Yet another bike rider has been murdered by a heartless coward on the mean streets of Los Angeles.
According to KABC-2, the victim was struck by a driver around 11:50 pm last night near 92nd Street and Grape Avenue in the Florence-Graham neighborhood of South LA.
The driver fled the scene, apparently without stopping, leaving his victim to die in the street.
The victim, publicly identified only as a man in his 50s, was dead by the time first responders arrived.
KCBS-2 provides more details, reporting that the victim was walking his bike across the street, though it’s unclear whether he was crossing 92nd or Grape.
He was found surrounded by aluminum cans, leading police to conclude he made his living by recycling them.
There’s no information available on the suspect or his or her vehicle at this time, and it was unclear which direction the driver fled.
It seems likely the victim was crossing 92nd, since it’s a through street, which would enable the driver to travel at high speed at that hour; 92nd has two lanes with a center left turn lane and bike lanes in each direction, while Grape is an unlined residential street that dead ends into 92nd.
The crash comes barely over 24 hours after Frank Mendez messaged to say he witnessed the aftermath of another crash just half a mile away at 92nd and Compton, suggesting a major safety problem on the street; fortunately, the victim did not appear to be seriously injured in that collision.
This is at least the 45th bicycling fatality in Southern California this year, and the 19th that I’m aware of in Los Angeles County; it’s also the ninth in the City of Los Angeles.
At least six of those deaths in the county have resulted in hit-and-runs, half of which occurred below the 10 Freeway.
Yet city, county and state officials have done virtually nothing to halt hit-and-runs, even though a recent report found only 1% of LA hit-and-runs result in a conviction.
And meanwhile, we are literally being left to bleed — if not die — in the streets.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the victim and all his loved ones.
Thanks to Sean Meredith for the heads-up.