Archive for General

Valencia sentencing delayed, upcoming events and a little light reading for your holiday weekend

Dj Wheels reports that yesterday’s scheduled sentencing for Marco Antonio Valencia in the drunken and stoned hit-and-run death of cyclist Joseph Novotny has been delayed until next month.

The defense has challenged Valencia’s conviction based on a charge of juror misconduct. As a result, the judge has continued sentencing until June 28th, when he will rule on the defense motion: if he denies the motion, sentencing will take place on the spot, if not, there is a possibility of a retrial in the case.

Despite the delay, the judge allowed Novotny’s widow and family to give their victim impact statements for the record. Wheels reports that each one spoke movingly about the deep sadness that resulted from his death, as well as his kind and unselfish nature; Novotny’s mother also offered photos of Joseph to Valencia’s family.


A blogging caregiver discusses how to keep new drivers safe, reminding parents of something that will resonate with many cyclists:

New drivers must realize that a car is a dangerous weapon and it is critical that they focus on their driving and be cognizant of everything around them.

Most not-so-new drivers could use the same reminder, as well.

Thanks to Stanley Goldich for the heads-up.


In Giro d’Italia news, the erotically named Eros Capecchi wins Stage 18, while Paolo Tiralongo wins Stage 19 as race leader Alberto Contador declines to contest the finish against his former teammate.

Speaking of Contador, his appeal hearing on doping charges has been delayed, and probably won’t be concluded until after the Tour de France. Which means if he wins yet another victory this year, it could be invalidated afterwards — if he’s even allowed to compete with the cloud hanging over his head.

Meanwhile, the Atlantic says it’s impossible to separate the doping accused Lance from the anti-cancer do-gooder; the Times’ Bill Dwyre is troubled that more people aren’t troubled.


The holiday weekend is a little quiet on the local bike scene, but a lot of events wait just down the road.

Bike Talk airs every Saturday at 10 am; listen to it live or download the podcast from KPFK.

San Gabriel Valley riders can meet for a Memorial Day Weekend “What-the-Heck” ride on Sunday, May 29th; meet at Granada Park near Fremont Ave and Montezuma Ave in Alhambra at 9 am, with the ride rolling at 9:30.

Santa Monica hosts Bike It! Day on Wednesday, June 1st, to encourage local students to bike and walk to school.

Saturday, June 4th, the Palms Neighborhood Council and the LAPD’s Pacific Division is sponsoring the 2011 Bike Rodeo from 10 am to 2 pm at Palms Elementary School, 3520 Motor Ave; events include a bike safety course, safety inspection, radar speed test and a bike giveaway, as well as live entertainment and free food.

Folk Art Everywhere explores the historic West Adams District on their next bike tour on Saturday, June 4th; expect an easy, fun and fascinating ride perfect for beginning to moderate cyclists. Meet at Mercado La Paloma, 3655 S. Grand Avenue in Los Angeles, at 11 am, with the ride starting at 11:15.

Flying Pigeon hosts their monthly Brewery Ride on Saturday, June 4th from 3 to 5:30 pm, followed by the Spoke(n) Art Ride on Saturday, June 11 and the Get Sum Dim Sum Ride on Sunday, June 19th. All rides meet at Flying Pigeon Bike Shop, 3714 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park.

Join me, and thousands of other cyclists at L.A.’s favorite fundraiser ride on Sunday, June 5th with the 11th Annual River Rideadvance registration is open through Wednesday the 1st; use special discount code TEDBC11 (case sensitive) to get a $10 discount on online registration courtesy of BikingInLA. Volunteers are still needed, and based on my experience last year, it’s about as much fun as you can have without actually riding; email for more info and to sign up.

If you can make it up to Sacramento on Sunday, June 12th, Ride4Matt is sponsoring a charity ride to benefit Matthew Wietrick, who was seriously injured while riding last February. Choose from routes of 10, 35 and 70 miles, with a $7 BBQ lunch after the ride; donations gratefully accepted.

Also on Sunday, June 12th, Flying Pigeon is hosting an evening with Yves Engler and Bianca Mugyenyi, authors of “Stop Signs: Cars and Capitalism on the Road to Economic, Social and Ecological Decay.” It takes place beginning at 7 pm at Flying Pigeon, 3714 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park.

Flying Pigeon Bike Shop will host a fundraising bike ride and party to benefit Streetsblog LA on Friday, June 17th, beginning and ending at Flying Pigeon, 3714 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park; ride meets at 6 pm, with party to follow at 8 pm.

The July 10th CicLAvia has been cancelled, but the October 9th event is a definite go, with an expanded route taking participants another 2.5 miles into Boyle Heights.

Tuesday, August 30th, Santa Monica’s Library Alehouse will host a benefit night for Streetsblog LA; 5% of all food and drink purchases will benefit Streetsblog; 2911 Main Street.

And mark your calendar for the 2011 L.A. edition of the Tour de Fat on October 9th; you’d think someone in the scheduling department would have noticed that the 9th is Yom Kippur this year.


Austin Nichols meets the Queen Mary in the LACBC’s third River Ride promo. Two-wheeled sight seeing tour company Bike and Hikes LA opens a West Hollywood storefront. A Santa Clara University professor is seriously injured in a classic left cross collision, while the local paper blames the victim. A 75-year old Corning cyclist is killed after riding through a stop sign into oncoming traffic — just two doors from his own home. Another unidentified cyclist is killed in Tulare County — the driver claims he just didn’t see him, but doesn’t explain why he was driving on the shoulder; thanks to Danny Gamboa for the link. San Francisco’s first bike lane celebrates it’s 40th birthday.

As gas prices increase ridership, lawmakers continue to gut bike programs. Good busts popular myths about biking. A Tucson-area cyclist develops a one-ear ear pod that funnels your full iPod output into a single channel. Colorado National Monument celebrates it’s 100th birthday by denying the new USA Pro Cycling Challenge a permit to follow the Tour of the Moon course made famous by the late Coors Classic. Kansas becomes the 14th state to require interlock devices for drunk drivers; something we seem to desperately need here. Chicago talks about protected bike lanes. New York cyclists prepare a class action lawsuit in response to the NYPD’s heavy-handed crackdown. The anti-bike bikelash spreads to Philadelphia; Stanley Goldich reminds us about Bob Mionske’s insightful look at the subject.

