Archive for General

Self-entitled bike lane driving SaMo driver

It’s been one of those days. Besides other commitments, I haven’t been able to pull myself away from the news from the East coast.

So today’s post will be tomorrow’s post.

But in the meantime, here’s the latest stupid driver trick caught on helmet cam to keep you entertained.

Cyclist refuses to back Governor’s Prop 30 in response to Brown’s repeated 3-foot vetoes

I got an interesting email tonight from a regular reader and bicycling advocate who asked that his name be kept private.

He forwarded an email he sent to Governor Jerry Brown, connecting the dots between Brown’s ill-advised vetoes of two three-foot passing laws, and support for the tax increase Brown is currently pushing. As well as his own safety.

After much soul searching I have decided not to support Prop 30.

As someone who commutes over 5,000 miles per year by bicycle, the Governor’s callous unwillingness to protect my safety by twice vetoing the 3 ft passing law is so important to me, that I cannot bring myself to cooperate with him on an issue of far less importance to me.  Just today I was again struck by a motorist (thankfully uninjured) while riding home in Hollywood.  My life, my safety, is personally more important than the solvency of this state.

If he can’t be bothered to protect me, I can’t be bothered to help him.


First of all, let me say I’m glad he’s okay; collisions with cars don’t always turn out so well.

Second, I have to admit, the same thought has occurred to me.

I can’t say I’d recommend basing your vote on a funding measure on Brown’s lack of support for California cyclists. On the other hand, I couldn’t blame you if you did; the governor shouldn’t expect our support when he won’t give us his. Which is something he can ill afford right now.

Meanwhile, Bike San Diego offers an in-depth two-part look at Brown’s veto.


On a related subject, I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember who first came up with the term Jerry Browned to describe getting dangerously buzzed at less than three feet while riding your bike.

I remember seeing it on Twitter. And that took the ball and ran with it, as did Gary the always insightful of Gary Rides Bikes.

It turns out that credit for originally coming up with it goes to our friends at L.A.-based bikewear manufacturer Swrve.


The LACBC endorses Proposition J to speed up transit projects. Fighting a valet blocked bike lane. Motor Avenue gets a much needed road diet. Multicultural Communities for Mobility — the former City of Lights program — hosted their annual awards dinner on Wednesday. The history of PCH reveals a troubled and dangerous highway. In an absolutely absurd opinion piece, the L.A. Times compares the green credibility of a $20 cardboard bike with an $845,000 plug-in hybrid Porsche. Malibu officials confirm their commitment to bike safety following the death of Mari Echeverria on PCH this month; Cycling in the South Bay responds with the real problem on PCH. What happens to abandoned bikes in Hermosa Beach. CLR Effect takes a look at fire bikes.

Don’t forget this weekend’s Newport Beach Memorial Ride and Fundraiser; if you ride in Orange County you need to be there. An Orange County assailant escapes by BMX bike after stabbing a woman multiple times; fortunately, her injuries weren’t serious. Signs appear announcing the forthcoming sharrows in Corona del Mar. A Los Olivas DUI driver gets four years and four months in prison for plowing into a group of riders, leaving one in a semi-comatose state with serious brain injuries. A dangerous Santa Barbara street gets the blame for putting a cyclist on life support — though police say it’s because she didn’t use a crosswalk. San Francisco police allegedly beat the crap out of a popular cyclist and bike cap maker for exercising his 1st Amendment rights — then charge him with assaulting three officers and resisting arrest. Bay Area bicyclists say thanks to drivers.

The Bike League has recognized this year’s Bike Friendly Businesses — including Santa Monica’s Helen’s Cycles and Irvine’s Jax Bicycle Center — along with their new Bike Friendly Universities; sorry, USC. Thirteen reasons you should start biking to work. Winter bike commuting in Anchorage AK. An Arizona writer gets it right in responding to complaints from motorists. A Salt Lake City man is under arrest after taking a $5,900 for a test ride and not coming back. A Native American driver shows no remorse when he pleads guilty to running down a cross-county cyclist on a New Mexico reservation; the tribal court has jurisdiction, which is seldom a good thing. A drunk Texas cyclist pulls a machete on a cop; usually not a good idea. A Pittsburgh mom thanks the strangers who helped her bike-riding daughter. An arrest has been made in the case of the Pittsburgh cyclist whose throat was slashed last month. In a horrifying case, two New Jersey brothers are accused of killing a 12-year old girl to steal her BMX bike. Bike Portland says New York streets really do live up to the hype. NYPD forgets to investigate the fatal dooring of a cyclist last April. New York plazas and bike lanes are good for business. Russell Crowe leads the paparazzi on a 7.7 mile bike chase. AAA insists DC-area drivers are the victims of a war on cars; if they don’t figure out soon that a lot of their members also ride bikes, they may lose that war.

America’s only surviving Tour de France winner calls on the head of competitive cycling’s governing body to resign. Lancegate claims another victim, as Team Sky’s Bobby Julich resigns as cycling coach. Motorists say cyclists are endangering their lives by riding on divided highways; yeah, they couldn’t just slow down and drive safely. So much for that cycling paradise, as a Danish princess collides with a cyclist on the streets of Copenhagen. Bangalore gets its first bike lane. Real justice for a fallen cyclist as a Kenyan driver gets life in prison for the hit-and-run death of a bike rider.

Finally, let me get this straight — if 25% of drivers want those “inconsiderate cyclists” to be  taxed and licensed, doesn’t that mean an overwhelming 75% don’t? And a UK cyclist punches a car passenger in an unprovoked assault. So who said it was unprovoked?

Oh, right, the guy who got punched.

