Archive for General

Malibu PCH workshop tonight, hats off to Cal Poly planner, and psych test for road rager Louis Mraz

There’s still time to make it to Malibu for this evening’s public workshop to discuss the Bike Route Improvements Project along PCH through the west part of the ‘Bu.

Cyclists trying to get to that soon-to-be improved bike route by fighting their way through the east part of PCH are still on their own.


A Cal Poly Pomona student has received a national fellowship for her research paper on Evaluating Demand for Bicycle Facilities in Community-Based Bicycle Planning, with an emphasis on minority and low-income communities.

Her work showed that bike use is higher in areas with household incomes less than $30,000 and commute times of less than 15 minutes. And that communities should target their efforts where there is both the greatest need and highest potential for increased usage.

Congratulations to Edna Cruz. Sounds like she’s got a great future in planning.

Thanks to Erik Griswold for the heads-up.


Following the death of San Diego cyclist David Ortiz — and the inexplicably inaccurate statements from the police — San Diego bicyclists will ride in his honor on Wednesday afternoon. And protest the unnecessarily dangerous conditions on the street where he was killed.


Maybe he’s just nuts.

Road raging driver Louis Mraz, convicted of intentionally running down cyclist Winona Wacker in Highland Park, has been ordered to have a 90-day mental health evaluation before he’s sentenced; sentencing has been moved to June 29th.


I love this piece from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on complaints about the new PA four-foot passing law. For a change, the writer clearly gets it when it comes to comparing the threat posed by cyclists and motorists.

I’ll point out here that I ride a bicycle from time to time, but almost never in traffic. It’s not because I’m scared to death of being mowed down by a careless, lawbreaking bicyclist.

Definitely worth the click.


The first ticket for violating Pennsylvania’s new four-foot passing law comes just 15 hours after it goes into effect; hats off to the bus driver who blocked traffic to keep a hit-and-run driver from fleeing after he failed to give a rider four feet by running over his ass.

On the other hand, there are few things more ridiculous than comments from law enforcement that three — or in this case, four — foot passing distance is unenforceable unless there’s an actual collision.

A cop may not be able to to tell when a car is passing a cyclist at 2’8” instead of a full three feet. But any cop who can’t tell the difference between a foot or two and a yard or more has got serious problems.


Damien Newton says the distracted driving zombies just aren’t going to cut it. More great photos from the recent Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer hill climbing stage race. LADOT wants your input on how to make Yucca Street bicycle friendly. The Real Rydaz are hosting a ride through South L.A. on July 1st, even if money and Metro is keeping CicLAvia from venturing there. Metro wants you to promise, cross your heart, that you’ll ride during Bike to Work Week next month. LADOT attempts to address an ongoing problem with a new campaign urging people to keep their trash bins out of the bike lanes. The newly issued Request for Proposals to reconstruct Santa Monica Blvd through the biking black hole of Beverly Hills includes instructions to consider bike lanes in both directions; it’s a start, anyway. Meanwhile, Beverly Hills announces public workshops for their upcoming Bike Route Pilot project; personally, I’d like to see separated cycle tracks on Rodeo Drive. Kick off the month-long lead-up to the BikeFest Tour of Long Beach with a free bike tune-up and tricycle races at Miller’s Children Hospital starting at Wednesday.

A Newport Beach cyclist is injured in a dooring; thanks to David Huntsman for the tip. Our neighbor to the south completes another 1.8 mile segment of what will eventually be a 24 mile bikeway around the San Diego Bay. Bike San Diego’s Sam Ollinger recaps day two of last month’s National Bike Summit. Visalia cyclists get their first sharrows, and unlike other cities I could name (cough: Los Angeles), an explanation of what they are. A San Francisco cyclist is severely beaten and robbed in an early morning attack. My favorite reality TV show are the L.A. police car chases that air intermittently on our local stations; now Cyclelicious offers proof that bicyclists can get in on the fun, too — even at 60 mph.

Ten things you need for a long-distance bike tour, starting with, yes, a bike. A new Albuquerque bike and pedestrian bridge will let cyclists cross I-25, while providing easy access to a strip club. Eight Denver cyclists are ticketed and their bikes impounded during the city’s first Critical Mass in four year. North Dakota cyclists push for bike lanes on a main street. The Springfield Cyclist calls your attention to the guy who didn’t crash in the Tour of Flanders. Chicago cyclists just want more police to enforce traffic laws — and stop parking in the bike lanes. Attention planning types, the bicycling director position for the city of Boston is about to open up; if they decide they don’t need an actual planner, let me know. That 90-year old New York trike rider is just a youngster compared to a couple riders here on the left coast. Louisiana considers legalizing sidewalk riding.

Toronto cyclists vow to fight the removal of existing bike lanes. A British bike rider complains about the lack of women in a bike company’s marketing brochure; seems to be a problem with a lot of companies that should know better. Helmet cams are bringing justice to UK streets. York city leaders step up to make their streets less safe for cyclists. England’s 125-year old Raleigh bicycle company is about to go Dutch. Edinburgh starts a new campaign to get cyclists in bike boxes, and keep drivers out. Germany wins the women’s world team sprint title, setting a new world’s record twice in the process. A badly broken collarbone has pro cyclist Fabian Cancellara down but not out, at least not for long. After being stripped of his title, and apparent time off for good behavior, ex-2010 Tour de France winner Alberto Contador plans to race in this year’s Vuelta. Oddly, the Tour of the Basque Country goes nowhere near Bakersfield; Spain’s Samuel Sanchez leads after three stages. An Aussie scientist gets 10 years for deliberately running down his bike-riding boss.

Finally, Good busts nine bike myths; then again, there’s at least that many reasons why you shouldn’t ride to work, right?

A little this, a little that — NBC’s Tracy Morgan doors a cyclist, a killer Santa Cruz driver gets a sore wrist

A few quick notes before I hit the ground rolling on what promises to be a gorgeous day.


Comedian, please.

Tracy Morgan, star of NBC sitcom 30 Rock, clearly doesn’t get it after dooring a cyclist in New York yesterday.

After flinging open the door of his car in the path of a bike delivery man, Morgan blamed the rider for wearing black. And made it clear that the incident was no big deal.

And in all honesty, it probably wasn’t.

To him.

According to the New York Post, Morgan was quoted as saying “This kind of stuff happens all the time in the city. I grew up in the city. I’ve been dealing with this stuff for years. Brooklyn-born and -raised, Bed-Stuy do or die.”

Unfortunately, he’s right. Whether he’s talking about cyclists getting doored, or celebs who refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

Meanwhile, E Online seems far more concerned about the comedian’s health than the cyclist he sent to the hospital with minor injuries.

At least future Gotham bike riders will face less risk of dooring from the city’s cabs, as the next generation cab design approved by the city will have sliding doors to protect those around them.

Maybe we can get Tracy Morgan to trade his Jaguar for one.