Toronto’s new mayor seems to like bike lanes, as long as they don’t get slow down cars. Three years later, British authorities decline to file charges in the death of a 17-year old cyclist; and I thought our justice system was slow. Czech artists develop another DIY bike lane that’s projected in front of you as you ride. Cape Town, South Africa is named one of the world’s 15 most bike-friendly cities; from what I’ve read, the rest of the country has a long way to go. Jakarta cyclists turn out for the official opening of the city’s first bike lane.

Finally, a British rider barely avoids becoming the meat in a bus sandwich. And apparently, my 15 minutes of fame has extended into a blind Bike Snob link; by my calculation, that leaves about 12 minutes and 37 seconds left.

Wednesday’s ride, on which I got downtown faster and happier on two wheels than four. Or more.

I had a meeting downtown on Wednesday night.

That’s not unusual for me anymore. After years of seldom venturing east of LaBrea, I now find myself making the 12.5 mile trip from my home on the Westside to the newly vibrant Downtown L.A. on a nearly weekly basis. Sometimes several times a week.

More often than not, I make the trip by bike or bus, mostly due to a lack of what I would consider secure bike parking. While that situation is slowly improving, I’m still no more comfortable leaving my bike on the street than I would be locking my laptop to a light pole.

Call me paranoid.

But at least it’s kept me from having to replace a bike after someone else rides off with it.

My old apartment was just off Santa Monica Blvd, making the 704 or 728 buses an easy and convenient option for me. The 728 offered an especially pleasant trip — at least compared to most other Metro buses — getting me from door to door in 45 minutes to an hour in most cases, with a minimum of discomfort.

Now that I’ve moved a few blocks away, it takes 25 minutes just to get to the 728. But I still prefer that to Wilshire Blvd’s 720 line, even though that’s just a couple blocks from where I am now.

The heavy congestion on Wilshire means that the same trip that takes less than an hour on the 728 can take up to an hour-and-a-half on the 720. And the abysmally pitted, pocked and potholed pavement on what was once L.A.’s glittering centerpiece boulevard virtually guarantees a jolting, stomach churning ride the entire way.

Which is why Wilshire needs a Bus Only Lane for the entire distance through Los Angeles, from the Santa Monica border to downtown.

And why I challenge Councilmembers Paul Koretz and Bill Rosendahl to ride the 720 to City Hall just once — and then try to justify excluding key Westside sections rather that taking a necessary step to improve transit for everyone.

And don’t forget that bikes are allowed to share bus lanes, which means a BOL the full length would result in new smooth pavement and a clearer traffic lane on a street that is virtually unridable now.

So I often find myself making the trip by car, much against my wishes.

Then again, that’s no piece of cake, either.

During the day, a trip downtown can take as little as 45 minutes; at rush hour, that balloons to a mind and butt numbing hour or more. Sometimes a lot more.

To drive all of 12.5 miles.

Then there’s the problems posed by L.A.’s notoriously impatient and aggressive drivers, making the simple act of driving seem like a game of bumper cars. And once I finally arrive, there’s the challenge of finding parking that won’t exceed my income for the previous week.

Fortunately, Wednesday’s meeting took place in a bike-friendly environment where I could take my bike safely inside.

So I made plans to ride with a friend, allowing enough time for a leisurely ride to the city center. But then complications arose, not the least of which was the need to walk the dog, who was impatiently nuzzling her leash with her legs metaphorically crossed, suggesting that waiting for my wife to get home to take her out might not be the best idea.

So I had to tell him to go ahead without me.

My friend, not the dog.

I briefly considered taking the car, but just couldn’t face the prospect of yet another commute from hell. Instead, I hopped on my bike for a solo ride downtown, leaving myself just over an hour to make the trip.

After taking side streets through the biking black hole of Beverly Hills, I found myself riding a relatively car-free route that lead from 8th Street, up to the future bike boulevard on 4th, then back down to 7th, which will soon feature bike lanes itself for most of it’s length.

Instead of the usually harrowing, traffic-choked commute by car — or the Third World conditions of the 720 bus — I enjoyed a pleasant, relaxing ride that had me feeling better and arriving in a far better mood than when I left.

And even had time to stop for coffee before going into my meeting.

Afterwards, we enjoyed a perfectly pleasant L.A. evening as we rode back on an Olympic Blvd nearly abandoned by the city’s drivers, with only one puddle-hidden pothole to mar the experience.

I wasn’t really wasn’t surprised by how fast, efficient and enjoyable it was to make the trip by bike, particularly compared to my other options.

But it was nice to be reminded once again.


KCET’s report on the changes coming to 7th Street suggests that the success of that project could have a lot to do with how quickly the city rolls out the rest of the new bike plan.

And unfortunately, their probably right.

But as @sam_ebnet astutely points out, that’s a bit like saying we’ll put the front wheel on a car, and if it drives well, we’ll put the other three on. Or building a freeway, and if it proves popular enough, adding the off-ramps later.

L.A.’s bike plan will only succeed when it’s seen as a system, rather than a series of independently planned projects. Both 4th Street and 7th are vital links in that system, and each will do much to make riding safer and more enjoyable.

But it is only when the entire network is built out, and cyclists can ride routes that actually connect with one another, that we’ll enjoy a truly ridable city.

Last day to enter for a free 2011 L.A. River Ride

After a slow start, more entries for our free L.A. River Ride giveaway are coming in. So don’t get left out. Just write out in 50 words or less why you should be the one to join in on L.A.’s favorite fundraising bike ride, and send it to by midnight tonight, Thursday, May 26th.

The River Ride staff and volunteers will review the entries and pick a winner over the weekend. And there’s no reason why that couldn’t be you.

Just click here for more information.

Even if you don’t win, you can still save $10 on the 11th Annual Los Angeles River Ride by signing up online using the special discount code TEDBC11 (case sensitive) — exclusively for BikingInLA readers.

Win a free 2011 L.A. River Ride — or save $10 now on River Ride registration!