Just another typically risky ride on the Westside, and a whole lot of mostly non-Lance links

It was just another ride on the Westside.

Full of doorings and blocked bike lanes, cut-off drivers and construction zones.

The sad part is, there was nothing unusual about it. This is what we have to contend with on a daily basis. And this part of the city, through now officially bike friendly L.A. and Santa Monica, is about as good as it gets in SoCal with the possible exception of Long Beach.

It could have been worse.

I left out video from a three-block stretch of San Vicente Blvd where the bike lane was blocked by a Hollywood production crew, because it *might* have shown someone riding through it anyway.

And we certainly don’t want to encourage that sort of behavior.


I’ve been doing my best to ignore the whole Lance Armstrong dopergate scandal. And it’s not like you can’t find all the news you can stomach on the subject without my help.

But there are a few stories that add a little depth to the coverage.

A report on CNN accuses Lance of pocketing $1 million donors that may have thought was going to Livestrong, as well as accusing him of being an arrogant jerk. Lance gets a lifetime ban, but the door is left open for other doping riders to repent. The NY Times reports that his wall of silence fell one rider at a time.

Meanwhile, UCI chief Pat McQuaid — who oversaw over a decade of doping cyclists with no apparent repercussions — calls Landis and Hamilton scumbags; pot, meet kettle. Christophe Bassons, known as Mr. Clean for his anti-doping stance, is banned for one year for dodging a dope test. Johny Schleck, father of top pros Frank and Andy, urges his sons to quit, saying “This is no life.” Rabobank is shocked! shocked! to find doping in pro cycling.

And if a doping cyclist causes you to rethink your support of an anti-cancer charity, you’re giving for the wrong reasons.

Thanks to George Wolfberg and @sonofabike for some of the above links.


Evidently, attempting to intentionally run down a cyclist and a pedestrian — the latter because he was wearing plaid — is no big deal, as a Tiburon driver gets one-year probation and a three to five year driving ban.

Does anyone think he would have gotten the same wrist-slap sentence if he’d used a gun instead a car?



LACBC co-founder Ron Milam makes the case for Los Angeles as a bicycling city; the Bike League says it takes a village to build a Bike Friendly Community. A road diet is being considered for 6th Street in the Miracle Mile, so why aren’t they planning on bike lanes? Better Bike says Beverly Hills police are off-base in how they read the law relating to bikes. Los Angeles gets its first pedestrian coordinators. Cycloscross comes to Glassell Park this weekend. Bikes bring cyclists of different ethnicities together to reduce tensions. The Eastside Bike Club invites you to join in on their Dia de los Muertos ride on November 2nd. Temple City prepares to try once again to make Rosemead Blvd better for bike riders and other humans. CLR Effect looks at last weekend’s Spooky Cross costume ride and the actual race that followed; he also notes the passing of a local cycling legend.

Anaheim police shoot an alleged gang member trying to flee on his bike. Orange County — yes, the entire county — gets a bronze Bike Friendly Community award the same day L.A. does. OC’s Aliso Creek trail is named part of the national trail system. Despite the recent deaths in Newport Beach, Santa Ana is the most dangerous city for cyclists in Orange County. A San Diego councilmember rides with local cyclists to learn about bike issues in his district. Bike SD looks at three-foot laws across the US in the wake of Governor Brown’s second misguided veto. After a Poway boy is injured by a car while riding his bike, press reports note that he wasn’t “wearing a helmet or any other protective gear;” what, like body armor or bubble wrap? Seriously? A 13-year old Ventura County boy is critically injured when he’s run down from behind in a SWSS, as the driver claimed he couldn’t avoid the victim after the rider stopped at the intersection then turned across the vehicle’s path. Our neighbors to the north in Kern County plan to increase county bikeways by a factor of 10. Maybe they’re starting to fight back — a Benecia cyclist is seriously injured after crashing into a flock of wild turkeys. Berkeley’s first Sunday Streets event is a success. Pleasanton police target underage riders without helmets.

Grist says bike riders are better for the economy than drivers; but you already knew that, right? Bike commuting is on the rise in the US. Bike Snob offers his own unique take on cyclocross. Boulder CO cyclist get a new 40-acre off-road bike park. Colorado’s Fort Lewis College dominates the collegiate mountain bike championships. St. Louis passes a city ordinance banning harassment of cyclists and pedestrians. Vandals destroy a new lighted bike path at Syracuse University. A Boston bike share rider explains why he doesn’t use a helmet; maybe so, but going without one because they’re not attractive has to be one of the most asinine reasons ever given. Dispelling the myths about bicycling in Philadelphia; clearly, the writer gets it. A Florida driver gets seven years for the hit-and-run death of a bike riding Japanese college student.

A new study from the University of Duh shows roads with parked cars are most dangerous for cyclists, and separated bikeways pose one tenth the risk of unmarked routes. An Ottawa writer clearly gets it, in one of the smartest pieces I’ve seen from a motorist’s perspective. In a horrifying case from Cardiff, Wales, a murderous driver goes on an intentional hit-and-run spree, killing one woman and injuring 11 others in a rampage that lasted three miles and 30 minutes. Evidently, life is cheap in the UK, or maybe they just take boat racing seriously — a British driver gets eight months for killing a cyclist, two months more than another man got for disrupting a race on the Thames. Maybe that will change, as British government officials meet with bike advocates to discuss justice for cyclists, while a Brit writer says FU, sincerely — and more than once — to the UK’s father of Vehicular Cycling. Three-time Giro d’Italia winner Fiorenzo Magni died at the age of 91. And the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain offers a link wrap-up that goes far beyond mine; the student has clearly surpassed the master.

