A bike rider was critically injured on PCH in Pacific Palisades on Tuesday evening when a driver somehow lost control of his car , and overturned in the parking lot.
No word on the identity of the victim, or whether he was riding on PCH or in the parking lot when the driver crashed into him.
Here’s your chance to be a League Certified Cycling Instructor, as Bike SGV is hosting a training session next month.
Santa Monica police are looking for a bike rider who pulled out a gun and shot a driver in a liquor store parking lot last November, after a confrontation with the occupants of her SUV.
Scottish stunt rider Danny MacAskill races a horse and finishes in front, despite having two fewer feet.
Streetsblog’s Joe Linton examines Metro’s bike ban on 1st Street in Little Tokyo and the mostly ignored 2,700-foot detour, saying it may not be legal, and is just another example of Metro’s repeated failure to fix known problems.
Here’s your chance to design your own LA parklet. Hint: More bike corrals, please.
Good piece from LA Bike Dad, who discovers the hard way that he and his kids aren’t made of sugar, after getting caught in Saturday’s expected downpour while riding their bikes.
CiclaValley goes riding on the Santa Clarita Truck Trail, also discovering the hard way that it was a lot longer and steeper than expected.
A Burbank man was busted for burglary after police spotted him riding a bicycle with no hands while carrying a large box at 3:45 am.
San Diego police are looking for the hit-and-run driver who ran down a woman riding a bicycle in Mission Bay. Note to SDPD: Bike riders can ride in a crosswalk, but aren’t required to. Or expected for that matter.
San Jose’s bike-riding mayor is working from home as he recovers from his recent collision.
San Francisco Streetsblog asks readers where they want to see the next protected bike lane. My choice is Los Angeles.
Once again, an alleged drunk driver fled the scene of a crash with the victim embedded in his windshield. The Sacramento driver faces numerous charges, while his skateboarding victim is recovering from shattered bones in both legs, as well as injuries to her arm and neck.
Bicycling offers advice on how to make your dog the best riding partner ever.
Tech Guide takes a close-up look at the new bicycle air bag vest. Just one more example of upping the bike safety arms race because people can’t be expected to drive safely.
An Illinois woman is under arrest for embezzling money from the bike shop where she worked as a bookkeeper.
Boston’s bike hating columnist gloats over the recent decline in bike commuting rates, insisting it’s time “for public officials and policy makers to turn their backs on the militant, self-righteous bike lobby and its fantasy of a world in which drivers defer to cyclists as the rightful kings of the road.” Um, right.
This is why you don’t try to stop bike thieves by yourself. A New York man was slashed with a knife when he tried to stop two thieves who were trying to make off with an ebike behind the restaurant he works at.
A Virginia bike club is crowdfunding donations to build a new bike path.
Three Florida kids gave up their own Christmas celebration so their dad could ride a bike across Florida to raise funds to fight domestic violence.
Massive trucks and SUVs may make the people in them feel safer, but increase the danger to everyone else.
That’s more like it. Toronto distracted drivers will now face a $1,000 fine and three points off their license. California charges a measly $20 for the first offense — and zero points. Recently retired former governor Jerry Brown vetoed a bill which would have toughened fines for California’s almost universally distracted driving laws.
A British convict’s taste of freedom didn’t long. He was rearrested in a nearby town the day after he stole a prison bicycle and rode out the gates.
A Rwandan teenager has found his American Dream working as a bike mechanic after spending 13 years in a refugee camp.
Bikeway maps show just how much the Dutch government cherishes bicycles and the people who ride them.
Competitive Cycling
Yes, there really is a US Open Fat Bike Beach Race, which is expected to double in size for this year’s race.
Your next bike could be a tall bike or chopper — or both. If you’re going to murder a mob enforcer in a bike-by shooting, be sure to wear a hi-viz vest to call more attention to yourself.
And this new motorcycle can really fly.
No, literally.