While we’re on the subject of New York, local cyclists are tired of police blaming the victim and demand better protection and investigations from the NYPD. Meanwhile, a bike riding transit official clashes with a cop who tried to stop him from riding in a no-access area, and tries to pull rank by pretending to be a police commissioner.


Pennsylvania cyclists get protection from a new four-foot passing law as of the first of this month; at least one driver can’t grasp the concept that it’s okay to wait until it’s safe to pass.

That seemed to be the rationalization our own governor used in vetoing last year’s three-foot passing bill, assuming that drivers would mindlessly slam on their brakes to slow down to pass cyclists at less than three feet, rather that wait a few seconds to pass safely.

Now he may get another chance to be less of an idiot do the right thing, as a new three-foot passing bill heads to committee — this time without the driver-appeasing clause Gov. Brown objected to last year.


In a bizarre case from Edinburgh, a cyclist is slightly injured after jumping on the hood of a car during a roadway dispute, then holding on for dear life as the driver swerves from side-to-side and brakes repeatedly in an attempt to throw him off.

Note to cyclists — no matter how smart it may seem at the time, don’t climb onto the vehicle of the driver you’re arguing with.

Never mind getting killed. You could get strip searched.


A Santa Cruz-area driver gets a whopping two years in jail for running down a cyclist and fleeing the scene, leaving his victim to die on the side of the road.

Can someone please explain to me how that isn’t murder?

The collision may have been unintended, but the decision to let his victim bleed out in the street was purely intentional.

Instead, Elliot Dess gets a slap on the wrist, while an innocent bike rider got the death penalty.

If the laws we have now don’t give prosecutors the tools they need to address crimes like this, then we need to change the law so future heartless killers will get the punishment they deserve.

Two lousy years.

Give me a break.


San Diego cyclists are becoming a political force.

That’s something that should soon be happening here, as the LACBC is in the process of forming a political committee to help influence the election of bike-friendly civic leaders; more details soon.


California’s oldest bike racer has another two titles under his belt. In an impressive performance, 93-year old Gordy Shields of El Cajon — soon to be 94 — won the state championship for his age group in both the 20k time trial and the criterium.

Of course, he was the only competitor in his age group.

But still.


Finally, medical science at last discovers the discomfort many women riders have complained about for decades, and realizes that maybe it wasn’t all in their heads after all.

Meanwhile, Gothamist wonders if this, combined with reports of erectile dysfunction among some male riders, means cyclists will soon go extinct.

Uh, no.

Back to the news — paint testing on 7th, bicycling pays, even the Daily News supports smart planning

My film-school visiting nephew and his family are now safely ensconced back in Denver, so it’s time to catch up on what’s been happening around the world of bicycling.

Needless to say, he fell in love with Los Angeles, describing our fair city as “more than awesome.” And when he asked what he liked best, responded “all of it.”

So thanks for putting on your best face for a few days, L.A.

Now feel free to resume your normal activities.


Paint testing is scheduled for this weekend for the much and unfairly maligned and badly worn green bike lanes on Downtown’s Spring Street; anyone notice that it may rain Saturday night?

Meanwhile, an Austin study shows twice as many drivers yield to cyclists on green lanes than before they were painted.


Bike San Diego offers a recap of day one of last week’s National Bike Summit; the LACBC offers more succinct thoughts.


In one of the most interesting reports in recent memory, Copenhagen reveals that cycling results in the equivalent of a net economic benefit of 42¢ per mile bicycled, and a loss of 20¢ per mile of car use. Which means that the US could save $17 billion a year if we could reach Copenhagen-like cycling levels.

To put that in perspective, that’s 34 times — make that 26 times — the amount of this weekend’s Mega Millions jackpot. Or over eight times what the Dodgers just sold for.


L.A.’s Daily News, which hasn’t always been a friend of bikes, calls for smart planning that includes transit, walking and bicycling. Stephen Box asks why Los Angeles isn’t committed to making its streets safer for our kids, which is a damn good question; meanwhile, bike advocates Joe Linton and Josef Bray-Ali inspire a student to ask for bike lanes in front of his school. Damien Newton says don’t forget plans to remake the South Fig corridor. Bike lanes continue to grow in NoHo. Rick Risemberg revisits L.A.’s first real public plaza, apparently before a hit-and-run diver plowed into it. A look at last weekend’s annual Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer hillclimb stage race. Possible sharrows on Santa Monica’s 20th and Cloverfield streets, and a potential makeover for dangerous Class III bike route Lincoln Blvd, which could get a new/old name. SaMo gets what may be the area’s first Dutch-style environment-friendly complete street. Glendale approves a $5 million bike plan, but skips the back-in parking.

The CHP will target zombie — aka distracted — drivers (pdf) in the month of April; too bad distracted driving is barely enforced the other 11 months of the year. Frank Peters searches for bike racks at upscale Fashion Island, and notices a lack of them at local banks. An OC plan calls for more than 100 miles of bikeways in the North County area. A jealous Blythe woman attacks her bike-riding romantic rival with her car. San Diego’s bike-friendly moderate conservative Republican mayoral candidate no longer is — a Republican, that is. Hats off to San Diego’s City Beat, which told angry drivers to slap themselves hard. Shamefully, a dead cyclist in Kern County merits exactly 65 words from the local paper. Once again, an allegedly red light running San Francisco cyclist hits a person in a crosswalk, resulting in life-threatening injuries to the pedestrian; thankfully, it looks like the victim will pull through.

VeloNews calls on racers to work for bike advocacy. Four women are biking cross country for Safe Routes to Schools. Arizona authorities are trying to identify a cyclist who was seriously injured in a collision; this is why you always, always, always carry some form of ID with you when you ride. Portland moves to cargo bikes for disaster response, they’ll be damn glad they did when the zombie apocalypse hits, if it hasn’t already (see above). A Boulder CO cyclist  is threatened with a machete by a car passenger; the clueless driver claims he didn’t see or hear a thing. Right. If you’re going to ride through Yellowstone this time of year, watch out for bears, wolves, bison and elk. Shades of the Soviet gulags, as a Tulsa cop threatens a cyclist with a mental health evaluation for riding in the middle of an nonstandard lane; sounds like he could use one himself — after his badge is removed. An Indiana town says they don’t want bike tourists riding through their town — or evidently, our money. A Stamford CT paper just doesn’t get it, as they call for reducing traffic congestion before building a bike path that might actually help do it. NYPD may be forced — yes, forced — to investigate serious bike collisions. The New York Times offers a moving look at ghost bikes from the perspective of the victim’s family. Despite fears that bike lanes would kill business, New York’s Columbus Avenue doesn’t seem to be doing to bad. Starting Monday, PA cyclists get a four-foot passing margin; our governor doesn’t think we even deserve three.

London’s Guardian looks at how cities fail their cyclists. Trek introduces a new bike for rough roads, geared to the European spring classics. A Russian track cyclist is seriously injured in an Australian hit-and-run, knocking him out of next week’s world track championship. Pay a small fine, get back to racing — despite a doping charge. Bicycling is the future in India, as the country deals with a mobility crisis; no wonder it’s a popular symbol for political parties. An Aussie cyclist is charged with headbutting an off-duty cop, while another is assaulted with a battery, then punched for taking the lane. An Australian state government backs stickers warning drivers about dooring.