Finally, when a man walks in on his girlfriend with another man, the writer building a bike for her gets to keep it. Then again, if someone would just move those damn deer crossing signs, maybe they wouldn’t get hit so often.

And if you missed it, here’s a helmet cam video of LACBC Planning and Policy director Eric Bruins’ remarks at last week’s press conference announcing L.A. as a Bike Friendly Community.

Bike rider killed by Metrolink train in Baldwin Park

Multiple sources are reporting that a man was killed by a Metrolink train while walking his bike in Baldwin Park Friday night.

Carlos Jacinto DeSantiago, a 49-year old Norwalk resident, was walking his bike west on Ramona Blvd at Downey Avenue at 7:28 pm when he stepped under a railroad crossing arm, and walked onto the tracks in front of the oncoming train.

No explanation was given for why he stepped in front of the train, Metrolink #335 on the San Bernardino  line. Witnesses reported that he went under the train after he was hit; Baldwin Park police say he suffered multiple injuries, and was pronounced dead at the scene at 8:01 pm.

With all due respect to the victim, there is no collision easier for a cyclist to avoid than a wreck with a train.

Unlike motor vehicles, which can roam freely throughout the roadway, trains are confined to a set space and a predetermined schedule. All you have to do is stay off those tracks at that time to avoid getting hit.

And the easiest way to do that is to never, ever ride or walk under, around or through the warning gates, or cross the tracks when warning signals are on.

Why DeSantiago didn’t do that will probably never be known.

This is the 59th cycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 16th in Los Angeles County. DeSantiago was the second cyclist killed in Baldwin Park in 2012, and the second SoCal rider killed in a collision with a train this year, both in L.A. County.

My deepest sympathy and prayers for Carlos Jacinto DeSantiago, and all his family and loved ones.

Money for bikes in Universal plan, bikeway blocking bus layover to be fixed, 4 new LAPD bike liaisons

Lots of news to catch up today after yesterday’s unplanned day off.

There are days I feel like a rodeo clown, getting up one more time than life can knock me down.


In an apparent victory for L.A. cyclists, the massive new Universal Studios project is approved by the L.A. Planning Commission after the company promises to find room for bikes along the L.A. River. Universal promises to contribute $3 million for an extension of the L.A. River bike path along the property, as well as $500,000 for bike lane improvements and $375,000 for bike path planning.

Hopefully, that means they get that a bike path along an improved L.A. River could be a tremendous asset for them, as well as the city. And that encouraging people to ride to the studio could provide a low cost bike boost for their business.

Then again, they could just be throwing money at us in hopes we’ll go away.


I’ve gotten an update from Lynne Goldsmith at Bike Metro about the bus layover on Rinaldi Street in Porter Ranch that we discussed last week.

According to Goldsmith, the layover for Line 243 had existed long before the bike lanes were striped, and were not taken into consideration when the lanes were striped. And no one apparently noticed until Michael Eisenberg brought them to our attention.

As a result, we can expect the segment will be restriped soon.

With luck, they’ll narrow the traffic lanes and stripe around the bus layover to maintain the bike lanes through the layover; more likely, the area around the layover will stay as it is, and the city will simply create a break in the bike lanes.

Hopefully they can come up with a creative solution that works for everyone.

And much thanks to Goldsmith for being so responsive.


As you may know, LAPD Sgt. David Krumer has been reassigned, and is no longer the department’s bike liaison — much to the regret of anyone who had the pleasure of working with him over the past few years.

With his departure, the department is unveiling a new plan that will place a bike liaison at each of the LAPD’s four traffic divisions. In theory, that should provide greater responsiveness, as you’ll now be able to call someone who knows the local streets and the officers who patrol them.

Whether that works out in practice depends a lot on the officers who will be picking up his load.

And it remains to be seen whether the department will still maintain a central bike liaison at LAPD headquarters to deal with issues that affect the entire city, or riders who have issues that the local liaison can’t or won’t solve.

Or whether the very successful Bike Task Force that has worked to help the LAPD transform itself into one of the nation’s most progressive and bike-friendly departments will continue to exist.

Some of those questions may be answered at 4 pm next Thursday when LAPD invites L.A. cyclists to meet the department’s new bike liaisons in room 374 of the new LAPD headquarters Downtown.

According to the LADOT Bike Blog, the new liaison’s are:

  • Sgt. Thomas Tavares, Central Bureau Traffic Division, 213/972-1864
  • Sgt. Jon Aufdemberg, South Bureau Traffic Division, 323/421-2588
  • Sgt. Emalee Baptiste, Valley Bureau Traffic Division, 818/644-8030
  • Sgt. Chris Kunz, West Bureau Traffic Division, 213/473-0125

You’d be smart to program those four numbers into your phone before your next crosstown ride.

And speaking of the LAPD, they’re partnering with two Downtown bike shops to offer a $5 discount on Kryptonite U-locks.


Governor Jerry Brown has just four more days to sign or reject SB1464, the recently passed three-foot passing bill, to make up for the one he vetoed last year.

If he does nothing, the bill becomes law by the end of day Sunday, or maybe Monday, depending on your source. And does nothing to redeem the low opinion many cyclists have of him as a result.

Or maybe that’s just me.

Calbike also notes that we’re also waiting for Brown’s signature on a bill to allow Caltrans to experiment on new bikeway designs.


The Splinster peer-to-peer bike rental program has now gone nationwide, allowing you to rent an unused bike directly from the owner anywhere in the U.S. Or rent yours to someone else if you don’t need it for awhile.

Then again, bike rental seems to be a booming business everywhere.