Save $10 on the 11th Annual Los Angeles River Ride; just sign up online using the special discount code TEDBC11 (case sensitive). Or enter to win a free River Ride Registration by emailing by 5/26, and explain why you deserve to ride this year’s River Ride in 50 words or less, courtesy of LACBC and BikingInLA. Click here for more information.

A random mediation on blessed bikes, Bike Week and the Ride of Silence

Some random thoughts as I catch up from the first few wet days of L.A. Bike Week.


Bishop Jon Bruno, who clearly dressed for the occasion, though I suspect he didn't ride in that.

Despite my firm belief that the human body is incapable of sustaining life prior to 7 am, I found myself rising just after 6 yesterday to for the one hour ride downtown for the Blessing of the Bicycles.

It only took a few minutes of walking the corgi, who was none too pleased to be awakened at that hour — let alone dragged out into the rain — to decide that driving would be a much better option.

So I strapped my bike onto the back of my 17-year old car, which finally chugged past the 105,000 mile mark on the way, and made the drive to Good Samaritan Hospital.

Despite the rain, I  saw a surprising number of cyclists there, with more arriving throughout the hour-long event. Most of whom had the bedraggled look of someone who had braved the elements to get there.

The Buddhist representative warned children to stop doing dangerous tricks on their bikes, or he'd tell the Kung Fu Panda.

I’ll let the CicLAvia blog tell the story, as they were clearly taking much better notes than I was, focused as I was on sucking down some hot coffee and scarfing from the wide array of pastries and fresh fruit.

If the spread they put out for cyclists is any indication of the quality of care patients receive at Good Sam, I may need to switch my medical allegiance from the Jews to the Episcopalians.

Being of a very ecumenical bent, I don’t think God really cares which team you choose, as long as you choose one.

Our newly bike-friendly and apparently fragile mayor arrived with his foot in a cast — not, as might be guessed, the result of another cycling accident, but from wandering through a strange hotel room after dark.

(Insert joke here.)

DWP Employee Chris Bolivar is honored for his heroics in stopping a bike theft by bike owner and Good Sam VP Dan McLaughlin.

For me, though, the highlight was seeing DWP employee Chris Bolivar honored for his heroics in rushing off a Metro bus to stop a thief from stealing a new Trek Madone belonging to Good Sam VP Dan McLaughlin. And then watching him ride off with his wife on a newly-purchased red and white Schwinn tandem.

After listening to an array of Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish prayers for our safety — nice work on the shofar, Rabbi — I took my place in a long line of cyclists to be blessed by Episcopal Bishop Jon Bruno, walking my bike since the other half of my cleats were still in my car along with the shoes they’re attached to.

Frankly, I’ll take all the help I can get to safely navigate these city streets.

Evidently, I’m not the only one, as Will Campbell’s blessed ass made the front page of the Times’ Late Extra section.


Councilmember Bill Rosendahl invites all to participate in Bike Week. KCRW’s Shortcuts blog reports on a soggy start to the week. Metro offers an interactive map to help you plan your route for Bike to Work Day. The afore mentioned Mr. Campbell looks forward to Thursday’s Bike from Work Happy Hour, which also takes place at Pourtal Wine Bar, among other bike-friendly taverns.

Ten deals and freebies for Bike Week. Bike-friendly UCLA observes Bike to Campus Week. More commuters are getting there by bike. Sensible gear for biking to work, and how to dress — or pack — for it.

Even, courtesy of Tucson Velo, if you’re a drag queen.


Long Beach wraps up Bike Week with the Grand Opening of a new Performance Bicycle shop on Friday, their 100th nationwide. To celebrate, the first 100 people in line will have chance to win one of seven new bikes valued at a total of over $7,000. The store is located at Long Beach Town Center, 7611 East Carson Blvd in Long Beach; distribution of keys for the contest will take place at 8 am, with the doors opening at 9.


Tonight marks the world-wide observance of the Ride of Silence, a slow paced memorial ride to honor cyclists killed or injured on the roads, raise awareness of cycling and ask that we all share the road safely.

And once again, it won’t be officially observed here in Los Angeles.

There will be ROS rides in other parts of Southern California, though, including Fullerton, Irvine, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino, San Diego, Temecula, Thousand Oaks and Ventura, if you live in those areas or can make the trip.

It will also be observed at the L.A. Velodrome tonight, as cyclists will ride 40 silent laps in honor of fallen riders. And we do have a long and tragically growing list of local riders to honor, including James Laing, Jim Swarzman, Danny Marin and Alex Romero, just to name a few.

I tried, and failed, to get an L.A. ride started this year, mostly because I’ve never organized a ride and had no idea what the hell I was doing.

However, I’m committed to getting one off the ground next year, and will start earlier to organize it and get the cooperation of local authorities and advocacy groups.

If anyone wants to help, just let me know.

And thanks to Kieron at the Velodrome for stepping up to make sure local riders won’t be forgotten this year.


A fascinating look at the rich and powerful former New York DOT commissioner who may or may not be behind the backlash against the city’s successful and popular Prospect Park West bike lanes — despite being married to a leading, and presumably pro-cycling, Senator Chuck Schumer.

HuffPo’s Joel Epstein also offers his typically insightful thoughts on the subject.


After Sunday’s hard charge up Mt. Etna, Contador still holds the leader’s jersey in the Giro; Bike Snob says he looks pretty in pink. In the wake of Wouter Wayland’s death in Stage 3 of the Giro, organizers have added extra safety measures for a difficult descent on Saturday’s Stage 14.

Colorado bike prodigy Taylor Phinney rides his first AToC. Team Sky’s Greg Henderson takes the overall lead after winning Stage 3 of the AToC; Phinney is currently the top American at 8th. Bicycling profiles the top young Americans in the race.


LACBC gets a shiny new website, and unveils their latest video with Austin Nichols looking forward to the upcoming River Ride on June 5th. The Coalition also reminds cyclists that comments on the proposed L.A. County bike plan are due by June 3rd, and says it could be a lot better.

And don’t forget you can get a discount for River Ride through BikingInLA, and enter a contest to win a free River Ride.