Finally, a UK writer says maybe drivers don’t really want a fair deal. A Colorado cyclist was the victim of a fisherman, not a booby trap. And Bikeyface notices just a slight difference riding in a spring dress; almost makes me wish I could wear one.

I’ve got the legs for it, anyway.

Even if I’m not a racer.

A little this, a little that — thank you LADOT, a SaMo bike corral and a new oldest living cyclist

As you may be aware, one of my pet peeves is people who park in bike lanes.

As in, they really piss me off.

And yes, peeves make lousy pets.

So I was far from happy as I was riding on San Vicente Blvd the other day, and spotted this Mercedes parked so badly the rear of the car was sticking out into the bike lane.

I signaled the cars coming up from behind that I was moving to my left — most of whom seemed to be blissfully ignoring the speed limit as well as my presence. And had to wait until a half dozen or so cars passed before I could safely move around this its jutting ass.

So imagine my delight as I rounded the front of the car and saw a parking ticket tucked under the wiper.

Of course, chances are, the ticket was for violating the daytime no parking restrictions, rather than illegally blocking the bike lane.

But either way, it felt damn good to see.

So thank you to LADOT — or maybe LAPD — for writing it.


Later that same day, I found myself riding up Main Street in Santa Monica the other day on my way back from the Marina. And noticed that a new bike corral had sprouted alongside the northbound bike lane.

So I wasn’t too surprised when I received an email inviting me — and yes, you too — to the Grand Unofficial Opening of the city’s first on-street bike corral.

Join in on Saturday morning at the bike corrals between 11 and 12 for coffee, muffins, balloons, music, ribbon cutting, speeches, politicians, drum rolls, bike type activities, media coverage, lights, cameras. And more. Much more!  It’s a party!  Be there.

Spoke, a sponsor of the Opening and Santa Monica’s Bike organization have organized a group bike ride from the Bike Center at 10.30 to arrive in time for the opening.

Santa Monica Bike Corrals
Grand Unofficial Opening
Saturday 11 am
2439 Main StreetOutside Peets at the Edgemar Center
(on the Main Street bike lanes)


Looks like West Hollywood bike touring and rental company Bikes and Hikes LA is going to have a reality show on Bravo. And they need to find a cyclist who ended up on film in Hancock Park.

If that’s you, or you know who it is, let them know.

They want to make you a star.


This has been a busy week for emails. So if I haven’t gotten back to you yet, be patient.

One that disappointed me, though, was the news that Culver City women’s sports apparel and equipment retailer Sports for Eve is going out of business at the end of the month.

I’ve long thought it was a great idea to have a sporting goods store just for women. And the store always felt comfortable and inviting, with a great selection and friendly, knowledgeable staff. Even if I wasn’t exactly the target market.

So I’m very sad to see it go.

On the other hand, you now have an opportunity to get a great deal on top quality cycling, running, yoga and workout gear. And as they reminded me, bike bags, lights and other bike accessories are unisex, so guys can take advantage of the clearance sale as well; I already got a great deal on a chain cleaner.

You’ll find them 3849 Main Street in Culver City.

But hurry, because they’re closing the doors — permanently — at the end of this month.


Another email I received on Thursday offers a new way to carry a companion on your bike.

Half the Wheels, Twice the Fun: Companion Bike Seats creates the first ever rear mounted bike seat.  Featured at SXSW, the Companion Team was in full force giving FREE rides to popular hotspots. The simple yet strong design can safely carry an adult, while comfortably enjoying the ride on a padded seat and foot rests.  The optional locking stashbox has many uses not to mention perfectly holds a 6-pack with ice.  The Companion is available now on Kickstarter for a reduced pre-order price,

Companion Bike Seats was created by two best friends who share a deep love and appreciation for biking.  Always having friends over but never having enough bikes, they wanted to share the joy and benefits of riding with everyone.  The solution was to create the world’s first commercial rear mounted bike seat that allows one bike to safely and comfortably carry two people.  Companion believes that biking is not only beneficial but also a ton of FUN!  Biking is more than a mode of transportation… it’s a lifestyle and now you can share that lifestyle with a Companion.

Through Kickstarter, Companion hopes to raise the necessary funds to begin manufacturing.  In appreciation for helping to reach the goal, Kickstarter backers enjoy reduced rates: Companion $85 (Retail $100), Companion with “Stashbox” $115 (Retail $150).  Thanks for helping to make this product a reality!

Kickstarter –

Think I could get them to send me a prototype in time to take the Corgi to CicLAvia next month?


Maybe the courts are finally starting to take traffic crimes against cyclists seriously, as an Illinois woman is sentenced to 10 years for the drunken hit-and-run death of a cyclist. And a Florida man gets 15 years for a similar crime.

When even Florida, the most dangerous state in the nation for cyclists and pedestrians, treats killing a bike rider treats like the crime it is, things are really starting to change.

On the other hand, maybe not so much, as a 72-year old Sonoma County woman is arrested for DUI for the sixth time in just nine years; thankfully, she doesn’t seem to have killed anyone.



Surprisingly enough, it looks like Long Beach’s Octavio Orduño isn’t the oldest living cyclist after all — or even the oldest in Southern California. Victorville’s 108-year old Charlie Barcio has him beat by four years.

And yes, I want to be like them when I grow up.


Great quote from Chicago bike and transportation blogger Steve Vance, who Tweeted that Volvo making kid’s bike helmets is like Smith & Wesson making bulletproof kid’s vests.


A 63-year old Brooklyn cyclist is critically injured in a horrific collision, as an 80-year old driver first hit a school bus, then crashed into the rider and a parked SUV trying to flee the scene.

One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was tell my father-in-law he was never going to drive again; after a lifetime of mobility and self-sufficiency, losing the privilege to drive meant a major change in lifestyle and self image.

But as this story shows, there comes a time for most drivers when someone needs to take the keys away. For their good, and the safety of everyone around them.


Former multi-sport star athlete Bo Jackson will team with Lance Armstrong to ride across Alabama to raise funds for last year’s devastating series of tornadoes. If you can’t ride, you can still donate.


Bike journalist Carlton Reid examines the document that lead to paved roads in the United States. And no, it didn’t come from motorists.


It’s a return to form for Will Campbell, who gained fame for devastatingly entertaining reports from his experiences as a bike commuter, until he started working from home.

Now he’s commuting again, this time as a volunteer with the local branch of the SPCA; one thing that’s long been clear about Will is that he has a humongous heart and has seldom, if ever, met an animal he didn’t like.

The other thing is that he doesn’t put up with a lot of crap from the idiots he meets on the road. Like the distracted driver who flipped him off, and a honey badger of a red light running bicyclist.

Welcome back, Will.


Finally, local San Gabriel Valley councilmembers seem to feel justified in standing in the way of bike projects because they say nobody bikes there.