Taggers shoot a bike rider in North Hollywood; the victim is expected to be okay. A study of the York Blvd road diet and bike lanes shows fears that it would kill business were off base. KNBC-4 says this weekend’s Carmageddon is cause for cyclists to celebrate; Streetsblog notes lots of car-free bike activities over the auto-cataclysmic weekend, or check out ARTmageddon with Flying Pigeon on Saturday. The LACBC’s Tall Bike Bobby is back from his tour of the West Coast. Bike Nation will be offering free bike rentals for next weekend’s CicLAvia. LADOT wants your help to pick a new east-west route through the Valley. Richard Risemberg is shocked to find scofflaws on two wheels — and four. The Elite Track National Championships take place in Carson this weekend. An Oregon cyclist was seriously injured in a hit-from-behind collision on Angeles Crest Highway; or make that two, as another rider is severely injured the same night in La Cañada Flintridge.

Did they really have to do a study to prove Caltrans still doesn’t get bikes and pedestrians? A public service will be held October 6th for Newport Beach bike victim Dr. Catherine Campion Ritz. Newport Beach will sponsor a memorial ride to honor the two cyclists killed there two weeks ago; more importantly, they’re raising funds for bike safety — and the city will match donations on a three-to-one basis. When cyclists are dying, there’s no such thing as a bad idea if it could lead to a good one. A new video looks at salmon cyclists riding into trouble in Newport Beach. San Clemente considers a Dutch-style bike plan. San Diego’s airport goes bike-friendly; thanks to @bikeSD for the heads-up — and for giving the airport a good prod. A bike film fest is coming up in Redlands next month. California college cyclists complain about inconsiderate and inexperienced cyclists. For a change, there’s justice for cyclists in Northern California. A Sacramento writer asks why we tolerate the carnage on our streets; why indeed.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood blames 80% of dead pedestrians for their own deaths. Bicycling offers up 25 upgrades for 25 bucks or less. If you’re going to ride with an open bottle of booze in your hand, don’t crash into a police cruiser. Defusing tensions between cyclists and drivers in Colorado. An Idaho woman is dragged behind a bus when the driver pulls out as she’s removing her bike from a rear rack. A hit-and-run Kansas driver is accused of intentionally running down a cyclist he mistakenly thought was a pedophile. New York City urges taxi passengers to look to prevent dooring bike riders. Despite the city’s vast increase in bike lanes, cyclist and pedestrian fatalities are up in New York; a new study shows most are the fault of lawbreaking drivers. A bike riding Gotham father loses his life on the Boulevard of Death. A Texas father is shocked that GEICO would be despicable enough to deny the claim after a driver hits a student cyclist on a Safe Route to School; clearly, he hasn’t dealt with many insurance companies when it comes to bikes. A teenage Texas driver screams at the cyclist he just killed for coming into his lane; witnesses report he was driving recklessly.

Turns out bike lanes don’t create costs for Vancouver drivers. Riding brakeless is blamed in the death of a young Montreal fixie rider. British stats show drivers were at fault in most collisions last year, while just 1% of bike collisions were due to the cyclists’ failure to stop or yield. Britain sees a 9% increase in bicycling fatalities and serious injuries. UK drug users are almost twice as likely to drive under the influence. A bleeding UK cyclist is saved by a baby diaper. A road raging Brit rider punches out a car’s windshield. In a long-held dream for many riders, some British truck drivers will spend half a day riding bikes. Yom Kippur gives Israeli cyclists a chance to ride car-free, but the nation needs to do more to support increasing ridership levels. A former Aussie cycling champion stabs the coach who sexually abused her.

Finally, Bikeyface considers whether bike marketers really do have women figured out.

1400 words worth of time-wasting bike links to ruin any hope of Tuesday pre-High Holiday productivity

Consider this my attempt to eliminate any Tuesday productivity.

No, really.

I’ve been saving these links up since last Friday; this was actually going to be last night’s post until breaking news got in the way.

And yes, no matter how long I’ve been working on something, word of a fallen rider will always take precedence over everything else.

So grab a cup, sit back and limber up your clicking finger. Because I can’t be responsible for any missed rides due to strained trackpad finger.


First up, a quick reminder that the LACBC’s Civic Engagement Committee will meet at 6:45 pm tonight at the Pitfire Pizza at 2nd and Main Downtown, across from the new LAPD headquarters, to discuss electing more bike-friendly political leaders.

And please accept my personal apology for scheduling this meeting on Yom Kippur. The committee regularly meets on the last Tuesday of every month, and like an idiot, I failed to check the calendar until it was too late to reschedule.

Which I guess gives me something to atone for the next time I go to confession.

G’mar Chatimah Tovah


If you haven’t read this one already, take a look at this must-read Slate article, as a self-admitted scofflaw jerk cyclist looks at the psychology of why so many drivers hate us.

No, really. I’ll wait.


Back already?

Family and friends remember the life of fallen cyclist Sarah Leaf; when will we decide that too many good people have died in our automotive holocaust?

The back-to-back cycling deaths shine a light on Newport Beach’s deadly track record. Collision statistics suggest the city is a risky place to ride; despite what the story says, 45 collisions through the first nine months of 2012 does not represent a decrease from 57 in 2011 — it actually projects out to a sizable increase for the full year. Orange County’s cdmCyclist says we’re facing a cycling tsunami and it’s time to do something.


UK bike scribe Carlton Reid nails it in asking why some misguided politicians and paid pontificators demand that cyclists behave before we get bike paths.

The demonisation of cyclists needs to end. It would help if politicians and journalists recognised that cyclists are not one homogenous group and the sins of one should not be reason to impugn all.*

On the other hand, a writer for the Guardian, which is usually very supportive of cycling, takes a back-handed slap at cyclists in discussing a government minister who went off on security police officers who wouldn’t let him ride his bike through the gates of 10 Downing Street.

