Good advice from Lifehacker, as they say to always keep your bike’s serial number handy in case of theft.
My suggestion is to take photos of your bike and the serial number with your cell phone, then email them to your yourself. That way, you’ll have copies in multiple places so you won’t lose or accidently delete them. And having a photo eliminates any risk of transcribing errors.
There are countless benefits to bicycling. But who knew one of them is that riders and walkers are five times less likely to die during surgery?
LocalHave experience leading a nonprofit? The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition is looking for a skilled new Executive Director (pdf), as well as a part-time bookkeeper (pdf). A great opportunity to help build SoCal’s leading bike organization into one of the nation’s top bike advocacy groups.
Speaking of the LACBC, they’re hosting the first ever Firefly Ball at the end of this month to benefit the coalition and honor civic leaders who help make the city more bike friendly.
The Santa Monica Bike Center won this summer’s National Bike Challenge.
SaMo will host a Halloween themed Kidical Mass on Saturday, the 25th.
Kross-tober Fest brings cyclocross to Long Beach this Sunday.
A new two-mile bike path opens in La Mirada, part of a planned 66-mile loop around Orange County.
Palm Springs hosts a Cycledelic bike festival this Thursday to celebrate new bike lanes, a bike corral and Bike Fix-it station.
San Bernardino police are out on bike patrol, which proves popular with the public.
A bike rider was killed after being hit by several cars while riding salmon in the traffic lane on I-80 in Vacaville; no word on why he was on the highway, let alone riding the wrong way in traffic.
Cars will be banned from San Francisco’s lower Market Street by 2017, which will eventually feature raised cycle tracks. But why do you need a raised bikeway if there won’t be any cars?
Bike Radar offers five tips for beginning riders to avoid ruining a big bike ride.
Three Portland road diets prevent 37 crashes a year at a cost of just $500,000.
Bryce Canyon National Park plans a possible eight mile bike and pedestrian path.
Kansas get its first protected bike lane.
Shameful. An NYPD police investigation shows a bus driver failed to yield when he left crossed a cyclist, leaving a Swedish model brain dead. Yet he walks away without charges, while she doesn’t. And never will.
Take note LA: A New York Streetsblog report says implementing the city’s Vision Zero plan will require a major culture change, as the previous item makes painfully clear.
Ooh, scary. Philadelphia’s new bike vigilante is taking on scofflaw riders by posting posters.
A British cyclist is knocked off his bike with a piece of wood and punched repeatedly by two men before they ran off; no word on whether it was a robbery attempt, random violence or if they knew the victim.
Evidently, a British town has decided bikes are more dangerous than cars, as they inexplicably ban bicycles from the town center 24 hours a day, but allow cars for 12.
A French driver is charged with deliberately running over a cyclist and fleeing the scene following a dispute in Barcelona.
Newsweek discovers people in Copenhagen ride bikes, and cities around the world are trying to copy their success.
Bike advocates dismiss planned upgrades to Brisbane roads as mere window dressing.
An Aussie advocate says the bike versus car attitude has to stop.
No, seriously. If you’ve got a bag full of meth hidden in your bike’s handlebars, put a damn light on it already. Turns out New York’s bike riding Senator Schumer takes calls while he’s riding, but will only stop riding if it’s from the president.
And a livid writer for the Daily Mail sputters that lycra louts must have license plates.