Metro recently sent out a letter looking for input on a draft first mile/last mile plan for the upcoming Westwood/UCLA Purple Line Station.
Although the deadline for comments is today, unfortunately.
Westwood/UCLA Community Members:
As you aware, Metro is developing a First/Last Mile (FLM) Plan for the Westwood/UCLA Station Purple Line Station. At this time, we invite your feedback on recommended plan improvements prior to Board consideration this Spring.
The Plan is intended improve this “first last mile” experience for users of the future station by identifying projects for efficient access and safety. Projects identified in the Plan are then positioned for further study as part of a preliminary design phase through early 2021.
The conceptual plans included with this email are a product of over a year of field research, consultations, and community engagement.
With this email, please find four documents:
- Instructions
- Pathway List
- Project List
- Comment Form
Please carefully read the instructions and returned your completed comment form to me (liebj@metro.net) byTuesday March 3, 2020.
The comment form can’t be attached on here, so send your comments to the email address above.
There’s a lot to like here.
Especially the promise protected bike lanes on Ohio, as well as Westwood Blvd through Westwood Village — despite CD5 Councilmember Paul Koretz’ pinky swear promise to Village business owners that he’d never allow bike lanes on Westwood Blvd.
Let alone protected ones.
It also includes plans several bike boulevards throughout the Westwood area, otherwise known euphemistically by the City of Los Angeles as bicycle friendly streets. Which raises the question of whether any of this has been run by the city’s transportation department before being released.
And whether it has the support of LADOT and city leaders, or if it’s just the planning equivalent of vapor ware, waiting for Koretz or someone else to shoot it down.
Meanwhile, the Planning & Mobility Committee of the Westwood Village Improvement Association will meet tomorrow.
Maybe they should hear a few words of support, too.
Thanks to Dr. Michael Cahn for forwarding the letter.
Thanks to Marvin D, who writes to let us know former pro Jens Voigt is hosting Digital WorldBike 2020 on March 31st, the world’s first free digital bicycling and safety conference.
Nice to see Jensie using his immense popularity to advocate for better access and safer streets for all of us on two wheels.
Which is exactly what Lance could and should be doing to redeem himself after his doping-fueled downfall. But isn’t.
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes goes on.
Or in this case, e-scooters, as a Baltimore man says he was intentionally run down by a van driver, who naturally fled the scene.
Sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
Life is cheap in Calgary, Alberta, where a bike rider walked with a lousy $1,000 fine for killing a 75-year old man who stepped into the crosswalk when the light changed.
There’s a special place in hell for the bike-riding robber who stole a purse from an elderly British woman, knocking her off her crutches in the process.
Metro is offering free fares for today’s Election Day, including one free Metro Bike bikeshare ride; all LADOT transit systems, Antelope Valley Transit Authority, Culver CityBus, Long Beach Transit and Pasadena Transit buses are also free today. On the other hand, you may have trouble finding an e-scooter to ride to the polls.
Bike the Vote LA has a voter’s guide for today’s election if you haven’t voted yet, while CiclaValley offers a list for Valley voters. I voted early, and cast my vote for challenger Sarah Kate Levy in the CD4 race last week.
StreetsForAll will meet next week to discuss the Venice Blvd For All proposal, which would remake one of the city’s most dangerous corridors.
Caltrans will be shutting down the 5 Freeway sometime in the near future to demolish the existing Burbank Blvd bridge to make room for a new and improved bridge, complete with bike lanes and wider sidewalks; the existing bridge will be closed to all traffic, including pedestrians and bicycle, by the end of this month.
The San Diego Association of Governments, aka SANDAG, is hosting the 30th annual San Diego Bike to Work Day on May 14th, and wants your help to pick the color of their official T-shirt. I’d vote for purple, especially if they feel like sending me one. Thanks to Robert Leone for the heads-up.
Speaking of San Diego, the city’s smart streetlights could be spying on you.
The San Francisco bike shop owner who complained about plans for a protected bike lane in front of his shop swears he’s just misunderstood, and really just prefers another option that would be less safe for his customers and others on two wheels.
A San Francisco bike rider says the city’s protected bike lanes aren’t.
A group of Sacramento bike riders will parol the city’s popular bike path along the American River.
Nearly 200 bike riders took part in a Chico charity ride to raise funds for bicycle safety and advocacy; the annual Tour de Ed Bike Ride began in 2008 after a local bike advocate was paralyzed in a bicycling crash.
A retired Iowa cop, who should have known better, pled guilty in the hit-and-run death of a man riding a bicycle.
OKC police busted a BMX-riding bank robber who made off with over $2,250 from an Oklahoma bank.
Rapha is following its Walton family owners to Bentonville AK, home of the Walmart chain founded by their grandfather.
A New York state legislator offered proposals to require vehicles to be rated on the risk they pose to others, and eliminate the need to prove drivers knew their actions were reckless to get a conviction.
No bias here. A Staten Island writer responds to a New York state law allowing police to seize vehicles from drivers for repeated speed cam or red light violations by claiming they can pry his car out of his cold, dead fingers.
As Vancouver continues to roll out new bike lanes, less than half of the people are comfortable using them.
British shops are encouraged to participate in Local Bike Shop Day on Saturday, May 2nd; hopefully it will spread to this side of the pond, as well.
A London ebike rider was acquitted of careless driving in the death of a pedestrian who crossed against the traffic light, despite traveling 10 mph over the speed limit and leaving the scene after the collision; he reportedly sobbed after the jury foreman announced the verdict.
Indian bike riders confront the heat and humidity to ride 75 miles roundtrip to catch the sights of seafront Chennai.
Bike advocates say it’s only a matter of time before someone gets killed after a heavily used Sydney, Australia bike route was ripped out to make room for highway construction; judging from the video, they’re probably right.
Competitive Cycling
When you’re making plans for the upcoming weekend, clear some time for the Tour de Murrieta,; rather than road races, it’s actually two days of crits, which are more fun to watch anyway. Thanks to Robert Leone for the link.
Discovery is teaming with UCI, cycling’s governing body, to create a new track cycling league designed to be more fast-paced, entertaining and engaging for spectators and online viewers.
Four cycling teams remain quarantined in the United Arab Emirates following the UAE Tour, which was halted with two days to go after two Italian team staffers tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
Who needs batteries when you can generate your own power while you ride?And who needs a car alarm when you’ve got a high-pressure sprinkler installed in your truck?
Thanks once again to Matthew Robertson for his monthly donation to support this site, which comes just in time to pay my email service fee every month.