so will I.



Move along, nothing to see here

My apologies.

My diabetes knocked me out last night. We’ll be back tomorrow to catch up on anything we missed.