Braying at the police may go down well among those fellow cyclists who think the rules do not apply to them, but it is at odds with the requirement for whips to put leader and party first at all times.

Another writer asks if you’ve experienced absurd, self-righteous anger, even if you didn’t take it out on a cop.


Philipe Gilbert is your new men’s 2012 road bike world champ, attacking with just 2.2. km to go to win the race, while Marianne Vos wins for the women to cap a near perfect year.

And UCI reveals long past due plans to sort of boost women’s professional cycling. But really, they’re mostly serious about actually kind of doing something this time.


LADOT posts the agenda for next month’s BPIT meeting. Bike lanes come to Grand Avenue. Christin Zeisler says goodbye to her bike, but not to riding, after being hit by a shuttle van last week; police are still looking for a suspect, but don’t seem to be too hopeful given the limited evidence. Santa Monica and Malibu schools celebrate non-motorized transportation with Bike It! Walk It! Day on October 3rd and 5th; wouldn’t that make it Days, then? Writing for Orange 20, Richard Risemberg says L.A.-area cycling is building momentum; Beverly Hills, not so much. The Source asks if bike escalators should come to Los Angeles; only if we want to stop treating bike riders like second-class citizens, and why would anyone want to do that? Arnold and daughter ride in Santa Monica, where a planned replacement bridge promises better access to the pier. According to the CHP, there’s been a “slight” 48% increase in Topanga Canyon traffic collisions over the last three years. Boyonabike continues his look at the Pasadena bike plan. Carson is home to the 2012 USA Cycling Elite Track National Championships starting this Thursday. The rich get richer as Long Beach cyclists will soon get three new bike boulevards. Bike Talk talks ProWalk ProBike, while Streetsblog’s Streetfilms looks at the associated National Women’s Bicycling Summit.

The Orange County Register names the county’s top three bike shops, as well as the county’s three best bike paths. A San Diego cyclist looks back on a year of car-free commuting after trading her car for a bike at last year’s Tour de Fat. San Diego cyclists get their first green lane. A 103-year old Ontario bike shop is still going strong. A Santa Barbara man gets about seven months for embezzling 13 bikes worth $42,000 as a former employee of Bicycle Bobs. San Francisco cyclists celebrate the 20th anniversary of Critical Mass. A 79-year old Sacramento cyclist dies four days after he was hit by a car after allegedly failing to yield the right-of-way, which I’m sure has been confirmed by witnesses other than the driver, who could have an inherent interest in blaming the victim; thanks to George Wolfberg for the heads-up.

So if USADA’s case against Lance Armstrong is so strong, why aren’t they sharing the evidence with the UCI?  Speaking of which, Congress considers reforming USADA, but claims that has nothing to do with Lance. American cyclists have gone from no bike insurance to actually having real options. Former Long Beachers The Path Less Pedaled look back at last week’s Interbike show in Las Vegas, while the national Streetsblog Network says maybe it’s time to say vaya con dios to Las Vegas. A Portland study suggests cyclists make better customers in the long run. An unusually honest Portland man buys a stolen bike for $40, then returns it to its rightful owner. Colorado endurance athlete survives a lightening strike while riding — with a heart rate 30 points higher than usually fatal. Nearside street signals could cut down on those idiots who stop in the middle of the intersection, let alone the crosswalk. Gisele Bundchen bikes in Beantown. New York opens its first Bike Friendly Business District. The Wall Street Journal offers a field guide to spotting cyclists; and yes, it’s been done before — repeatedly. Texas cyclist rides 10 miles with a kitty on her tits. A Baton Rouge writer says bikes should be banned from a busy main road, rather than expecting drivers to use it safely.

A panel of British MPs considers ways to get more people biking, while Brit bike advocates debate whether the country’s roads are too dangerous for cyclists; the nation’s Transport Minister says fear of cycling is holding them back. UK authorities seize parked bikes in anticipation of a political convention; actually, they might have a good reason for that. An Irish county considers banning bicycles from public parks, evidently willing to force toddlers to learn how to ride their bikes on busy streets. The afore mentioned George Wolfberg also sends a link to this story about a three day, 100 mile tour of Luxembourg; and yes, I want to ride it. Hong Kong frowns on bike commuting; you’d think they’d realize that encouraging cycling gets cars off their crowded streets. New Zealand cyclists ask for a little space and tolerance from motorists.

Finally, a truly big-hearted UK driver tells the seriously injured 12-year old cyclist he just ran over “I hope you haven’t dented my car” before driving off and leaving him to bleed in the street; the schmuck later turned himself in.

And you might enjoy these photos of the fountain that suddenly sprouted next to my building this afternoon. As someone else pointed out, bikes seldom lose control and sheer off fire hydrants.

Although to be fair, the car pictured above didn’t hit the hydrant; the driver just had the misfortune of running over it after someone else ran off the road and knocked it into the street.

*For reasons that have never been adequately explained, the apparent misspelling are correct on the other side of the Atlantic — two countries divided by a common language and all that, which doesn’t actually appear to have been said by anyone. So feel free to claim it for yourself if you’re so inclined.

Metro blocks the bike lane on Rinaldi; Zev talks Carmegeddon II Friday — bikes on the 405, maybe?

Michael Eisenberg sends word that he’s recovering from his recent right hook collision.

And surprisingly enough, he hasn’t run into any issues with the driver’s insurance company.

On the other hand, he’s run into an unexpected problem with Metro.

Back to commuting by bike every day, Eisenberg’s route takes him down the bike lanes on Rinaldi Street in the North Valley.

However, after frequently encountering Metro buses stopped in the bike lane, he stopped to take a closer look. And discovered those buses were parked and empty.