LADOT Bike Blog recaps the recent BAC Planning Subcommittee meeting, including implementation of the Bike Plan, extending the crappy, door zone Westwood Blvd bike lanes south to the planned Expo Line station, and bike lane projects around the planned Universal Studios expansion.

The last of which will happen over my dead body unless they allow the L.A. River Bike Path to extend through their property.

The expansion, that is. Not the bike lanes.


Writing for Streetsblog, Mark Elliot of Better Bike Beverly Hills updates the status of the Westside’s black hole for cyclists; the LACBC’s Marissa Christiansen reports on the South Bay Bicycle Coalition and the area’s new Bike Master Plan. A UCLA student invites you to log your commute times by bike and car to prove bikes are faster for shorter trips. Richard Risemberg calls for a separated cycle track on Washington Blvd to close the gap in the beachfront Marvin Braude bike path through the Marina area. CicLAvia shares a photo from Sunday’s South L.A. ride; word is that July’s scheduled CicLAvia will be cancelled, but October’s will go forward with an expanded route into Boyle Heights. Eco-Village looks at the new bike lanes on Expo and MLK. Learn the art of track racing at the L.A. Velodrome. L.A. Creek Freak objects to “improvements” to the North Spring Street Bridge that would just allow more cars to go faster. Long Beachers are invited to participate in a bike safety study. Long Beach’s biking expats get an unplanned delay in starting their latest cross county adventure. A bike cam catches a car speeding through the Santa Cruz Mountains, only to come upon the same car upside down on the side of the road moments later.

DOT Secretary Ray LaHood calls on cyclists to join the 2 Mile Challenge to replace short cars trips with bikes and raise funds for three worthy organizations. The League of American Bicyclists lists events throughout May’s Bike Month, and partners with AAA to promote bike safety. Examining the myth that gas taxes pay for the roads motorists drive. Amazon discovers bike commuters. Momentum magazine jumps into the great helmet debate, while yet another study shows mandating helmet use is counterproductive; however, Brit James Cracknell credits his with saving his life. Sharrows make their way to small town Oregon. Bike Portland takes the local paper to task for biased reporting. A Tempe cyclist finds his bike on Craigslist the day after it’s stolen, A Denver cyclist is killed by a hit-and-run driver just weeks before participating in the 412-mile Ride the Rockies. Minneapolis cyclists could soon find bike supply vending machines along popular bike trails. Zeke puts his recent first aid training to use, determining that a tourniquet is probably not necessary for minor road rash.

Why even experienced cyclists sometimes ride on the sidewalk; Carlton Reid looks at the legalities of UK sidewalk riding, as well as confusion between cycle tracks and sidewalks. London cyclists win an important victory to keep bike lanes on a bridge with heavy bike commuter use. An around-the-world adventurer starts a campaign to give Scot children more space to ride to school. Even in rural Scotland, cyclists get honked at by drivers who could easily pass. British design and Chinese manufacturing — as if any western country makes much of anything these days — combine to build a cheap, colorful single-speed bike. For the second time in three years, someone has tried to sabotage the Etape Caledonia. Debuting at Cannes, a gritty, bike-centric modern fairy tale from Belgium; thanks to Rex Reese for the heads-up.

Finally, Pittsburgh police take different sides on citing a cyclist for Biking Under the Influence.

Win a free 2011 L.A. River Ride — or save $10 now on River Ride registration!

I’ve always been a firm believer in paying it forward when opportunity allows.

It all goes back to my father, who never left a stranger stranded on the side of the road. If he couldn’t fix their car on the spot, he’d give them a ride into town to call for help. Sometimes he’d even drive them to our home, grab his tools, and go back to fix it himself while they waited.

Whenever someone tried to reward him for his efforts, he’d just say they’d have a chance to help someone else someday.

And when that day comes, do it.

So when I unexpectedly found myself with an opportunity to participate in this year’s 11th Annual L.A. River Ride — one of Southern California’s largest and most popular fundraising rides — I tried to figure out what I could do to get you to ride along with me, and a few thousand of our closest friends.

I’d actually planned on working as a volunteer in the LACBC booth at the L.A. River Ride, until leading L.A. bike attorney Howard Krepack, one of the LACBC’s most consistent and generous sponsors, graciously offered to let me ride as his guest.

And no, in case you’re wondering, he did not make that offer in exchange for being mentioned here. This is just my way of thanking him for his very kind and generous gesture.

Almost immediately, it occurred to me that there might be a way I could share my good fortune with you.

So I emailed JJ Hoffman, the LACBC River Ride Coordinator, with two suggestions — first, to offer a special discount on River Ride registration for readers of this blog, or second, hold a contest to give away a free River Ride registration.

And JJ, who’s clearly of a generous bent herself, responded by saying why not do both?

So here’s the deal.

If you’ve been on the fence about participating in this year’s River Ride — or you just enjoy a great bargain — you can sign up online for the 11th Annual Los Angeles River Ride anytime between now and June 4th and save $10 off your registration.

All you have to do is visit the River Ride site on and sign up using the special discount code TEDBC11 (case sensitive).

That means a $65 registration for the Century or 70-mile rides will cost you just $55. The Half Century and 36-mile rides will run just $45 with the discount. And you can sign up for the 15-mile Family Ride, normally $50, for just $40.

You can thank me later.

On the other hand, maybe that’s still out your reach this year. Or maybe you’re just feeling lucky. Either way, one person is going to win a free River Ride registration courtesy of the LACBC.

All you have to do is email me at, and explain in 50 words or less why you, or someone you know, deserves to ride this year’s River Ride for free.

Maybe you had a hard year, or done more than your share to help others. Maybe, like me, you’ve never done the River Ride and always wanted to. Or maybe you know someone who is deserving of a special gift this year.

Whatever your reason, send it to the address above, and I’ll remove any identifying information and forward your email to the LACBC’s staff and River Ride volunteers. They’ll make the choice; and yes, their choice is final. All entries are due no later than midnight on the night of Thursday, May 26th; the winner will be notified by Tuesday, May 31st.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to contact everyone who didn’t win. So if you haven’t heard anything by the 1st, it just means it wasn’t you this time.

Nothing personal.

Fortunately, that still gives you a few days to sign up using the discount code.

And join me and the LACBC — and a couple thousand other cyclists — in Riding the River this year.