So if you ride anywhere in SGV, send a photo of you on your bike, or other riders on theirs, along with the location of the photo, to LACBC affiliate chapter BikeSGV — aka @bikeSGV on Twitter.

Let’s prove ‘em wrong.


Update: Erik Griswold reminds me of a story I had meant to include today, as an Irish driver will miss out on the first five years of his soon-to-be-born child’s life, after being convicted of running down — the deliberately running over — a cyclist in a jealous rage.


The good news is, my sister and her family are coming to L.A. for a visit over the next several days. The bad news is, that may mean my posting on here could be a little sparse until after midweek. So let me apologize in advance if I’m not able to keep up. Then again, this could be a good time to send in a guest post if you’ve got anything you want to say on the subject of bikes or bicycling. Or even Corgis, for that matter.

Just a hint.

And in happier news, I beg, L.A. cyclists crash the marathon and bike activists crash Capitol Hill

Let me start with a personal note.

My nephew will be in town this weekend to visit film schools — I know, I know, but he’s actually pretty good — and would like to visit a production set while he’s here to see how it’s really done.

If anyone can get him and his parents backstage at a TV or film shoot between this Saturday and next Wednesday morning, I’d consider it a personal favor.

You can find my email address on the About page.


The Atlantic Cities looks at last weekend’s Wolfpack Hustle Marathon Crash race, while Ride San Francisco offers a good play by play. Great photos and video from Predator Cycling. Or maybe you’d prefer a helmet cam perspective. Oh, and it was evidently followed by some sort of foot race, too.

Meanwhile, the Claremont Cyclist looks at a more official race that also took place over the weekend, the Men’s and Women’s San Dimas Stage Race. The 28th annual Redlands Bicycle Classic kicks off tomorrow, including the Women’s Prestige Cycling Series; not everyone is happy about it.

And pro cyclist Tom Boonen says modern sprinters are getting out of control.


The first ever National Women’s Cycling Forum discusses how to get more women on bikes, as riders head to Capitol Hill for the annual National Bike Summit. Professional cyclists and CEOs ride from to the event from Boston to raise funds for the Bikes Belong Foundation.


We now have a date for this year’s Blessing of the Bicycles, hosted by Good Samaritan Hospital on Tuesday, May 15th. The non-denominational event features blessings from representatives of virtually every faith found in L.A., as well as food and bike swag.

And now that I think about it, I don’t remember getting a flat since I got my bike blessed last year.


LADOT commits to nearly 16 miles of new bike lanes. Streetsblog looks at the women of East L.A.’s Ovarian-Psychos Bicycle Brigade. If you’re looking for a good cause, the Bicycle Kitchen is raising funds to buy a new permanent home. Letter writers to the Times support the green Spring Street bike lane. Next month’s CicLAvia will coincide with Chinatown’s inaugural Springfest; you’ve got just two weeks left to support CicLAvia on Kickstarter. The biking black hole of Beverly Hills considers the city’s Western Gateway — excluding cyclists, of course; evidently, they don’t want any input from us, either. And Beverly Hills misses a chance to improve a dangerous street. Culver City already has wayfinding signage; L.A. is working on it. Walk Eagle Rock offers thoughts on outdated bikeway designs. KCET Departures picks the LACBC’s JJ Hoffman as one of their 31 Days of Extraordinary Women; couldn’t agree more. One of my favorite reporters picks up the story of the Woodland Hills bike shop that will work with the car dealer across the street to take your car in trade this week. School teachers stop a bike thief in Valinda; and no, I never heard of it either. The New York Times experiences 36 hours in bike-friendly Long Beach. The popular San Gabriel River bike path is undergoing resurfacing this week; if the weather cooperates, the work should be done next Monday.

The cdm Cyclist joins with Enrique Penalosa to rethink the automobile. The OC Weekly takes up the story of hand-sanitizer drinking former Long Beach fire captain and hit-and-run driver John David Hines. The Cal State Fullerton bike team hopes to be competitive this year. A San Diego cyclist is seriously injured after reportedly running a red light; and yes, that looks like blood on a sharrow. A San Francisco CEO bikes 525 miles to L.A., and offers a highly compressed bike video to prove it. A 67-year old San Francisco cyclist is found dead after going missing in Death Valley.

Bicycling offers advice on how to knock out knee pain. An Aspen thief returns the bike he stole with a note of apology, saying he was drunk. New York’s Central Park is going on a road diet. New York Senator Chuck Schumer is caught riding in the Prospect Park West bike lane his wife has been leading the fight against; can she make a sitting Senator sleep on the couch? A Boston writer suggests that all cyclists are jerks, or maybe just 99%. Drive drunk, kill a cyclist, get 6 months probation; evidently, life is cheap in PA. A Fairfax VA rider offers a first-person example of why the DC area needs a cyclist anti-harassment ordinance; then again, so does every other city. A Tennessee study says wider bike and walking paths can lead to skinnier kids. A former Atlanta cop gets a lousy $5,000 fine for beating the crap out of a cyclist in an off-duty road rage incident. An Alabama driver faces a misdemeanor homicide charge in the death of a cyclist touring the country for Habitat for Humanity last year. Still no justice for the cyclist killed by Miami pop singer and accused hit-and-run driver Carlos Bertonatti, as his trial is delayed for the ninth time.

A Canadian cyclist finds a baby left in a pile of leaves; that’s not something anyone would have noticed from a car. A writer with a severe case of windshield perspective says it’s up to pedestrians and cyclists to make themselves more visible, not drivers to notice them; funny how the solution to any problem always seems to require someone else to do something. Thunder Bay residents just can’t seem to get the hang of a recent road diet. Manitoba considers a mandatory helmet law, even as a pair of British physicians argue that bicycle helmets may not do any good. A Vancouver cyclist who wasn’t wearing one dies after colliding with a jogger. Great Britain considers privatizing the roads, at the possible expense of cyclists. A very good question, as a leading UK blog asks why can’t Londoners be given the option of not driving. Ten more arrests in Spain’s ongoing Vuelta scandal. The Cannibal rode his entire career with a potentially fatal heart condition. An opposition attack on the $40 million Aussie bike path program stalls when a member is shown opening one of the new paths. Oops.

Finally, in case you missed it, 25 pickup lines for cyclists. And the son of the world’s 7th richest man kills a cyclist while behind the wheel of his $450,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren outside Rio; father and son defend his actions on Twitter. Anyone want to give odds on whether he gets away with it? But at least he paid his victim’s funeral expenses, though the value of his car keep rising.

Evidence-hiding father Stephen Rush already out of jail; trade in your car for a bike in Woodland Hills

Dj Wheels offers a few legal updates, which I’ll try to catch up on in the next few days.

But one thing sure to get a lot of cyclists’ blood boiling is the news that Steven Rush, sentenced to a wrist-caressing 10 days in jail for helping his daughter Dominique hide evidence in the heartless hit-and-run death of 17-year old cyclist Alex Romero, is already out from behind bars.

