This is why you don’t try to save your bike from robbers.
The Daily News reports that a bike rider, who has not been publicly identified, was shot and killed outside a Palmdale restaurant Tuesday night. KNBC-4 identifies the location as in front of Sky Burgers.
The 41-year old victim reportedly tried to stop four men from stealing his bike outside the restaurant on the 1800 block of E. Palmdale Blvd around 9:40 pm. He was assaulted by all four, described by witnesses as gang bangers, before one pulled out a gun and shot him multiple times.
Seriously, if you see someone trying to steal your bike, don’t attempt to stop them. Let them take it, and call the police; it’s their job to deal with it.
No matter how much your bike cost, your life is worth more.
My deepest sympathy and prayers for the victim and his loved ones. Let’s hope the police catch these assholes.
Seriously, WTF is wrong with some people?
LAist reports that a man was stabbed in the neck after he asked an SUV driver to turn off his lights — evidently because it was disturbing his meal in the parking lot of a Mid-City Carl’s Jr.
The driver is seen on security video getting out of his vehicle and approaching the man, who tried to back off before attempting to defend himself. The driver then pulled out a knife and stabbed him, after which he calmly got back in his car and drove off with a woman passenger, who evidently did nothing to stop the assault despite briefly getting out of the car.
The victim got on his bike and rode to a nearby hospital for treatment; the website says he was okay, despite his wounds.
Police are looking for a suspect. Then again, if the driver had just used his car instead of a knife, he probably could have driven home without a ticket.
If anyone ever tries to tell you bike riders aren’t tough, show them this.
Once again, Long Beach is giving you a brief window to experience your own mini-ciclovia, as the city opens up the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach race course to cyclists, skaters, runners and walkers from 11:30 am to 1 pm next Tuesday.
It would have been nice if they’d mentioned the date on their website, though.
Proposed legislation would require any car sold or leased in California to have a temporary license plate before it’s driven off the lot — just like many, if not most other states require — which would allow it to be identified in the case of hit and run or other crimes.
You can sign a petition to support the bill here; as it says, there is no reasonable reason for opposition.
Thanks to Ann Frederick for the heads-up.
Good news for sidewalk riders, or anyone who walks anywhere, as LA agrees to spend $1.3 billion over the next 30 years to fix the city’s broken sidewalks.
KPCC’s Larry Mantle talks with lame duck councilmember Tom LaBonge and Rec & Parks Superintendent Joe Salaices about the test project to allow cars on Griffith Park’s Mt. Hollywood Drive. Mantle also talks LA traffic with the Source’s Steve Hyman and new LACBC ED Tamika Butler.
UCLA Transportation says bike lanes are needed on Westwood Blvd to encourage students and faculty to bike to campus; the school’s many bicycling improvements that have helped make it a Bike Friendly University aren’t worth much if people can’t get there safely.
DTLA’s Chinatown installs an unusual, but apparently effective, bike corral.
Torrance cyclists will get new bike lanes on Palos Verdes Blvd following the street’s $2.1 million makeover.
CICLE is hosting an adult learn to bike class on April 12th.
The allegedly stoned wrong-way driver who plowed down a group of cyclists on San Diego’s Fiesta Island will face a competency hearing on Wednesday.
Santa Maria police are bringing back their old bikes to support a new crop of bike cops.
A Visalia motorized bike rider is in critical condition after being hit from behind by an SUV.
Riding the other route to SoCal from the Bay Area.
A San Francisco website maps out where cyclists are most likely to be hit by a distracted driver.
Marin County supervisors tell bike path riders to slow down, you move too fast; whether they sang it in two-part harmony is unclear.
Memphis decides to rip out a two-way separated bike path that took over one side of a four lane street, but promises some sort of complete street will return following a future repaving.
WaPo shows the ineffectiveness of most bike networks by mapping out what they look like without streets for a handful of major cities; I shudder to think what LA’s would look like.
VeloNews discusses the bike path to parity in women’s cycling.
A Brit jerk posts video of a car passenger pushing a cyclist off his bike that the jerks at Facebook declined to take it down, at least initially.
London in funneling money into bicycling infrastructure, while other UK cities lag behind for a lack of funding.
Three Ghana girls create a successful bamboo bike business.
Unbelievable. An Aussie driver is fined a whopping $1,000 for running down a cyclist from behind — even though the victim was tricked out with a hi-viz vest, plus two flags and several lights.
Calling the case an absurdity, a Kiwi judge refuses to disqualify a French tourist from driving for recklessly running down a pedestrian while riding his bike on the sidewalk.
Even Bay Area fifth graders know most cyclists stop for stop signs, though many motorists might argue otherwise. Bike Radar lists products they wish were April Fool’s pranks.
And Streetsblog’s Joe Linton offers a pointed April Fools discussion of the bike projects LADOT will ignore this year.
No, really, the late post isn’t my fault this time. I had it ready to upload, but lost my internet connection when the electrician turned off the power to fix a balky outlet. Honest.