As it turns out, what he discovered has been designated as MTD layover spot #12953 — despite the No Stopping sign attached to the same light post as the bus stop signs.

And despite the fact that bike lanes are legally considered traffic lanes reserved for the use is bicycles, just as HOV lanes are reserved for vehicles with multiple occupants.

As well as CVC 21211, which prohibits obstruction of bikeways, along with an L.A. city ordinance prohibiting parking in bike lanes.

Of course, it’s possible that the layover spot existed before the bike lanes were installed. But even so, the law clearly calls for it to be moved, or an adjustment made in the bike lanes to go around the bus stop and layover space.

And judging by the photos, that shouldn’t be a problem, as the overly wide lanes on Rinaldi could be easily narrowed to make room.

I’ve reached out to LADOT, Metro and the LAPD for more information, but haven’t heard back from anyone yet.

I’ll let you know when — or if — I do.


Leading bike/community advocate George Wolfberg forwards word that L.A. County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky will participate in a live web chat at noon Friday to discuss the upcoming Carmageddon II — the Sequel.

We will be conducting a Live Internet Chat regarding the upcoming full freeway closure of the I-405 this Friday, Sept. 21, from 12, noon, to 1 pm.  LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky will answer questions and collect suggestions about the upcoming I-405 freeway closure.

To join live or access the web chat go to between 12, noon, and 1 pm on Friday, Sept. 21.  You can also send questions in advance of the chat to

I wonder what would happen if L.A. cyclists forwarded this to everyone they know. And a few hundred bike riders joined in the chat to demand that bikes be allowed on the 405 while the highway is shut down on the 29th and 30th.

Maybe Zev might actually take us seriously this time.


Newport Beach considers bike safety improvements in the wake of two deaths last weekend, including speeding up sharrows on the coast highway. The Orange County Register says one of those two victims, Dr. Catherine Campion Ritz, was an avid cyclist who always put her patients first.

I’m also told, via an anonymous source, that the prosecutor assigned to the case of hit-and-run driver Michael Jason Lopez, accused of killing Campion Ritz, is “young, pretty and cute as hell” — and “a total Bulldog in the courtroom.”

And she goes on to add,

Lopez would be whimpering in fear if he knew what he was up against, he might as well just plead guilty!!!!!!… The D.A. trusts her with these high-profile cases for good reason.

Sounds like they’ve got the right person to prosecute the case. Maybe a killer driver won’t get off with a slap on the wrist, for once.


More collisions than usual on Topanga Canyon, including the hit and run that critically injured cyclist Ed Morris, who remains in the ICU, as well as another cyclist who was airlifted out after hitting a deer.


Word must be getting out that I try to keep up with bike racing on a semi-irregular basis.

That might explain why I received the press release announcing a newly named pro team, alongside  other much larger — and I do mean much larger — media sources.

Cannondale will be partnering with Brixia Sport — which took over for Liquigas earlier this year — to become the title sponsor of the new Cannondale Pro Cycling Team. Riders will include 2012 TdF Green Jersey winner Peter Sagan, Ivan Basso, Moreno Moser and Elia Viviani.

The team will compete on Cannondale’s new SuperSix EVO Ultimate bikes, named by Germany’s Tour magazine as the best bike in the world, as well as winner of the Eurobike Gold award two years running.

Maybe they’ll send me one for writing about it.

Hey, it could happen.


The LACBC says the proposed expansion of Universal Studios has gone off the rails by relying exclusively on cars at the expense of all other modes of transportation — as well as blocking a planned extension of the L.A. River Bike Path.

You can fight back by attending a hearing of the Planning Commission on the matter next Thursday, or emailing your comments by this coming Tuesday; see the link for more details.

My personal take?

This project will go forward over my dead body unless they agree to extend the bike path and make other bike-friendly changes.

And it could very well come to that if we end up riding in that area if the current plan is approved.


The smackdown between L.A.’s two most dangerous drivers goes on. A study of L.A.’s York Blvd concludes that road diets don’t have a negative effect on local merchants. Cycle Chic hits the catwalk in Long Beach, and Streetsblog has the video to prove it. San Diego’s Bayshore Bikeway is listed among the top 20 bike paths in the U.S., and it’s not even finished yet. Meanwhile, the city’s cyclists get some green on the ground on Montezuma Road following a death and serious injury. A Petaluma woman runs down a cyclist walking in a crosswalk, then forces $60 dollars on the rider before driving away. A Daly City mountain biker survives with just minor injuries after riding off a cliff. Bike commuting is up in the Bay Area. If you’re going to run a red light, make sure there’s not a police car in your way. The draft bike plan for Los Altos reveals an anti-bike bias from local police.

Advice for women on what not to wear when riding. Dave Moulton says — and I agree — that we need to keep the bad news in perspective. Background on the Colorado cyclists who were harassed by a honking driver, and a call for patience and courtesy on both sides; amen, brother — and thanks to my sister for the second link. A Missouri train route is converted to a scenic bike path. Chicago cyclist rides his bike down the ramp to a train stop and ends up on the track — somehow missing the electrified third rail, let alone any trains. A Wisconsin driver will face trial for killing a cyclist on the same stretch of road where her bike-riding husband was killed four years earlier. A New York postal worker is acquitted of hit-and-run after killing a cyclist. If you’re going to have a bike wreck, do it with a brain surgeon nearby. A Louisiana cyclist is killed after getting mirrored by a passing UPS truck in Texas; maybe we should be happy they only block bike lanes here.