According to Wheels, Rush was taken into custody around noon on March 6th, the day he and Dominique were both sentenced. And released less than two days later, at 6 am on March 8th.

Forty-two hours.

A virtually consequence-free Lindsey Lohan-ish spin through the judicial system.

Yeah, that will certainly send a message to anyone else considering hiding evidence of a crime.

As in go ahead. It’s no big deal. Just another dead cyclist lying in the road.



I love this photo from UK bike blogger Karl McCracken, aka KarlOnSea, clearly demonstrating the harmful environmental effects of bicycling.


Gas prices have you thinking about trading your car for a bike? Now you can.


In a brilliant bit of guerilla marketing, Santa Monica Mountains Cyclery is partnering with a nearby car dealer to let you trade your car for a new bike. Just pick out your bike, and go across the street to have your vehicle evaluated for its trade-in value. Then pop back to the bike shop to finish the transaction and ride off on your new bike.

The offer is good next week, starting Monday the 18th and running through Sunday the 25th.

It will be interesting to see if anyone takes advantage of it. And if any of those are new to bicycling.

But either way, the shop deserves credit for using current market conditions to put their name on the map in a big way.


Santa Monica Spoke reminds us of tonight’s Bikes – Ballads – Beers benefit for fellow LACBC affiliate chapter West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition at Little Bar. I won’t be able to make it, but it sounds like a damn fun — and very affordable — bike night.


The USC Cycling Team invites you to join them for a benefit ride on Sunday, March 25th, offering your choice of three rides of increasing speed and difficulty, all starting at 9:30 am at Bike Effect, 910 W. Broadway in Santa Monica. The suggested $20 donation supports the 2012 USC Cycling race program.

Meanwhile, bike-friendly KCET looks at this weekend’s Wolfpack Hustle Marathon Crash Race.


American Cyclist offers a remarkably one-sided look at helmet use, relying on a largely discredited study citing an 85% reduction in head injuries for riders wearing helmets.

While I am a firm believer in helmet use, they are not magic devices that will miraculously protect the wearer against all harm. They’re most effective for relatively slow speed collisions, since their design standards only dictate protection at impact speeds up to 12.5 mph. And even the best helmet will do nothing to protect against injury to any other part of the body.

Don’t get me wrong.

In over 30 years of riding, I’ve only needed my helmet once. And in that case, I’m damn glad I had it.

But let’s be honest about their limitations, and not pretend they can perform miracles.


The great VC debate continues, as former advocate for Vehicular Cycling Rick Risemberg says cyclists should at least operate like vehicles around other riders. The Department of DIY strikes again, as Except Bikes placards suddenly appear on No Parking signs. Gary Kavanagh becomes an official Streetblogger. LADOT offers initial results on wayfinding input, and wants your take on biking through the Sepulveda tunnel under LAX; personally, I don’t even like driving through it. A pink bike may be the key to a murder investigation. Beverly Hills moves forward with a bike route pilot program with no discussion, at least not yet. Cal State Northridge police bust a pair of juvenile bike thieves; they must have really sucked at it to even get noticed. Lincoln Heights bike shop owners consider building a Velodrome for Eastside fixie riders. Altadena gets a five-mile bike boulevard in the new county bike plan. Women on Bikes SoCal interviews Steven Rea, author of Hollywood Rides a Bike. Long Beach will celebrate April Fools Day with a bike scavenger hunt; the city also offers the nation’s largest city-wide discount program for cyclists. Happy 104th birthday to Long Beach’s Octavio Orduno, who may be the worlds oldest living cyclist. Claremont Cyclist looks at last weekend’s Bonelli Park Pro Triple Crown, the U.S. Cup of mountain bike racing. The popular San Gabriel River bike path is getting an upgrade.

Newport Beach police with celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a crackdown on bicyclists, pedestrians and vehicle operators to promote bike safety, followed by another on the 24th; I have no problem with it as long as they focus on all violators, and not just cyclists; thanks to David Huntsman for the tip. San Diego gets a new Bayshore Bikeway, and SD riders are encouraged to help rebuild a beloved children’s bike park. The first leg of the 2012 Women’s Prestige Cycling Series will take place next week at the Redlands Bicycle Classic; nice to see women riders finally beginning to get the attention they deserve. Work has begun on a new bike path to connect North and South Camarillo under the 101 Freeway. San Francisco police ignore witnesses and insist a cyclist intentionally crashed into the back of a road raging driver, evidently believing we bike riders are so insane we often crash into cars to get the driver in trouble; maybe this is how they see us. The field is announced for this year’s Amgen Tour of California.

The Atlantic Cities asks if the bikers’ rights movement is gaining momentum, quoting both L.A. attorney Ross Hirsch and former LADOT Bike Blogger Christopher Kidd. Bike lawyer Bob Mionske compares the lack of cycling support among U.S. officials with the newly found backing from UK MPs. Will Levi’s still be in the bikewear business in two years? A Scottsdale cyclist does everything right, and still gets killed by a possibly inattentive driver. Oregon loses a bike-friendly Republican legislator. Idaho considers a three-foot passing law, while banning two-abreast riding. The hazards of biking in the Chicago suburbs. Sports Illustrated looks at rising BMG cycling scion Taylor Phinney.

After a Canadian cyclist is apparently right hooked, police blame the rider for travelling too fast on the sidewalk and not wearing a helmet; good thing drivers don’t have to take any responsibility in the Great White North. An 85-year old cyclist is critically injured by an unmarked police cruiser in bike-unfriendly Toronto; any guess how long they will take to place all the blame on the rider? A 93-year old Scot driver is charged with killing a cyclist celebrating her first anniversary. Scottish cyclists plan a mass ride on Parliament April 28th. UK rabbis declare this the Big Green Jewish Year of the Bicycle, and in an ecumenical gesture, drop in on the Archbishop of Canterbury to say hi. The Guardian asks if British bikes are worth buying — aside from Bromptons and Pashleys, of course; thanks to Evan G for the heads-up. A British solicitor says the common drivers’ excuse that a cyclist came out of nowhere is unacceptable. Surprisingly even-handed advice on how to make the road safer for Australian cyclists. Proposed stickers would warn Aussie drivers to look out for cyclists when opening their doors.

Finally, Volvo introduces a new outside airbag to protect cyclists and pedestrians; it won’t stop a distracted driver from hitting you, but it may hurt a little less. Then again, it will probably only be the most careful drivers who buy it, anyway.

Drop what you’re doing, sneak out for a ride, then come back for a massive boatload of bike links

Yes, I’ve got a lot of reading for you today.

But it’s shaping up as a great day for riding. So call in sick, if it’s not too late. Or tell your boss you’ve got to go meet a client on the other side of town, and get in a quick ride before our perfect L.A. weather turns less than perfect next week.

This will still be here when you get back.

I promise.


