Sadly, yesterday’s lead item has been confirmed, as a woman was killed riding her bike, and her partner injured, in a Valley Glen crash Sunday night.
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas from Pexels.
Seriously, how low can they go?
Scottish bike thieves plundered the country’s Paralympic team, making off with 20 high-tech handcycles and bicycles worth over $26,000 — many of which the victims had purchased themselves.
The bikes aren’t likely to turn up on this side of the Atlantic, but still.
The team deserves to get their bikes back. And the scumbags thieves deserve to go away for a long damn time.
Thanks to Carly Silver for the heads-up.
This is who we share the outdoor restaurants with.
Apparently, it doesn’t pay to dine out in San Jose, where drivers slammed into outdoor diners twice in a single day.
Thanks to Austin Brown for the link.
Pasadena invites you to learn more and offer your comments about the city’s first two-way protected bike lane.

The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
No bias here. A London tabloid breathlessly reports that nearly two-thirds of bike riders were unaware of some traffic laws, while downplaying the fact that 41% of older drivers had the same problem, seemingly unaware of which group posed the most risk to others.
Once again, a British bike rider has been pushed off his bike by someone in a passing car, this time a man in his 70s. Seriously, there’s not a pit in hell deep enough.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
A San Diego rabbi says he was attacked by a bike-riding teenager who hit him over the head with a closed fist while yelling a racial slur, part of a group of teens who have allegedly been harassing the temple. There is simply no excuse, ever. Period.
There isn’t a pit deep enough for the man who ran up from behind a woman on an Illinois bike path and pulled down her pants and underwear, before riding off on a bicycle.
Police in New York are looking for a bike-riding thief snatching iPhones from people’s hands.
LA Magazine looks at the race between attorney Grace Yoo and Current L.A. County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas to replace termed out Herb Wesson in LA’s 10th Council District, who they note will determine what housing projects get built and who gets bike lanes in the district.
She gets it. A La Jolla resident calls on the town to redesign its streets to curb speeding drivers.
Bay Area bike riders will have limited access to the Bay Bridge during a roadway realignment project.
Sad news from NorCal, where a bike rider was killed in a crash with an Anderson cop while allegedly riding his bike in the fast lane of a local highway; needless to say, police were quick to absolve the officer of any blame.
Wired says the US needs to adopt the industrial policies of the Asian countries we rely on for bicycles to overcome our own bike shortage.
Bicycling gives you an eight-point pre-ride checklist to help you get back home from your next ride. And yes, you can read it on Yahoo if you’ve fallen prey to the magazine’s draconian paywall.
A 70-year old Oregon bike rider was killed by a 93-year old driver who just kept going after the fatal crash. Yet another tragic reminder that driving shouldn’t be a lifelong privilege, and there comes a time when we all need to give up the keys for the sake of others around them.
Good kid. An eleven-year old Texas boy rode his bike 18 miles to raise awareness for pregnancy and infant loss in memory of a stillborn baby.
Chicago Streetsblog says the city should use the new San Jose bike plan as a model to reboot bicycling in the Windy City. Then again, it wasn’t too long ago that LA’s bike plan was hailed as a model for other cities, and you know how that turned out.
Police in Illinois are looking for a hit-and-run semi driver who kept going after injuring a pair of bicyclists, one critically.
It takes a special kind of jerk to steal the recumbent bike a Michigan man built to ride across the US after recovering from a heart attack.
A crowdfunding campaign has raised nearly $2,400 in a single day to help a popular Ohio handyman replace his bike after he was struck by a driver.
A pair of teenaged Virginia drivers face up to 20 years behind bars for killing a 59-year old bike rider while allegedly street racing.
Fast Company says sleek e-cargo bikes represent the future of delivery.
It takes a major schmuck to steal the flowers from a roadside shrine to a young English woman killed in a collision while riding her bike.
A British man overcame physical and mental obstacles to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro, just over a year after he was nearly killed when a driver slammed into his bike. Then again, he could have just ridden his bicycle up the mountain.
Heart-stopping video of London boy riding his bike out from behind a large truck, only to get hit by a van coming from the opposite direction — then he just picks his bike up and walks away.
A Scottish man dusts off his old bike, and learns to overcome his fears and love bicycling again.
Bicycling looks at Afghan women defying the country’s embedded patriarchy by taking to their bicycles. As usual, you can read it on Yahoo if the magazine blocks you out.
Competitive Cycling
Cycling Tips goes deep into how on Jon Ornée set a new record for the fastest century, set while drafting a minivan on a NASCAR track at an average speed of 42.6 mph, just one year after he was struck by a driver.
American cyclist Chloe Dygert tells her local paper she has no regrets about her horrific crash while defending her world time trial championship, and remains focused on recovering in time for next year’s Tokyo Olympics.
Sky Sports considers the unfulfilled career of Britain’s first Black cycling champ, who never made the country’s Olympics team despite winning three national titles, for reasons they suggest should be obvious.
Yes, he may be a bike thief, but at least he’s wearing a mask. Is there anything cargo bikes can’t carry?
And now you, too, can have your very own replica of this year’s Tour de France winning bike for the low, low price of thirty grand.
For that price, I want the real thing. And the yellow jersey that comes with it.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And wear a mask, already.
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