Volunteers are still needed for the River Ride on JUne 5th, and to help get ready in the days leading up to the ride. Contact

And yes, I’m sure they’ll understand if you need to back out because you won the free registration.

News from the pro world, Signh pleads not guilty, People for Bikes unveils Downtown bike video

Oscar Gatto wins Stage 8 of the Giro d’Italia, as Contador makes a leap to 5th overall. And Bike Snob notes that there is another, much shorter and less intense race starting in Tahoe on Sunday.

Jens Voigt considers the risks of racing on the eve of the Amgen Tour of California, following the death of his friend Wouter Waylandt; Waylandt will be honored by the ToC peloton. The opening stage of the Tour of California may have to change course due to snow.

Meanwhile, Colorado’s upcoming pro tour adopts a good cause, and yet another really crappy name. The investigators going after Lance Armstrong look to the French for help, while UCI ranks every rider in the 2010 Tour de France on their odds of doping. Notably, UCI doesn’t deny it, but points out that suspicion is not the same as guilt.

Well, duh.


Satnam Singh pleads not guilty in the drunken hit-and-run death of Nick Haverland, and injuring 5 other people in Ventura Tuesday evening; he faces up to 18 years if convicted on all counts.


Metro staff recommends the full 7.7 mile Wilshire Blvd Bus (and bike) Only Lane, despite the objections of County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky and L.A. Councilmember Bill Rosendahl; if approved, the project would include repaving of at least the right lane of what is now one of the city’s worst streets for bikes.


People for Bikes unveils the Bikes Make Life Better video filmed recently in Downtown L.A. Yes, it was worth the wait. They also say for every mile you ride instead of drive, you save at least a buck. And Tim Blumenthal of Bikes Belong talks to cdmCyclist.


Austin Nichols — yes, that Austin Nichols — debates where to park for next month’s River Ride. Gary raises red flags about the planned Expo Bikeway, which may not be much of what everything we expected. Preserving a little precious parking could mean a bike lane bypass on Foothill Blvd in the Valley. Steve Montalto says cyclists aren’t the only scofflaws on the road; sometimes you get hit whether you’re biking or walking. Bikeside surveys the candidates for the 36th Congressional District race. Battle lines are drawn at BPIT, while work moves forward. Downtown News looks at Tuesday’s upcoming Blessing of the Bicycles. KCRW’s Steve Herbert offers practical advice on the how-tos of commuting to work; Plan Bike’s Jody Brooks offers 10 good reasons to ride. L.A. Bike Week encourages Angelenos to rethink commuting by car. L.A. considers requiring more bike parking. LAPD experiments with electric bikes. L.A. Firefighters document the aftermath of a bike collision in Tujunga, implying the rider was at fault. Pasadena cyclists discuss the new bike plan. Thousand Oaks will soon get 2.5 miles of new bike lanes. Long Beach’s cycling expats prepare to set sail once again. San Diego gets sharrowed. Bike culture rises on the streets of San Francisco. Sacramento is rapidly becoming a cycle-tropolis. Now that’s what I call an urban bike shirt.

Nice thought: you don’t have to make a big change in your life to make a difference in the world. The bike boom bypasses women, and goes in reverse for children. Albuquerque may be bike-friendly, even if not all it’s streets are. Charleston MA installs bike lanes, removes said lanes, and paints them back again; not unlike Westwood’s Westholme Ave, where the sharrows were recently covered over by slurry coating — for the second time. New York launches their long-planned “Don’t Be A Jerk” campaign, directed at cyclists rather than the city’s notoriously jerkish drivers. A proposed new bill would make Complete Streets the law of the land throughout the U.S; another would pay you $40 a month to commute by bike, which you could use to get your boss to pay for your next tune-up. A DC survey shows Bike to Work Day can lead to lasting changes. Learning the hard way what happens after you get hit by a car. Maryland passes legislation toughening penalties for drivers who hit cyclists or pedestrians; bike attorney Bob Mionske applauds them for finding the middle ground. Georgia is the latest state to adopt a 3-foot law; California could be next. U.S. DOT Secretary Ray LaHood cares about the safety of urban cyclists, but isn’t sure if that makes him a hipster; link courtesy of BikeBlogNY.

The U.S. has a lot to teach other nations about providing political support at the highest levels for sustainable transportation. The afore mentioned Bob Mionske asks if dooring is really an accident, saying Montreal police clearly don’t get it. New York Mayor Bloomberg backs the United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety. Great Britain gears up for next month’s Naked Bike Ride. A Brit twit tweets about hitting two cyclists and fleeing the scene; turns out it was a cyclist with a very warped sense of humor. A British survey suggests whatever happens, it was probably your fault. Local bike paths mean higher home prices Down Under. Cyclists and pedestrians get to sample Glasgow’s newest highway, in sort of a one-time Scot ciclovia. Bob Marley was mellow, but did he ride a bike?

Finally, bikes must be dangerous, unlike all those big, fast metal things on the street. And a medical school professor — who really should know better — says bikes really are dangerous, but opposes bike lanes that might make it safer to ride them; thanks to Cyclelicious for the heads-up.

It’s raining bikes, halleluiah! Our busiest weekend and Bike Week schedule yet.

Bike Talk airs every Saturday at 10 am; listen to it live or download the podcast from KPFK.

Saturday, May 14th, Streetsblog LA will host a pre-Bike Week Westside Ride to the Venice Pier starting at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church, 11555 National Blvd, at 10:30 am.

CicLAvia is hosting a meeting to discuss expanding into Boyle Heights at 11 am Saturday in Room A208 of historic Roosevelt High School, 436 S. Matthews Street. Meanwhile, the previously scheduled South L.A. Ride is on after all; meet at the All People’s Christian Center at 822 E. 20th Street in Los Angeles at 11 am.

The annual Long Beach Bicycle Festival continues on Saturday, May 14th in Downtown Long Beach. The festivities include the Tour of Long Beach on Saturday, May 14th with rides of 4, 31 and 61 miles to benefit Miller Children’s Hospital Long Beach.