Big changes at LADOT; but not yet clear what it means for L.A. cyclists. LADOT’s Venice wayfinding meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 14th. Streetsblog looks at last week’s LAPD sting operation on Downtown’s green Spring Street bike lane, and interviews L.A.’s rapidly rising bike-friendly mayor. Cyclists storm the L.A Police Commission to demand more protection from hit-and-run drivers. Rick Risemberg looks at L.A.’s first pedestrian plaza and second bike corral; the 7th annual Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer hill climbing stage race will roll from the same location on Sunday, March 25th. L.A. cyclists could enjoy a new bike, pedestrian and equestrian bridge thanks to a local philanthropist; I wonder how long before the horse crowd tries to get us evicted? Here’s your chance to start Beverly Hills first bike shop with little or no money out of pocket; a perfect opportunity for a wrench with his or her own tools. Beverly Hills should consider how bikes could boost small businesses. An interview with cyclist and Hollywood composer Cody Westheimer. Police shoot a cyclist in Harbor City when he pulls a gun after stopping him for riding without a light. The road raging driver who attacked The Path Less Pedaled’s Russ Roca avoids jail after admitting he has an anger problem; well duh. Meanwhile, Russ offers a very short bike PSA.

A new bike shop opens in Redlands this weekend. A San Diego mayoral candidate has a plan to double the number of bike commuters in the city; the shocking part is, he’s a Republican. A Bakersfield driver gets a whopping 10 months in jail for the drunken hit-and-run death of a cyclist; evidently life is cheap in Kern County. Four years in jail for an underage drunk driver who killed an English tourist is San Luis Obispo county. A San Jose cop is held liable for using excessive force on a cyclist after breaking his nose and dislocating his elbow — for a headlight violation. Petaluma police seem to think the way to improve safety for cyclists is to crack down on children without helmets, at least they targeted the drivers who run them down, as well. San Francisco cyclists can now take their bikes into work with them. The World Naked Bike Ride hits Baghdad-by-the-Bay this Saturday, and shows some Kiwi skin, as well.

Number 19 on drivers’ list of complaints — cyclists who don’t let them pass; if they treat us this badly, it makes you wonder how motorists treat people who do the other 18. Biking can save cities billions in health costs. An Idaho driver is found guilty of intentionally running into two Boise bike cops. A Kansas attorney who killed a cyclist while driving drunk is disbarred. Missouri police donate an unclaimed bike to a five-year old tornado survivor. A New York cyclist sues after getting a ticket for leaving the bike lane so he could make a turn. Will driverless cars be the safety solution some people think? A Baton Rouge cyclist starts the long road to recovery following a DUI collision that took the life of his riding companion; the driver who hit him had a BAC nearly four times the legal limit. Now this is the way to encourage helmet use, as Tupelo police hand out helmets to bare headed riders. According to a witness, the Florida hit-and-run driver who crashed into two cyclists, killing one, was so drunk he could barely stand up.

35-year old armless cyclist could represent Cuba in the upcoming London Paralympics. A new UK study says bike helmets — even the free ones passed out by Tupelo police — are useless in major collisions. A British coroner says road layouts should be reviewed in the wake of a cyclist’s death; think that would ever happen in this county? Me neither. Singer Florence Welch keeps getting lost on bike rides; thankfully, local kids are happy to guide her home. Scotland’s Transport Minister will meet with cyclists to discuss improving road safety.  Just days after a woman who tried to stab him to death was sentenced to prison, a Scot rider is killed in a collision. A road raging driver says she only meant to scare a cyclist, not run him over like she actually did. Evidently, the US isn’t the only place killer drivers get away with it, as a repeat speeder gets a suspended sentence for killing a cyclist during a race. Colnago launches the first road bike with hydraulic disc brakes. Cyclists in a German town face a ban on drunk riding. Professional cycling prepares to split into two separate race series in 2014. An 82-year old Taiwan farmer has pedaled his wife 7.5 mile roundtrip for medical care for the last 18 years.

Finally, the inmates evidently escape the asylum and condemn the proposed Escondido master plan as UN plot that favors bikes and transit over cars; damn, they’re on to us, comrades. And if you haven’t seen it already, check out the tongue-in-cheek Motherf***ing Bike video.

Settle in for your weekend reading list, and mark your calendar for a long list of bike events

This weekend is supposed to be perfect for riding. So grab your bike and get out for a ride; this will still be here when you get back.

Or scroll down to find some things to ride to this weekend.


Streetsblog offers a heartrending look at the reasons that keep Florence-Firestone kids off their bikes, along with still more blocking of the Spring Street green bike lane. Flying Pigeon asks if we should be surprised that drivers ignore Downtown’s green bike lane and trucks block it; Flying Pigeon’s Josef Bray-Ali and CicLAvia’s Joe Linton promote bikes to students in Cypress Park. KNBC-4 looks at this weekend’s Tour de Taste. West L.A.’s Bikerowave will host classes in bike commuting and repair. Congratulations to Gary Kavanagh on his selection to represent Santa Monica on the Expo Line Bicycle Advisory Committee. Plans have been unveiled for Santa Monica’s Colorado Esplanade project, including bike lanes in both directions and connections to other bikeways. Glendale considers green bike lanes of their own. A look at our bike-friendly neighbor to the south. Long Beach’s biking expats say goodbye to En Zed before making their way back home. The Daily News says Measure R funds should be used to build the newly passed county bike plan.

San Diego takes a bike census to aid future planning. A car plowed through a line of Occupy demonstrators at UC Santa Cruz, and may have deliberately targeted a cyclist. A Bakersfield cyclist survives a slug in the back from a passing SUV. A Fresno rider is killed in a collision with a big rig truck; reading between the lines, it sounds like a right hook. The National Handmade Bicycle Show takes place this weekend in Sacramento. A new bike trail is planned to connect Petaluma and Sebastopol. Former LADOT Bike Blog meister Christopher Kidd looks at the future of Safe Routes to Schools. Chico police recover $125,000 worth of stolen bikes.

Amendments to the Senate Transportation bill restore dedicated funding for bike and pedestrian projects while adding more local control; still no hope for the draconian House bill. That (non)merger of the nation’s three leading cycling organizations will be a complete joining of all three while retaining key programs. The winners of the Alliance for Biking and Walking’s People Powered photo contest have been announced; submissions will be made available for download. Bicycling offers a buyer’s guide for entry-level roadies. A Craigslist bike for sale ad leads to marriage in Salt Lake City. Amazingly, Oregon cyclists are blamed for causing considerable road damage; makes you wonder what those roads are made of. The battle over e-bike deliveries in NYC. How the NYPD botched an investigation into a cyclist’s death and blamed the victim — again. A Connecticut judge revokes a teenage driver’s license for life following a serious collision that left a passenger in a coma for weeks afterwards, and yes, I said for life; if only California judges had the courage to do that here.

The next time someone complains about cyclists breaking the law, show them this from Calgary. London’s department of transportation could face a manslaughter charge for the death of a cyclist on a dangerous stretch of road; thanks to David Huntsman for the heads-up. London police seek a cyclist who attacked two pedestrians at random, leaving one in a coma. The design chief for Rolls Royce is found guilty of causing a cyclist’s death. The politics of blaming the victim. Carlton Reid looks at Ripley Road, the Mecca of all good cyclists in the late 1800s. An Aussie woman has lost her driver’s license and faces seizure of her possessions for refusing to wear a bike helmet.

