Fun thing about diabetes.
High blood sugar makes you sleep. But so does low blood sugar.
And cycling between the two, like I did Tuesday, can knock you out for hours, regardless of whether you’re trying to write something.
Which is why you didn’t see anything here yesterday.
But we’ll more than make up for it today.
Streetsblog’s Joe Linton offers a long list of actionable transportation ideas for incoming CD1 Councilmember Eunisses Hernandez, including busways, bike lanes and pedestrian improvements.
Hernandez leadership promises a sea change in the district, where the councilmember she defeated, “Roadkill” Gil Cedillo, earned his sobriquet by blocking virtually every major safety improvement and bike lane in the district, including deadly North Figueroa.
Meanwhile, Linton also offers updates on a handful of new bike lanes in Central Los Angeles, including:
- Sixth Street Bridge connection in Skid Row and the Arts District
- Ramirez Street/Center Street/Santa Fe Ave in the Arts District
- Avenue 19 in Lincoln Heights
He also points out the missed opportunity on North Spring Street in Chinatown, where the street, which is scheduled for a bike lane in the city’s mobility plan, was recently resurfaced.
Sans bike lane, of course.
As Linton points out, this is exactly why we need the Healthy Streets LA ballot proposal, which is scheduled for a public vote in 2024.
The proposal would force the city to build out the mobility plan whenever a section of street contained in the plan is resurfaced.
Meanwhile, the city’s alternative proposal, which is based on Healthy Streets but likely to lack the enforcement mechanism of the ballot measure, is due back for a vote of the city council in the next few weeks.
Culver City has crunched the numbers on the 1.3-mile Move Culver City complete streets project along Culver and Washington Blvds.
And the results have been impressive, to say the least.
- 52% jump in bus ridership
- 32% increase in bicycling
- 18% climb in walking
- Nearly double (92%) micromobility trips
Maybe that will encourage Los Angeles to give it a try.
We can hope, right?
Metro’s Community Advisory Council urges the Metro board to reject the proposal to “simplify” the fare structure, which is really just a massive rate increase for many, if not most, transit users.
Never mind that it’s the opposite of the fare-free transit they promised to study.
The LA Metro Community Advisory Council has prepared this draft letter regarding the impending fare increase proposal, for ratification at executive committee Friday (the framework had already passed at last week's general meeting). pic.twitter.com/6EfywCYDYI
— henryfung@onewilshire.la/bsky (@calwatch) November 2, 2022
Whittier Blvd’s Esquina Bicycle Shop is hosting a vigil ride for fallen bicyclist Sergio Cordova tonight.
Cordova was killed in a collision at the west entrance to the new 6th Street Bridge last Wednesday.
Meanwhile, a crowdfunding campaign for Cordova’s funeral expenses has raised over $9,500 of the revised $15,000 goal.
Thanks to Susannah L for the heads-up.
The LACBC looks forward to Saturday’s Bike Fest, which has replaced the River Ride as the bike nonprofit’s largest fundraiser.
Time is running out to join #LABikeFest2022 and you don't wanna miss the chance to snag THE ULTIMATE STEVE-O GIFT BASKET!
Get access to our silent auction by purchasing tickets here: https://t.co/pPOD6pf4kl
November 5, 2022
Bike Shed Moto Co. pic.twitter.com/0sPGTjYal1— BikeLA (@heybikela) October 31, 2022
Did someone say handcycling?
Join us THIS SATURDAY for Pasadena's 4th annual Adaptive Sports Festival! People of all abilities are invited to enjoy this FREE, fun-filled day of activities, including handcycling, archery, wheelchair rugby, pickleball, power soccer, tennis & more: https://t.co/w1Nph61YLc pic.twitter.com/Q0Y7WDJPiP
— City of Pasadena (@PasadenaGov) November 3, 2022
Streets For All will host another virtual happy hour on Wednesday, featuring Glendale Councilmember Ara Najarian.
Apparently, robots are no more likely to stop after a crash than human drivers are.
Pedestrian Struck by Fleeing Automated Delivery Cart
Westwood Plz & Le Conte Ave
Westwood, Los Angeles
11/02/2022 • 07:14 PMhttps://t.co/GXZ1ZphTQY@paulkoretzcd5 @OfficialNWWNC pic.twitter.com/LrzREyN9qh— Vision Zero Alerts by SFA (@sfa_alerts) November 3, 2022
Why settle for a mere bicycle, when you could have had an early velomobile prototype?
"September 1928: A man cycling a ‘One-Man Car Cycle’ in a street in the West End of London. (Photo by Crouch/Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)" pic.twitter.com/qTz5Z1023q
— Cool Bike Art (@CoolBikeArt1) November 1, 2022
The war on cars may be a myth, but the war on bikes just keeps on going.
No bias here. An Arizona letter writer suggests charging anyone over 16 a $150 annual fee to register a bicycle, with a licensing fee for the rider that oddly declines with age. Because licensing and vehicle registration has worked so well to keep motorists in line, evidently.
No bias here, either. One in three Brits wants bikes banned entirely from public roads, while seven in ten think bike riders would be required to carry liability insurance. Apparently because it costs so much to hose our blood off their hoods.
