A handful of bike and pedestrian bills moved forward in a four hour hearing at the California capital Tuesday.
Streetsblog reports the bills all passed in the bike-friendly Assembly Transportation Committee, most by large margins.
The measures include:
- AB 1713 reprises last year’s Stop As Yield bill vetoed by Gavin Newsom
- AB 2147 would legalize jaywalking under most circumstances, also vetoed by Newton last year
- AB 2264 requires pedestrian lead intervals when traffic lights are replaced
- AB 2336 would authorize a limited test of speed cams in six California cities
- AB 1909, the Omnibus Bike Bill, makes several tweaks to state law, including requiring drivers to change lanes to pass a bike rider, when possible.
The bills now move on to other committees, where they are likely to find a less friendly reception.
Meanwhile, San Jose’s mayor was one of the primary speakers pushing for the speed cam bill.
Photo from Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels.
The Department of DIY has struck again, this time painting some very professional looking crosswalks in East Hollywood when the city wouldn’t.
Now if we can just get them to do a few bike lanes.
The city doesn't keep us safe, so we keep us safe.
4 new crosswalks installed at Romaine & Serrano, East Hollywood #CrosswalkCollective pic.twitter.com/sK08Q35H9L
— Crosswalk Collective LA (@CrosswalksLA) March 23, 2022
Streets For All posted video of Tuesday’s virtual forum for the candidates running to replace Mike Bonin in Westside’s CD11.
Meanwhile, Streetsblog posted an illuminating recap of their answers to whether they would re-install the safety improvements in Vista Del Mar that were ripped out after pass-through drivers got out their pitchforks and torches.
And I know who I’d be voting for if I lived in the district.
Metro is hosting a pair of virtual public meetings this week.
First up is this evening’s Community Meeting for LA Metro’s Active Transportation Strategic Plan (ATSP) Update, which Streetsblog’s Joe Linton notes they periodically update before putting it back on the shelf to gather dust.
Next is Friday’s meeting to discuss the agency’s proposed Street Safety Policy, which appears to follow the recent trend of not using the term Vision Zero to describe Vision Zero plans.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
No bias here. Get hit by a lawbreaking driver, and get a bill from the insurance company.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A Charlotte NC couple complain they were attacked by a gang of teenage bike riders after the driver “just kind of beeped the horn,” and were further traumatized when the cops said there was no point in pressing charges because it happens all the time.
A hearing impaired Singapore woman says a bike rider slapped and verbally abused her when she failed to give way when he rang his bike bell. Contrary to popular opinion in some quarters, a bike bell or “on your left” are both polite warnings, not commands meaning “get the eff out of my way.”
The LACBC is teaming with Metro to offer an in-person class in bicycling street skills in Commerce City tomorrow.
She gets it. CD 5 council candidate Katy Yaroslavsky, daughter-in-law of longtime LA politician Zev Yarolslavsky, says LA should be one of “the greatest bike cities in the world,” but isn’t because people don’t feel safe on the streets.
An LA mom uses her bike to bounce back from a sudden, tragic loss.
Streetsblog offers some alternatives to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s proposal to give gas tax rebates to wealthy drivers who don’t need them, which would only encourage them to keep wasting gas.
The Press-Enterprise provides a primer on the use of ebikes and e-scooters, for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention up to this point.
More on Carlsbad’s crackdown on ebikes in the beachfront city, after collisions involving ebikes jumped from 39 in 2020 to 63 last year. Which likely corresponds with the jump in ebike usage over the last year. And just wait until someone tells them about cars.
A Chinese man is biking across the US to call attention to the fight for democracy in Hong Kong.
CleanTechnica says the US should offer ebike rebates to help starve Putin out of Ukraine.
Cycling Tips says put some foam inserts in the tires on your gravel bike.
Iowa City, Iowa reminds drivers not to park in bike lanes. Which shouldn’t need a reminder, but evidently does.
Country star Dierks Bentley is one of us, riding a mountain bike century through the Tennessee hills in a relatively balmy 40 degrees.
A Staten Island teen will spend the next four years behind bars after stealing a car, crashing into a bike rider, and leading police on a wild chase; the man on the bike suffered a broken nose and several other injuries, but wasn’t seriously hurt.
A recommendation for bicycle and e-scooter parking and ebike charging stations on the ground floor of a coming Coral Gables, Florida mobility station ran into opposition from the mayor, who is insisting on ground floor retail to offset some of the construction costs.
Bike Radar offers the “ultimate” beginners guide to buying a bicycle this year.
Rouleur provides a masterclass in the “structural, neurological and psychological repercussions” of bicycling injuries.
A British man credits his survival from a heart attack while riding to a pair of quick-thinking friends and a nearby defibrillator.
I want to be like her when I grow up. A Bollywood star’s 83-year old mother gets back on her bike after 25 years. Although maybe without the two and a half decade layoff.
Singapore actress Jaime Teo is one of us, breaking her collarbone trying to pass a large group of bicyclists on her bike when she bumped another rider.
Competitive Cycling
British bike hero and former Tour de France winner Sir Bradley Wiggins says keep using time trial bikes on the road, but get rid of all the distractions.
The Mounties not only got their man, they crashed into him. That feeling when you get run over by a Key West tourist trolley.
And don’t brag about your bike skills until you can ride no hands while balancing a bundle of banana leaves on your head.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.
Oh, and fuck Putin, too.