Finally, if you find pedestrians in the bike lane, please don’t treat them like drivers treat us, okay? Bikeyface says we have all the answers.

And it’s not bike related, but this is one of the best front page screw-ups I’ve seen.


Bike Talk airs every Saturday at 10 am; listen to it live or download the podcast from KPFK.

Bike Long Beach hosts Bike Saturdays every weekend; ride your bike to participating local shops and business throughout the city to get special offers and discounts.

The City of Los Angeles will be hosting a series of two Mobility Think Lab Workshops to help solve the city’s mobility problems, on Saturday, March 3rd in L.A. and Pacoima.

Flying Pigeon’s monthly Brewery Ride will head to Downtown’s Little Bear on Saturday, March 3rd; riders meet at the Flying Pigeon LA bike shop, 3714 North Figueroa Street, at 3 pm with a 3:30 departure. Single speed beach cruisers are available to rent for $20. The Spoke(n) Art Ride takes place on Saturday the 10th, with the Get Sum Dim Sum ride on Sunday, March 18th.

Sunday, March 4th, the LACBC rolls out it’s first Tour de Taste, offering an easy, guided 12 mile bike ride along Ballona Creek, as well as food and drinks from some of the area’s best restaurants. The event kicks off at Media Park at the corner of Culver and Venice Blvds starting at 10 am, with rides departing every hour. Cost is $65 for LACBC members and $95 for non-members, with discounted membership and ticket available for $120 (pro tip — become an LACBC member before the 4th and save $20); all proceeds go to create a more bikable Los Angeles. A feeder ride will take place starting at 8:30 am; riders assemble at 8 am in front of the Metro Station at Wilshire and Western.

I’ll be there volunteering at the LACBC booth, so stop in and say hi; if you’re lucky, the Corgi may be with me part of the day.

Former City Council President and current mayoral candidate Eric Garcetti invites you to the official opening of the new Sunset Triangle Plaza at 11 am on Sunday, March 4th, at the intersection of Griffith Park and Sunset Boulevards in Silver Lake.

Also on the 4th, the OC to LA Dream Ride 2012 will roll from El Centro Cultural de Mexico in Santa Ana to Lincoln Heights, with a welcoming celebration at Solidarity Ink. The ride celebrates the passage of the California Dream Act while connecting the immigration rights movement with the cycling community.

Fight back against hit-and-run on Tuesday, March 6th, when cyclists led by Don Ward, aka Roadblock, take up the issue with the L.A. Police Commission at 9 am at LAPD’s new headquarters at 1st and Main Streets Downtown. Riders are asked to meet at the nearby Starbucks one block east on 1st prior to the meeting.

Also on Tuesday the 6th, the Beverly Hills City Council will take up the topic of bike routes, routes and lanes at their 1:30 pm meeting, 455 N. Rexford Drive, Room 400.

Friday, March 9th, the recently reinvigorated C.I.C.L.E. sponsors its free ArtNight Ride, including visits to the Pacific Asia MuseumPasadena Museum of California ArtSide Street ProjectsPasadena Museum of History and the Armory for the Arts. Meet at Memorial Park Pasadena at the intersection of Raymond Ave and Holly Street at 6:30 pm, with the ride leaving promptly at 7 pm.

The 7th annual Tour de Murrieta takes place the weekend of Friday, March 9th through Sunday the 11th in Murrieta, CA; the team competition honors fallen pro cyclist Jorge Alvarado.

Thursday, March 15th, support cycling on the Westside with Bikes – Ballads – Beers: A Benefit for the West Hollywood Bicycle Coalition from 7 pm to midnight at the Little Bar, 757 S. La Brea.

The Culver City Bicycle Coalition invites you for an easy ride with the city’s mayor on Monday, March 19th, starting at Syd Kronenthal Park, 3459 McManus Ave, at the east end of the Ballona Creek bike path.

The 28th Annual Redlands Bicycle Classic will take place on March 22nd through 25th in Redlands, offering one of the state’s most intense cycling competitions, as well as a joyful celebration of bicycling for cyclists of all ages.

Streetsblog LA hosts another fundraiser at the Library Ale House on Tuesday, March 27th, 2911 Main Street in Santa Monica. Streetsblog events are always fun and the money goes to keeping us all informed about local transportation issues; great food and beer just makes it that much better.

If you’re looking for a serious challenge, consider the CORPScamp Death Valley, five days of biking in Death Valley National Park featuring 300 miles or more of riding, including the Hell’s Gate Hundred, March 27th through 31st.

If you enjoyed the last CicLAvia, you’ll love the next one on Tax Day, April 15th from 10 am to 3 pm; the route will follow the same expanded course as last October’s.

It might be worth the long drive to Davis CA for the first ever Legends Gran Fondo sponsored by the United States Bicycling Hall of Fame on May 6th, featuring America’s first Tour de France winner Greg LeMond — the man whose name is on my bike —  as well as former World Champion Ruthie Mathes, Olympic silver medalist Nelson Vails, and other members of the Hall of Fame.

May is Bike Month. The first National Bike to School Day is scheduled for May 9th, with National Bike to Work Week taking place on May 14th through 18th, and National Bike to Work Day on Friday the 18th.

L.A.’s favorite fundraising bike ride rolls out on Sunday, June 10th with the 12th Annual L.A. River Ride; this one just keeps getting bigger and better every year. Six different rides, from an easy family ride to a fast, flat century. Funds go to support the LACBC in building a better, more bikeable L.A. County; save $10 if you register by May 15th.

Bikes are normally banned from the famed San Diego – Coronado Bay Bridge, but you can ride it on Sunday, August 26th, during the 5th Annual Bike the Bay, to benefit the San Diego County Bicycle Coalition. Get an early registration discount through April 30th.

Put your week off for awhile with a long list of Monday bike links

It’s Monday. Or it soon will be, by the time I get this online.

Which means you can hit the ground running and get the week off to a great start. Or settle in, click a few links and put the week off for awhile.

I know which one I’d choose.


Once again, no one arrived at the Oscars by bike. Roadblock says it’s time to end the epidemic of hit-and-runs in Los Angeles; I couldn’t agree more. KCET looks at the Arroyo Seco Bike Path. The L.A. Times suggests bicycling as an alternative to $4 gas; CNN says that’s already happening. Silver Lake gets a new, apparently Dr. Seuss-designed pedestrian plaza. Better Bike correctly calls for a traffic culture change in Beverly Hills. Now that’s what I call a bike lane. Pro tip: If you’re going to steal a bike after dark, bring lights with you so you don’t get stopped by police. Walk Eagle Rock offers a safer and saner alternative to traffic-heavy Colorado Blvd. A South Pasadena police officer plans to ride 300 miles to honor a fallen comrade. The Claremont Cyclist offers a look at the Fortune 700 Fixed-Gear Stage Race at the Rose Bowl. The Santa Clarita Valley will get 158 miles of bikeways under the county’s new bike plan. Long Beach cyclists could soon get a ciclovia of their own. You can now nominate your favorite Long Beach bike shop.