Hermosa Beach offers the 3rd Annual Cycle Saturday Bike Education FUNshop from 10 am to 2 pm at Valley Park Amphitheater, at the intersection of Gould Ave and Valley Drive, offering safety and protocol education for all ages; maybe we need more events like this throughout the region.

Also on Saturday, May 14th Glendale Safe and Healthy Streets is sponsoring a free 12-mile Ice Cream Ride as part of the city’s Bike Month, beginning and ending at the Colina Drive entrance to Verdugo Park. Riders meet at 1 pm and set off at 1:30; minors must be accompanied by adults, and participants should bring money to purchase ice cream.

Further inland, the 2011 Tour of Riverside offers a family-friendly bike fest on Saturday the 14th from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm at Fairmount Park in Riverside. Events include 30 and 15 mile rides through downtown Riverside, children’s bike safety course, family run rides and a bike-a-thon, as well as exhibits, repair clinics, games, entertainment and free helmets for children.

Flying Pigeon will be busy this weekend, with the Spoke(n) Art Ride on Saturday, followed by the Get Sum Dim Sum Ride on Sunday. The Spoke(n)Art Ride meets at 6 pm at Flying Pigeon Bike Shop, 3714 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park, and rolls at 6:45, followed by a party at the Bike Oven next door to the shop. The popular Get Sum Dim Sum ride meets in front of the shop at 10 am Sunday, rolling at 10:30; click the link at the right of the page for more information.

Saturday and Sunday, May 14th and 15th, Bakersfield hosts the Safe Routes to School Bike Festival at Bakersfield Central Park at Mill Creek, 21st and R Street; Saturday from 10 am to 6 pm, including Bike Polo Tournament, BMX Competition and Bike Rodeo; Sunday from 7 am to 4 pm, with Bike Swap Meet and Crit.

The California State High School Mountain Bike Championship takes place this weekend in Los Olivos; thanks to Interbike Blog for heads-up.

The Amgen Tour of California kicks off on Sunday the 15th, with what may be a snowy ride around Lake Tahoe; Southern California stages include Solvang on Friday the 20th — including the Women’s International Time Trial Challenge — Claremont to Mt. Baldy on Saturday the 21st, and the final stage from Santa Clarita to Thousand Oaks on Sunday the 22nd. Daily TV coverage on Versus; check your local listings for time and station. This year’s ToC will honor Leopard-Trek rider Wouter Waylandt, who died this week in Stage 3 of the Giro d’Italia.

The Santa Monica Spoke is hosting Sunday in the Park on Sunday, May 15th from 3:30 to 5pm at Broadway Park, 2500 Broadway in Santa Monica; topics include what the Spoke is working on, bike talk and the Santa Monica Bike Action Plan.

For riders unafraid to venture behind the Orange Curtain, Bike Newport Beach is sponsoring a Family Fun Ride on Sunday, May 15th beginning at 8 am at the Oasis Senior Center, 801 Narcissus Avenue in Corona del Mar.

Also on Sunday, May 15th, the Pasadena Marathon takes to the streets of the City of Roses, including a 5:45 am bike tour before the runners hit the pavement. Riders and runners start and finish at Pasadena City College, 1570 East Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91106; thanks to Louie for the heads-up.

L.A.’s 17th annual Bike Week takes place May 16th through the 20th, with an emphasis on bike safety education, and events throughout the city.

  • Bike Week opens with an 8:30 am Monday, May 16th Kick-Off Event at the North Hollywood Metro Station
  • This year’s Blessing of the Bicycles will take place from 8 to 9:30 am on Tuesday, May 17th at Downtown’s Good Samaritan Hospital, 616 S. Witmer Street.
  • Ride with other cyclists through the streets of Downtown on Wednesday, May 18th; riders meet at 8 am at Union Station on Alameda Street
  • Bike to Work Day takes place on Thursday, May 19th, with morning pit stops throughout the greater Los Angeles Area, as well as a handful of Bike from Work happy hours; Metro is also looking for Bike Buddies to guide inexperienced cyclists to work.
  • Friday, May 19th is Bike to School Day

CICLE will celebrate Pasadena’s Bike Week with two special events:

  • Monday, May 16th is Bike Film Night with Streetsblog LA joining CICLE to present a series of Streetfilms and discuss how those lessons can be applied to Southland streets; 6:30 P.M. at Boston Court Performing Arts Center, 70 North Mentor Avenue, Pasadena.
  • The Mayor’s Ride & Family Night will take place on Tuesday, May 17th from 5:30 to 8 pm at Pasadena City Hall, 100 N. Garfield; join with Pasadena mayor Bill Bogaard and other local officials at a family-friendly event to promote bicycle as a safe and sustainable transportation alternative.

Long Beach celebrates Bike to Work Day on Thursday the 19th, and Bike to School Day on Friday the 20th.

See Streetsblog’s amazing Bike Month Mega Page for more bike month listings throughout the greater Los Angeles are.

The Westside Council of Governments will meet on Thursday, May 19th, with lunch at 11:45 am and the business meeting beginning at noon; a program to coordinate bikeways through the Westside cities of L.A., Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica, and West Hollywood will be on the agenda. The meeting will take place in the Garden Terrace Room of the Annenberg Beach House, 415 Pacific Coast Highway in Santa Monica.

The San Diego Century ride takes place on Saturday, May 21st with rides of 37, 66 or 103 miles, starting in Encinitas, along with free admission to an expo featuring sports, local cuisine and live music.

Saturday, June 4th, the Palms Neighborhood Council and the LAPD’s Pacific Division is sponsoring the 2011 Bike Rodeo from 10 am to 2 pm at Palms Elementary School, 3520 Motor Ave; events include a bike safety course, safety inspection, radar speed test and a bike giveaway, as well as live entertainment and free food.

Join me, and thousands of other cyclists at L.A.’s favorite fundraiser ride on Sunday, June 5th with the 11th Annual River Rideadvance registration is open now. Volunteers are still needed — and trust me, as a volunteer last year, it’s about as much fun as you can have off your bike; email for more info and to sign up.

If you can make it up to Sacramento on Sunday, June 12th, Ride4Matt issponsoring a charity ride to benefit Matthew Wietrick, who was seriously injured while riding last February. Choose from routes of 10, 35 and 70 miles, with a $7 BBQ lunch after the ride; donations gratefully accepted.

