Let’s start with a call to action.
If you live in the San Gabriel Vally or the South Bay, the LACBC is urging you to ask your local Council of Government representatives to support a proposal allowing Metro to repurpose highway funds for active transportation projects.
Instead of just flushing it down the toilet on more projects that will just induce more induced demand.
As we shared in our recent News Cycle, Metro has proposed a change that would open up the funding available for the highway program to be used by local jurisdictions for active transportation projects. We have been made aware that despite there being support from members of the Metro Board of Directors, they will not push to support this change so long as the Council of Governments, which represent the nine sub-regions, offer strong pushback.
If you live, work, or play in the San Gabriel Valley or the South Bay Cities, we are calling on you to take action now!
To show a groundswell of support for the motion, which would make funds more flexible and increase availability of funding for city active transportation projects, LACBC is asking you to reach out to your local COG representatives and share your support for the motion during each meeting’s public comment period.
This urgent action tomorrow could make all the difference in reducing pushback from COG leaders and help to make it possible for this change to be made.
Check out our Action Alert for more details: https://la-bike.org/2020/11/18/action-alert-modernize-the-highway-program/
We will have additional information for other COG meetings taking place in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on your email or our social media to recieve those updates.
In solidarity,
Zachary Rynew, aka CiclaValley, declares victory in a long running battle to halt a dangerous street widening project on Magnolia Blvd.
In other words, the opposite of Vision Zero.
BIG VICTORY: After two years of the community against street widening, Magnolia will now be upgraded with a pedestrian focused improvements. Thank you @NoHoNC & @PaulKrekorian for working together on this! @streetsforall @StreetsblogLA
Original article: https://t.co/YgasUgSFoR— Zachary Rynew (@Ciclavalley) November 18, 2020
CicLAvia reminds you to do your holiday shopping at their online store, where your money will go to support America’s most popular open streets festival.
GCN answers the burning questions of whether you need to clean your bike after every ride, and how to peel a banana while riding.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bike just keeps on going.
You don’t have to speak the language to get just how dangerous this Costa Rican driver is.
A todos nos esperan en casa, respeta la distancia de 1.5 mts y no te comportes con un perfecto hijo de puta #CompartelaVia pic.twitter.com/4AJXjZn2go
— Sgt. Pepper (@Chisco2112) November 17, 2020
The LAPD is looking for a hoodie-wearing bike rider who is accused of sexually assaulting at least 15 women by grabbing their breasts as he rides by.
Instead of legalizing speed cams, California is begging drivers to slow down and act like responsible adults.
Fresno police cited 14 bike riders and 51 pedestrians during a crackdown on the least dangerous people on the roads.
Alameda voted to approve a “hellscape” bike and pedestrian pathway in an exhaust-choked underground car tunnel, instead of a long-promised bike and pedestrian bridge.
Bicycling offers tips on how to clean your chain like a pro. You can read it on Yahoo if Bicycling’s site blocks you. Seriously is it just me, or is it a tad absurd for the magazine to hide their stories behind a paywall, while allowing another site to repost them with no restrictions?
CityFix says dockless bikesharing can be key to healthy, resilient urban mobility. Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to exist in much of Los Angeles these days.
A Colorado boy’s bike was found in an abandoned trailer days after he disappeared on Sunday.
A missing Colorado mother who reportedly disappeared during a Mother’s Day bike ride is listed as presumed dead in her father’s obituary, who died of cancer following her disappearance.
Put this one on your mountain bike bucket list. A new Colorado trail offers 36 miles of riding, with an over 6,000 foot descent.
A Chicago area man was allegedly whacked out on alcohol, ecstasy, amphetamines and weed while speeding at 80 mph on surface streets, when he killed a man riding a bike and fled the scene.
Long Island lawmakers are considering proposals to crack down on reckless, wheelie-popping bike riders, but advocates argue the real risk on the streets comes from the big, dangerous machines.
A proposed DC amendment would allow ebike and e-scooter riders to collect damages following a collision; a quirk in current law makes that almost impossible.
Bicyclists in a Delaware town are accused of riding like it’s the Wild West by flouting traffic laws. Seriously, have they ever observed how people drive? It makes bike riders seem positively tame by comparison. And it’s not the people on two wheels who pose a real risk to others.
A Florida man is suing the local sheriff’s department after he was nearly killed by a speeding deputy in a crash caught on the patrol car’s dashcam; the deputy was doing 84 mph with no lights or siren, and no emergency call — and had been doing 103 just minutes before.
Road.cc offers a complete guide on how to buy a second hand bicycle.
Cycling News explains how to change a bike tire.
A former British Columbia coroner says bike riders deserve to have crashes investigated, after police failed to when she was struck by a driver.
Seventeen percent of British bike riders would consider an ebike if the government subsidized part of the cost.
Wired considers how Oslo got bike and pedestrian deaths down to zero. That’s easy. Just do the opposite of whatever Los Angeles is doing.
Philippine musicians are taking to their bicycles to deal with the stress of the coronavirus lockdown.
Competitive Cycling
A Colorado gravel bike race is reserving 25 free starting spots to Black and Indigenous riders and People of Color, to help marginalized communities in bike racing.
Your next gravel bike could be a Dutch-style step through. Your next foldie ebike could be self-charging, with a virtually unlimited range.
And that feeling when Vision Zero feels like zero vision.
Something LA bike riders can relate to.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.