The California Bicycle Coalition and City of Los Angeles are co-sponsoring a reintroduction of the state’s proposed three-foot passing law; hopefully the governor will sign it this time. Bike Newport Beach offer their endorsements — and the opposite — for the city’s Bike Safety Committee. San Diego authorities ask for help solving the murder of cyclist Jordan Hickey; his brother calls the killer a coward. Ventura County cyclists have a new free smartphone app to map out the county’s bikeways. In yet another incredibly wrong-headed move, the anti-bike folks at Caltrans plan to place rumble strips on coastal Highway 1, one of the state’s most popular and scenic riding routes. Family members want to honor the 80th birthday of a man noted for giving away bikes by giving him 80 more to give away. Cyclelicious honors the woman behind Palo Alto’s bikeway system. Facebook has their own Menlo Park bike plan.

Sports Illustrated remembers the 7-Eleven Racing Team that lead the U.S. into the world of bike racing. The Atlantic Cities asks if bike paths really promote bike riding. In a remarkable attack on bicycling, officials in Colorado’s Larimer County propose relaxing restrictions on everything but cycling events; evidently, blocking streets by running, walking or driving is okay, but not by pedaling. Could this be the first bike musical? The Spanish rider paralyzed in a Kansas collision during the 201 Race Across America is riding again, using a hand-crank bike. The Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin says riding in traffic can be scary, but if you obey the law, bicycling is safe. An Ohio woman gets 9-1/2 years for running down a judge while drunk. A former military base commander dies nine months after being injured in a bike accident. A new book looks at the history of fast bikes. Miami cyclists issue a call for safer streets for everyone. Orlando streets are getting safer for everyone except cyclists and pedestrians. Jacksonville area residents oppose a plan for sidewalks because it could keep streets from being expanded from three lanes to four; no wonder the state leads the nation in bike and pedestrian deaths.

Canadians are urged to stop resisting bike lanes and start embracing them. Canadian Mounties blame a cyclist’s death on the lack of a helmet — never mind that he ran a red light or got hit by a truck. The debate on bicycling by the UK Parliament shows that bike safety has crossed the Rubicon, while another writer says talk is cheap. A UK rider says hi-viz and helmets aren’t the solution to bike safety, they’re what you have to wear when you don’t have one. Brits are actually more likely to die on a motorcycle — or on their feet — than on a bike; improving safety means increasing investment. “You must be this old to ride a Brisbane bike share bike.”

Finally, a Georgia legislator introduced a bill to ban side-by-side riding because of concerns about bicycle traffic on the “curvy and increasingly mountainous roads in the state;” evidently, they must be becoming less mountainous, since he’s reached a compromise with cyclists.

And leading Dutch bike blogger David Hembrow says that’s it, I quit and I’m taking my blog with me.

Indiana cyclist wins in court, loses on the streets; a lavish load of midweek links

Simply heartbreaking.

Yesterday I mentioned that an Indiana cyclist had his ticket for passing a school bus reversed after a judge ruled the law doesn’t apply to bikes; today, we learned that the rider was killed over the weekend.

Sixty-two year old Steven Carey was hit from behind and killed while riding on Sunday morning; he was described as a gentle soul who rode 5,000 to 6,000 miles a year.

Thanks to Opus the Poet for the heads-up.


Flying Pigeon documents a cargo bike move from Highland Park to Echo Park. The L.A. chapter of Young Professionals in Transportation is kicking off their inaugural meeting on Tuesday the 28th with a talk by LACBC’s Alexis Lantz. The March edition of Los Angeles Magazine features the best rides in the city, although the story doesn’t seem to be online. L.A. City Council discovers they don’t have authority to ban cell phone use by drivers, handheld or otherwise; I could have told them that. Bike-friendly Santa Monica Assemblywoman Julia Brownley throws her hat in the ring for a congressional seat. Baldwin Park youths advocate for safer streets. The Claremont Cyclist offers another of his typically great ride reviews, this time off-road to Frankish Peak. Streetsblog is raising funds on Kickstarter to document the protest ride against Governor Jerry Brown’s veto of the three-foot passing law; meanwhile, NBC-4 interviews Streetsblog’s Damien Newton about transit use.

Laguna Beach punts on their commitment to Complete Streets, forming yet another committee to study it — and maybe buy lunch for City Council. A Laguna Beach firm offers the nation’s first insurance program for bike riders. Early registration opens for San Diego’s 5th Annual Bike the Bay; the Bike the Boulevard sounds like fun, too. San Diego bank robber makes his getaway by mountain bike. I can’t really tell if the Daily Californian likes Berkeley’s new cyclist anti-harassment ordinance or not. San Francisco bike advocates dispute claims they ride recklessly. South Lake Tahoe residents fight plans to maximize speed limits through town. The Sacramento Bee hates the House anti-bike transportation bill; Car Talk hates it too.

Bicycling updates their blogroll; sadly, I didn’t make the cut. A Honolulu petition gathers over 1000 signatures for bike lanes on a popular street. An Oregon cyclist has his conviction on a drug charge upheld following a stop for not having a headlight. Is Boulder CO the nation’s epicenter of cycling? Maybe my hometown doesn’t need a bike coordinator after all; no seriously, I’ll take the job anyway. Meanwhile, my hometown university anticipates a good year for their college cycling team. Once again, Commute by Bike challenges Oscar attendees to arrive by bike; I wouldn’t hold my breath. New York’s City Council takes the NYPD to task for failing to take bike fatalities seriously. That New Jersey man charged with attempted murder for running down a cyclist evidently targeted his victim, using his car instead of a gun; oddly, he didn’t get away with it. A Florida man says three feet, please; so does a Miami rider after getting run down and seriously injured. A Gainesville city commissioner says he’s really not anti-bike. Fuji recalls their women’s Saratoga cruiser bikes because the downtube can snap in half; Shimano recalls their Pro Atherton stem.

Oxford cyclists say a redesigned junction will almost certainly lead to fatalities. French designer Philippe Stark teams with Peugeot to create a hybrid bike/scooter; can we say enough with all the concept bikes from car makers, already? Are helmets really necessary if Aussie cyclists have to ride an hour a day for over 3,500 years before they could expect to be killed on a bike? A New Zealand woman buys her way out of responsibility for a cyclist’s death for $37,000, while a Kiwi cyclist is run off the road just one week after taking up cycling to work; the Smithsonian asks if New Zealand is too dangerous to ride. Not all Japanese bike thefts are intentional. In an usual case, a cyclist is banned from operating any kind of vehicle for five years after causing the death of a motorcyclist.

Finally, a Texas man gets what he deserves after he honks and tries to force a couple of cyclists off the road, only to discover they’re bike cops. And a Philadelphia hit-and-run driver turns herself in — again — after she was turned away by police the first time.