Flying Pigeon Bike Shop will host a fundraising bike ride to benefit Streetsblog LA on Friday, June 17th, beginning and ending at Flying Pigeon, 3714 North Figueroa Street in Highland Park; ride meets at 6 pm, with party to follow at 8 pm.

The next two CicLAvias will take place on July 10th and October 9th; if you were at either of the first two, you’ve probably already marked your calendar.

Tuesday, August 30th, Santa Monica’s Library Alehouse will host a benefit night for Streetsblog LA; 5% of all food and drink purchases will benefit Streetsblog; 2911 Main Street.

And mark your calendar for the 2011 L.A. edition of the Tour de Fat on October 9th, unless you happen to be an observant Jew, since it falls on Yom Kippur this year.


It’s been a busy week with a lot of breaking news, so I haven’t been able to keep up with the news links this past week; I’ll try to catch up over the weekend.

And come back on Monday for great news on River Ride — and our first-ever contest.

A moving gesture in the Giro, yet another bike rider injured in a gang shooting

More on the events before and after the death of Leopard Trek rider Wouter Weylandt in Monday’s 3rd stage of the Giro.

According to RadioShack rider Manuel Cardoso, who was closest to the collision, Weylandt had been dropped by the leaders, and was attempting to rejoin the main group. He was looking back at the riders behind when he clipped the wall and was catapulted to the other side of the road, where he hit another object.

Weylandt reportedly knew the course well, and live video of the crash will take center stage in an inquest into the death. News of his death was withheld until his pregnant wife, who was driving home at the time, could be told; authorities didn’t want her to hear the news over the radio. A Facebook page has been set up to solicit donations for Weylandt’s family.

The Giro riders offer a moving tribute to Weylandt as the peloton forgoes racing for the 4th stage. At the finish, Garmin-Cervelo’s Tyler Farrar rode with Leopard Trek team in honor of his late friend; when he dropped back to let the Leopard Trek riders finish without him, they pulled him forward to finish together in an all-too-rare example of sportsmanship in today’s world.

The race will go on, but without Farrar or Weylandt’s Leopard Trek team.


The Beverly Hill Courier reports that a 40-year old man with gang affiliations was shot multiple times while riding a bike on the 2700 block of Alsace Avenue in South L.A. early Monday morning. Authorities say he was shot in the leg, arm and the groin (twice), but refused to cooperate with police. Witnesses reported seeing a silver SUV speeding away.


Joseph Ricardo Fernandez, the driver accused of killing Encino cyclist Jim Swarzman, faces a preliminary hearing today.


Wish I could have made this meeting, as the BAC’s Planning Subcommittee meets this afternoon to discuss issues including the Exposition bikeway, sharrows on Westwood Blvd, and the L.A. River Bike Path and other proposed bike lanes around the NBC/Universal expansion.


Better Bike Beverly Hills reports on the recent Westside COG meeting to address closing the many gaps in Westside bikeways. A trio of Cal Poly SLO architecture students suggest banning cars from Downtown L.A. Sign up for UCLA’s Bike to Campus week and you could get a free t-shirt or bike tune-up. Examined Spoke examines the weirdness of biking in Los Angeles. The Palms Neighborhood Council will host a Bike Rodeo on Saturday, June 14th. Rick Risemberg writes there’s room for all kinds of riders on the streets of L.A. Walk Eagle Rock calls for a transformed Colorado Blvd. Santa Monica will hold a workshop on the city’s new Bike Action Plan on Monday. A look at last weekend’s bike-friendly Santa Monica Festival. Well, that’s one bike thief off the street; wait, make that three. Writing for the Santa Monica Daily Press, a family law attorney says California’s helmet law wasn’t written to protect kids, but to make money for helmet makers. A new website challenges you to time your commute by car and bike to win cool prizes. Manhattan Beach will unveil new bike racks on Saturday. Long Beach’s biking expats prepare to hit the road for their latest two-wheeled expansion. A look at this weekend’s upcoming Long Beach Bike Fest; Saturday also marks the family-oriented Tour of Riverside.

Bike corrals could soon be coming to San Diego. Why cyclists should ride with traffic. Among other safety tips, the Atascadero News says while cyclists have the burden of being visible, drivers have the burden of watching out; nice to see the press get it right for a change. San Francisco’s bike plans still have a way to go, but SF Gate says obeying the law should take equal emphasis. Palo Alto could soon get a shiny new bike boulevard. Yahoo offers advice on bike laws for Californians thinking about riding to work. Three Bay Area counties are using smartphone GPS data to improves bike planning; thanks to Zeke for the heads-up. Bicycling looks at the BMC Racing Team’s prep work for the Amgen Tour of California.

A new bill could increase federal benefits for biking to work; good luck getting it through the Tea Party driven House. Grist looks at how employers can encourage bike commuting. Levi’s introduces skinny bike jeans with a reinforced crotch, U-lock holder and stink-proofing. The latest Streetsfilm says complete streets are about more than bike lanes. Evidently, sitting all day is bad for you; unless you’re sitting on a bike seat, of course. Why bike racers need an anchor. Ten tips to make bicycling easy. Rather than crack down on illegally parked bikes, Durango CO builds a successful bike coral, leading to a record month for a local business; thanks to Richard Risemberg for the link. An Arkansas minister rides 60 miles to celebrate his 60th year less than three years after he was nearly killed in a cycling collision. Arlington TX decides cyclists only want to ride to and from parks. Lovely Bicycle looks at the New England Bicycle Expo. An Indiana Amish father and his four-year old daughter are killed in broad daylight by a driver who claims he didn’t see them. New York cyclists are being ticketed for non-existent traffic laws; Gothamist says the solution is an Idaho Stop Law. A Florida cyclist is killed when a driver falls asleep and knocks her off a causeway; thanks to Michael Byerts for the link.