A Toronto writer asks why it’s so hard for drivers to steer clear of bike lanes. Teenage Toronto gang members follow a cyclist home and assault his family after he refuses to give up his bike. A new Brit road safety campaign says drivers and cyclists need to look out for one another even if drivers need to look out more, according to the Guardian; I wish any American newspaper would offer the depth of bike coverage they do (and yes, I’m available, if anyone is interested). Five-time tour de France champ Miguel Indurain says the image of cycling is being ruined by the endless parade of scandals; well no shit. Despite hard times, bicycling is booming in Budapest. An Aussie cyclist barely survived after being knocked over a railing into traffic by another cyclist.

Finally, the New York Daily News unfavorably compares all those killer cyclists to gun-toting criminals; perhaps their editorial board would benefit from a thorough psychological examination to determine why they have this odd anti-bike fixation.

Then again, they don’t seem to be fans of track cycling, either.

Just the links: Bob’s Big Boy benefits Ride2Recovery, honking CO driver ticketed, pro cyclist killed in Spain

Just a quick update to catch up on today’s news.

First up, Bob’s Big Boy in Burbank will donate 15% of their sales on Friday to benefit Ride 2 Recovery, dedicated to changing the lives of wounded vets by getting them on bikes. Thanks to John Morlock for the heads-up.


A 75-year old Colorado man has been ticketed for tailgating and honking at a pair of cyclists for five minutes, captured on a bike cam video.


Euskaltel-Euskadi pro cyclist Victor Cabedo was killed in a collision while training in Spain, when he went off a ravine after colliding with a vehicle. Cabedo was killed just a few miles from his home, just one year after turning pro.


American bike prodigy Taylor Phinney takes silver in the time trial in the World Road Cycling Championships; maybe it was the shoes.


Once again, the courts go easy on a dangerous-driving celebrity. L.A.’s bike share program will open with stations in Downtown, Venice, Westwood and Hollywood. Downtown’s Grand Ave and Olive Street will get new buffered bike lanes south of 7th. Flying Pigeon says there’s plenty of room for a road diet on North Fig. C.I.C.L.E. hosts a free workshop on how to shop by bike this Saturday. Recent Redondo Beach high school graduates are responsible for 26 new bike racks in the city. Classic and modified bikes will be part of a Monterey Park car show next month. High Desert Cyclists will host a fall century on October 20th. A Big Bear heart patient credits cycling with keeping her alive. Cyclelicious looks at the short history of cycle chic. A pair of San Francisco cyclists are raising funds to ride across the U.S. to investigate bicycling fatalities. If you’re going to run a red light, make sure there’s not a police car in the way.

The Atlantic features famous authors and their bikes. Platinum bike-friendly status just isn’t good enough anymore. The head of Trek tells Interbike bike lanes don’t happen by accident. Lovely Bicycle looks at the challenge of marketing bicycles to women; Cyclelicious considers the distraction of booth babes. My hometown celebrates Octoberfest with a combination of bikes, bands and beer. A stolen Hummer takes out eight New Yorkers, along with a bus, taxi and barbeque stand; but cyclists are the real problem, right? Bike riding gangs are beating up and robbing pedestrians in New Haven. A North Carolina TV station is amazed that a woman would ride 13 whole miles — and back — to apply for a job. A Florida driver faces anywhere from 22.8 months to 35 years in prison after pleading guilty to running down two cyclists, killing one, then fleeing the scene.

The bicycle is the new art icon. London may try bike-specific traffic signals. A UK cyclist relies on a bike cam after getting hit by cars 30 times; after that many collisions, I’d consider a good cycling course first. New Yokohama bike lane requires cyclists to dodge obstacles while riding the not-so-straight but very narrow.

Finally, in a tongue-in-cheek report, a UK official refuses to build more roads until motorists behave.

And just to be fair, it’s not just UPS trucks that block the bike lane. By the way, UPS promised the local office would call me on Monday. Do I really need to say I’m still waiting?

Yet another Orange County cycling death, and a long list of bike links for your midweek reading

Word is just crawling in, as an aside to another story, of yet another cyclist succumbing to fatal injuries last week.

Seventy-four year old Orange County resident Lafayette “Lafe” Parkin fell while training for the California Coast Bicycle Classic near the UC Irvine Medical Center on August 31st, resulting in a severe head injury.

His 32-year old son Josh took his father’s place on the tour, finishing the ride on Sunday; his father passed away on Wednesday while his son was filling in for him.

This is the 56th cycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 10th in Orange County. Parkin is the second rider to die in a solo fall in Orange County in 2012, and the 13th in the seven-county SoCal region.

My deepest condolences and prayers for Parkin, and all his family and loved ones. And my respect for Josh; I can’t imagine the emotions he went through riding in his father’s name under such difficult circumstances.


Elly Blue questions the obvious sexism in bicycle marketing; Bicycling’s Fit Chick says that’s one thing she won’t miss about missing this year’s Interbike.


I have nothing against using sex in advertising. But only when there’s a genuine connection with the product being sold.

Otherwise, it’s just annoying. And ineffective.

And stupid.

Meanwhile, Kent’s Bike Blog brilliantly puts the process of bike shopping in perspective.


Two and a Half Men star Jon Cryer suffers some nasty road rash during Sunday’s Malibu Triathlon, crediting his helmet with saving his skull after experiencing the dreaded Wobble of Death.


I seriously want this jersey, featuring one of the greatest, and sadly least known, cyclists of all time. Last day to order is September 25.


After last year’s humongous non-event, I’m not falling for the massive hype of Carmageddon II — The Sequel this time.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of the relatively car-free streets that should result, as a number of bike rides and events are being planned for the weekend.

First up, Streetsblog and the Bikerowave team up for a night of Streetfilms and fun to benefit C.I.C.L.E. founder Shay Sanchez on Friday the 28th, starting at 7 pm.