An English man suffered a broken jaw when someone ran up from behind and knocked him off his bicycle. Although in this case, the attack may have had more to do with the fancy dress he was wearing.
A UK TV show promises to explore road rage directed at people on bikes, but looks at the dangers bike riders face on the road, instead, with a hint of anti-bike bias thrown in.
And especially no bias here, where an Estonian city councillor says he was forced to crash his car into a “verbally and physically aggressive” bike rider in self-defense. Twice.
But sometimes, it’s the people on two wheels behaving badly.
An Illinois man faces charges for fleeing from police while armed with a flare gun modified to fire shotgun shells.
In a bizarre case, police report a New York man was fatally shot in a driveby while riding his bike on the way to shoot someone else.
A North Carolina bike rider is facing charges after attacking three men with a machete, for no apparent reason.
Metro will host a virtual community meeting one week from today to discuss the first bus-only lane in the San Fernando Valley, on Sepulveda Blvd.
Glendale approves plans for a lane reduction and bike lanes on La Crescenta Ave, between Montrose Ave and Verdugo Road.
A Santa Monica Redditor asks if there’s an increase in the frequency of “needlessly loud” motor vehicles. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, hell yes. Then again, I live in Hollywood, so my perception may be a tad skewed. Thanks to How The West WS for the link.
Homeboy Industries founder Father Greg Boyle used to be one of us, racing his bicycle towards the sound of gunfire as he worked to reduce gang violence.
San Diego is paying out a total of $420,000 to two women who were seriously injured in separate incidents when their ebikes hit the city’s broken pavement.
A San Francisco salmon cyclist questions why the insurance company for the distracted driver who hit her won’t pay for her injuries or damaged bike; a local paper patiently explains the concept of comparative negligence, and says, in effect, get a lawyer.
A new $2.4 million clean air grant could lead to hundreds of new San Francisco EV charging stations, as well as a fleet of ebike for food delivery workers.
Completing our San Francisco trifecta, a local website presents opposing op-ed urging voters to save both the carfree JFK Drive and Great Highway, and arguing that closing them to motor vehicles was a big mistake.
Surly’s latest cargo bike goes electric.
At last, an e-foldie for everyone with fond memories of their little red wagon.
A new report looks at the ten US cities where bike commuting is growing the fastest. Hint: LA ain’t one of ’em.
A crowdfunding campaign is raising money to publish a new book on Jobst Brandt, author of The Bicycle Wheel and inventor of the bike computer and slick bike tires.
A 68-year old Utah driver was formally charged with ignoring a highway flagman and slamming her car into a pair of competitors in the cycling portion of an Ironman triathlon — yet somehow wasn’t charged with DUI, despite admitting getting stoned earlier.
Billings, Montana is looking for an artist in residence to beautify a local bike path. Although if you have hire someone to beautify it, you probably made it too ugly to begin with.
After a San Antonio, Texas man stole a bike from Target by threatening to use pepper spay on an employee who tried to stop him, he waited nearly six weeks before turning himself in, for reasons only he knows.
A Wisconsin student paper examines why Madison consistently ranks among the nation’s most bikeable cities, where it has comfortably resided for decades.
After a Kentucky Walmart worker had his bike stolen, kindhearted customers not only gave him a ride to work, but went into the store and bought him a new one.
A new lawsuit blames an Atlantic City cop for killing a 63-year old bike rider by cutting him off while driving without lights or siren.
Three years after a highly contentious lane reduction in Alexandria, Virginia, a new report shows it’s led to less traffic while cutting crashes nearly in half.
A 17-year old Virginia driver faces charges for fleeing the scene after a street racing crash that left a bike-riding man with multiple broken bones.
Once again, authorities have managed to keep a deadly driver on the streets until it’s too late. A Virginia man struck and killed a man riding his bike across the street, 11 years after he was arrested for his third DUI for killing a bike-riding woman. But at least he was apparently sober this time.
Road.cc recommends the year’s best front and rear bike lights.
The new Swytch ebike conversion kit features a pocket-sized battery that promises a nine-mile boost.
Who needs carbon fiber when you can lower your carbon footprint through F1-inspired BioFiber.
Bike Radar offers advice on how to keep bicycling from being a pain in the foot.
Treehugger talks with Toronto’s bike mayor, concluding every city needs one. Which is a reminder than LA still doesn’t have a bike mayor.
Montreal announced plans for 124 miles of new bike lanes and ten bike highways, to accommodate a 20% increase in ridership.
Life is cheap in the UK, where a gas truck driver walked without a day behind bars for killing a 22-year old woman riding her bike, despite admitting to carless driving and covering the truck’s side camera with his coat.
Competitive Cycling
A California teenager just months out of high school spurns an opportunity to sign with a Spanish development team, and decides he’d rather race on gravel, instead.
Your next ebike could be “almost as ridiculous as the truck that inspired it.” That feeling when 29″ wheels just aren’t big enough.
And now, you can take your last trip by bike, too.
Be safe, and stay healthy. And get vaccinated, already.
Oh, and fuck Putin, too.