Despite the recent troubles in Mexico, the Rosarito to Ensenada bike ride just keeps on rolling. So who really did invent the pedal bicycle? London considers letting trucks unload in the city’s bikeways. One of the great climbs of London. One day you’re a bike racer, the next day you’re hooking up with the most famous singer in France; thanks to Rex Reese for the heads-up. In Abu Dhabi, bumping bikes is the latest national sport, but at least they don’t murder their victims after they hit them. The UN launches the Decade of Action for Road Safety tomorrow; former Colorado gubernatorial candidate Dan Maes will probably issue a statement declaring it a socialist plot to save lives.

Finally, bikemeister Chris K suggests an earpiece that channels stereo sound into a single ear so you can comply with state law and still hear what’s going on around you. And Will Campbell points us to a post from a few years back, in which he does what we’ve all thought about when confronted by a butt-flinging distracted driver.

Well, actually, I fantasize about grabbing their phone and throwing it as far as I can, then shoving that still-burning butt where the sun don’t shine.

But still.

Giro kicks off, The Lancet calls for road safety, on-road portion of the Expo bikeway takes shape

The racing season starts for real as the legendary Giro d’Italia kicks off with a team time trial, which was won by HTC-Highroad.

Italian time trial champion Marco Pinotti wears the pink jersey — the Giro’s equivalent of the yellow jersey in the Tour de France. Bike Snob covers the race for Bicycling in his own inimitable style, while the magazine offers 10 riders to watch, including Contador, Sastre, Nibali, Cavendish and Petacchi.

Unfortunately, the field is weakened as a number of top teams have opted to take part in the competing Amgen Tour of California, which will roll during the Giro’s second week.


An editorial in the respected medical journal The Lancet calls for reducing road dangers, both from collision and disease caused by over-reliance on automobiles.

3000 people die each day in accidents on the roads worldwide—nearly 1·3 million people a year. In addition, 20—50 million people are injured each year, many of whom end up with lifelong disabilities. 90% of road-traffic deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries, despite fewer vehicles in these countries. Without concerted action, road-traffic injuries are predicted to be the fifth leading cause of death by 2030 (after ischaemic heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and lower respiratory infections)—a leap from being the ninth ranked cause of death in 2004. In those aged 15—29 years, road-traffic injuries are the leading cause of death. Just over half of all deaths on the roads are in those not travelling in a car.

These numbers are stark, but do not take into account the epidemic of chronic disease and obesity, or the effects on air pollution and climate change, which result from increasing reliance on motorised vehicles. Conversion of a road-traffic injury epidemic to one of obesity or heart disease needs to be avoided.

They conclude with a common-sense call to action I can back wholeheartedly.

Making towns and cities safer for pedestrians and cyclists, or promoting use of seat belts or helmets, might not be as cutting edge as stem-cell research but will save more lives this decade.


The opening of Metro’s new Expo Line may be delayed once again — until next year this time — but the accompanying bike lanes are hitting the pavement on Expo Blvd now. And yes, we all hoped for an off-road bike path like the Valley’s Orange Line, but they’ve been saying for months we weren’t going to get it for the full length.

Evidently, they were right.

And I’m told that the eastbound lane transitions from asphalt to concrete in the middle of the lane; nothing like an uneven riding surface on a brand new bikeway.

Thanks to Patrick Murray for the heads-up.


LACBC celebrates Bike Month by giving away a new IZIP electric bike; any new or renewing members are eligible. Cyclists tell the Source why they ride. Flying Pigeon calls on cyclists to support the bike advocacy group of their choice. Recent City Council candidate Stephen Box suggests LADOT’s acting head may have warn out his welcome. An anonymous writer for Bikeside says if you really want to understand planning, ride a bike. Matthew Ruscigno looks back at last month’s Feel My Legs, I’m a Racer. West Hollywood considers the possibility of a road diet and bike lanes on Fountain Avenue. The Santa Monica Daily Press says yes, you do have to stop for stop signs and traffic signals. Beverly Hills will host a bike workshop on Thursday, May 12th to get ready for Bike Week LA; Ron Durgin will be teaching, so count on expert instruction. Glendale will host a series of events for Bike Month. A look at Saturday’s L’Tape du California.

A San Diego writer looks back at his first week of bike commuting in the merry Bike Month of May; results so far, he’s tired. The SF Gate answers the concerns that keep women from commuting by bike. Five commuting tips to make every day Bike to Work Day. Three Bay Area counties are tracking cyclists through smartphone apps to collect data for future planning purposes. Benicia banishes downtown bike racks for being unsightly and diminishing the area’s historic character; something tells me they didn’t get rid of car parking for the same reasons. Those sporty spoilers can direct exhaust fumes directly to your head.

Lovely Bicycle reviews the Urbana bike; I offered my thoughts back in December. Nine years after his nephew is killed in a car crash, a Minot ND man honors his memory by giving away nearly 600 bikes to local children. A Detroit-area patrolman knew the cyclist he killed in a collision. Circling the heart of New York on the unfinished Manhattan Waterfront Greenway. A suspicious cyclist causes a scare at Ground Zero. Three Buffalo NY cyclists set out to complete the cross county bike ride they abandoned following a collision 25 years earlier.

A writer in VeloNews says it may be time to take on competitive cycling’s governing body; a new time trial shoe banned by the UCI fights back. CNN lists 15 bike-friendly cities around the world. Oxford’s new Lord Mayor vows to bike to work. One of the most gut-wrenching bike PSAs I’ve ever seen. Interrupting a bike ride to save a baby bunny. Bike-mounted cameras reveal the abuse Aussie drivers dish out.

Finally, an alleged drunk driver keeps going after killing a pedestrian in San Francisco, then smashes into a series of parked cars before coming to rest against a concrete planter. And Orange County authorities arrest an underage driver with a blood alcohol level of .30; so high, it causes police to say they’ve never seen anyone that drunk.


My apologies for not updating the upcoming bike events this week; I was tied up preparing for a surprisingly successful Saturday morning workshop biking issues in the ‘Bu. Thanks to the Malibu Public Safety Commission for bringing open minds and truly listening to our ideas and concerns; hopefully this is the beginning of a new relationship with the City of Malibu and better safety for everyone on PCH.

Stranger things have happened.

I’ll try to update the Events page over the next few days. There’s a lot going on this month you won’t want to miss.

Meanwhile, Damien Newton offers a comprehensive listing of Bike Month events on Streetsblog.