Culver City-based Walk ‘n Rollers is hosting a series of rides through the Westside on Saturday, September 29th, with family-friendly routes from eight to 22 miles. The same day, a pair of Valley rides roll along the Orange Line Bike Path and other nearby bikeways.

And Metro and C.I.C.L.E. are joining forces to promote the 2.5 hour, eight-mile Carmageddon Valley Ride on Sunday the 30th.


The next BPIT meeting is scheduled for 1 – 4 pm on Tuesday, October 2nd. Instructors from the LAPD’s bike patrol patrol Interbike for new gear. Downtown will soon have an ice cream shop churned by bike power. CLR Effect looks at ways to carry your stuff on your bike; Boyonabike considers larger options. Cyclicious encounters the LACBC’s own Bobby Gadda as he makes his way back down the coast on his tallbike. Gary considers walk and bikenomics from last week’s Pro Walk/Pro Bike in Long Beach. The Bike League declares last week’s National Women’s Bicycling Summit, part of Pro Walk/Pro Bike, a huge success; they aren’t the only ones.

Fallen Newport Beach cyclist Sarah Leaf is described by friends as funny, inspirational and extraordinary. Maybe a selfish driver who forced a 4th grader out of a crosswalk isn’t such a petty complaint after all. Should be a great party next week, as BikeSD officially launches as a citywide bike advocacy group; any organization formed by Sam Ollinger has my unqualified support — and hopefully, yours, as well. San Diego could have a bike share program of their own as soon as next spring; L.A., Irvine and Long Beach provider Bike Nation is one of the contenders. An apparently suicidal cyclist reportedly rides his bike into the path of a Redlands driver. Evidently they get it in NorCal, as a Red Bluff man is sentenced to 11 years in prison for killing a 73-year old cyclist while driving under the influence; I just wish courts down here placed that much value on a human life. Then again, not so much in Lompoc, either.

CNN considers why young Americans are bypassing the automotive right of passage — without once mentioning the word bike. Bicycling interviews bicycling actor Patrick Dempsey. An Arizona writer looks at life differently after surviving a bicycling collision. The Colorado Highway Patrol is looking for a driver who honked behind two cyclists for several minutes rather than passing. A board member of advocacy group BikeTexas is run down from behind and killed while riding her bike. Both sides in a Chattanooga debate agree that cyclists need to do our part to avoid collisions; make that all three sides, as I concur. How to conquer your fears as a beginning cyclist. Boston Daily asks why so many cyclists are dying on the streets, suggesting a summer-long truce between bike riders and motorists has ended. New York decides safety is more important than speed for delivery riders. The New York Daily News says it’s time to rethink bike share if it’s going to succeed. Brooklyn cyclists complain about the latest obstacles blocking bike lanes. I love this turn of the century postcard. Philadelphia finds more riders mean fewer collisions — not accidents, thank you. A Florida man is under arrest for faking a hit-and-run collision; his story was done in by one of those seemingly ubiquitous security cameras. A beginner’s guide to not dying while biking in the Everglades.

Why do so many people love cycling but hate cyclists? Intentionally run down a Brit cyclist, get a fine of less than $570. A mother finds her 27-year old cyclist son dead on the side of the road after he doesn’t return home from a ride. Olympic cyclists call for making British roads safer for bikes. A Scott writer calls for investing in bikeways while making cyclists liable for all the harm we do; wait, it is bike riders who kill tens of thousands of innocent people on roadways around the world every year, right? A Welsh writer complains about cyclists travelling at abnormal speeds while wearing supersonic helmets; bet I could have found one of those at Interbike. Retired Olympic gold medalist Alexandre Vinokourov auctions his bike for nearly a quarter million dollars, with the money going to charity. Police take mandatory helmet laws to the extreme, as a retired cyclist dies in a tussle with officers over his lack of a head gear.

Finally, no, this isn’t from The Onion — the Biking Black Hole of Beverly Hills really is pursuing a bike share program. No, really.

Even if they can’t manage to paint a single inch of bike lane in the entire city.

Lancaster cyclist killed in collision with empty school bus

The Antelope Valley News reports that a young Lancaster woman was killed in a collision with a school bus on Monday.

Twenty-two year old Alexandria Romero was riding west on Avenue G at Sierra Highway when she reportedly rode through a posted stop sign into the path of an out-of-service school bus traveling at 50 mph.

The driver attempted to brake, but was unable to stop in time, striking her bike with the right front of the bus. Romero was pronounced dead at Antelope Valley Hospital; at 50 mph, a collision with a bus — or anything else — is unlikely to be survivable.

Comments to the story speculate on why she failed to observe the stop sign.

Unfortunately, there’s no way to know why she didn’t stop at what should have been a highly visible intersection. It’s possible that she may have been careless or distracted, or could have been able to stop due to a mechanical failure or some other reason. Or she could have misjudged the speed of the bus, and thought she had time to make it across the intersection.

I’m always suspicious of any reports that a cyclist ran a stop sign or red light in the apparent absence of independent witnesses. While it doesn’t seem to be the case here, drivers have an inherent interest in blaming the victim in any fatal collision.

This is the 52nd bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 15th in Los Angeles County; it’s the first fatal bike collision in the Antelope Valley in 2012.

Thanks to Antelope Valley bike advocate Michele Chavez for the tip.


In a related story, I’ve received word that a woman who was seriously injured in a hit-and-run collision in Santa Clarita last week may have died of her injuries, but have been unable to find any confirmation. If anyone has any information on that collision or the condition of the victim, please let me know. Thanks to grrlyrida for the heads-up.